
I Brought Chaos Into This World!

Nothing goes right on your life, but... you are given 3 wishes, what would you do, would you save the world, or would you control it? Bruce, was given another chance but life keeps messing with him, and he has had enough. ----------- Disclaimer I don't own the Cover, nor some of the other character.

HeavenlyEvilGod · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs


I was released when I turned 19, and the first thing I did was to look for Olivia, fortunately they didn't move.

Olivia had grown to a beautiful woman, she was tall, blond hair, green eye, perky nose, and perfect figure, I was indecisive if I should approach her, I mean it been 5 years, while I was contemplating my next move, she suddenly turned around and the moment she saw me she ran right into my arms.

I opened my arms, to welcome her, to feel her soft body, and indulge in her sweat sent, at that moment she was everything to me, then she looked at me, and I also looked at her.

"I missed you," I said.

"Me too" she replied.

Then we kissed, she took my first kiss, and it made me feel that everything I had gone through was worth it.

We were at the front of her university, and it looked like she had just finished her classes.

As we were talking, 2 men in black suits walked up to us.

They stared at me for a couple of seconds and then they looked at Olivia.

"Miss, we need to go, Mister Heart, has had some issues and need your presence at the house."

"Ok, just give me a few seconds."

Olivia said to the man that just talked to her. She then turned towards me, held my hand and said in a soft voice.

"There's a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about, but it looks like we won't be able to talk today, meet me here tomorrow morning, OK? I'll love to take you home, but my dad hates you, for what happen, but don't worry will talk again tomorrow."

As she finished talking, she tiptoed and kissed me, we kissed for a few seconds, then she turned around and walked towards the 2 man in black, as I was looking at her, she turned around and smile at me, that smile that I wanted to see was finally in front of me, as I came out of my stupor all I was able to say was.

"I'll be waiting for you here."

She heard me and waved at me before getting into the car.

All I could do was wait as the car left my field of vision, I stood there until the car was no more turned around and started to walk aimlessly waiting for the next.


All I had on me was 200 dollars, and I couldn't help but laugh at myself since I clearly remember that when they confiscated my thing I had close to 4 grand, but what could I do, this world, was corrupted, the people with power did anything they wanted and the people, at the bottom stayed at the bottom, suffering, as I was thinking all of this things I didn't notice that the pendant that had always been by my side showed a blue light that quickly faded away, but I was too caught up on my own thought that I didn't manage to see it.

With the little money I had, I found a cheap Mexican restaurant in front of a cheap motel I got for the night, now that I was out, and if everything goes well, I'll need a job so Olivia and I can live a good life.

As I was thinking this, I quickly finished my meal and went to my room, waiting for tomorrow.


The next morning I woke up, and when to get some breakfast, it was the same Mexican place from yesterday, once I was done with the breakfast, I went to the university Olivia study and waited there for her, time passed an soon it was noon then it started to get dark, it was almost 8 pm, several people approached me and asked me if I was ok, but I wasn't on the mood to keep a conversation, so my responses where short, it wasn't until campus police notice me and asked me to leave, with no other choice I left.

Still wondering why, she didn't show up, dark thoughts started to popup in my head, stuff life she was just playing with me, that she was only using me as a source of amusement, or that something happened to her, and with anger, anxiety, and frustration, I proceeded to her house.

As I reached her house, I noticed that there were people moving in and out of the house, I then proceeded to ask what was going on, and one of the people told me that they were packing stuff, as I asked what happened to the family, they told me that they just left abroad.

They soon became suspicions of why I was asking question, and asked my name, as soon as I said it, a passing lady, to ask me.

"Excuse me are you, Mr. Bruce?"

"…yes, that's me."

"I was told that if a young man came, to give this to him."

Once she said that, she gave me a box, turned around and went into the house.

I stood there holding the box until I decided to leave, maybe the answers will be in the box.

Reaching my room, I sat on the bed, with negative thoughts on my mind.

I turned and looked at the box, I reached to it and opened it, as I looked inside all I could see was a letter and a picture.

I pick the picture, and it's a photo of our Class picture, that we took on middle school, I'm able to see her sitting at the front with the rest of the other girls, and I was at the back, you are able to see that there's a distance between me and the other student, as if to exclude me, I look at it and smile, as I look at her pretty smiling face.

I leave the picture next to me and open the letter.

"My beloved Bruce, you have no idea how much I missed you, and how much I longed to be next to you. After the incident, my parents decided that it was a good choice to speak to a psychologist, and then they said that my love for you was fake, that it was just a mechanism of self-protection. But I don't believe that, you were always on my mind, so they decided to enroll me on a only girls academy, they thought that it will help me forget of you, but no it only made it stronger, they don't understand the way that understand you, this world doesn't want us to be together, 2 years after the incident, I was diagnosed with a disease, they don't know what the disease is but symptoms have started to show, dizziness, head pains, even loss of conscious, and there's a clinic on England that wants to study and analyze my situation. Yesterday my father had some troubles, and we had to leave the country, so we decided to leave towards England, they said that it will only be a couple of years, so I hope that you stay safe, as I will work hard to get rid of this disease and soon meet up with you, my father has some businesses on NY, so I'll meet you over there, once this is over.

To my love, your beloved Olivia."

I read the letter with pain on my heart, I felt anger and frustration that I couldn't do a damn thing. And sadness that I had to say goodbye to the only thing that gave this place any meaning at all.

As I was immersed on my thought, there was a knock on my door, I was about to open the door, but something on me kept telling me no to, so I decided to check the windows and see who it was, I mean I was just released just yesterday who could be looking for me.

Soon I recognized one of the men, he was the send guy that picked Olivia yesterday, and he was with other people that look like you shouldn't mess with them.

Then I turned and looked at the letter, they kept knocking at the door and with more strength, and with pain in my heart I burned the letter, once the letter was fully burned, they had knocked the door open, they looked at the ashes left by the letter, and then at me.

"Fuck, what did you just burned kid, where are they?"

The suit guy asked me.

"what are you asking me, don't you work for them?"

"Do you think I would be asking you if I knew where they were? They just left, just like that, and I saw you with the miss, and today they give you a box, it should say where they are, right? Tell where they are?"

It looks like this guy sold them out, or he was never one of them.

"I don't know."

I repeat.

"Look kid, tell me where they are, or you will pay for it."

I look him on the eyes and repeat.


He looks me at and then turned around he said.

"Make him pay."

Once he said that the others pounce at me, I struggle, but it didn't work, I was carried out of my room with a bag over my head, I didn't know where they were taking me, the only good thing is that I was able to keep the picture of my pocket.

I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm a beginner at this so i hope you guys are able to help, and let me know if there's any issues. Thanks, your God.

HeavenlyEvilGodcreators' thoughts