
I Become:The husband of strongest female dragon in another world

After losing his parents, he was raised by his grandparents,but later one by one he also lost his grandparents,then he live his whole life as a depressed person. But suddenly his whole life change... The moment Romeo, who is about to graduate from high school, steps out the front door to go shopping, he finds himself in a grassy field in another world. Romeo, stunned by the sudden event, is swallowed up by a huge shadow and transported to another world. The beautiful woman he meets there is "Dark God Dragon",one of the four dragon god's in this world, who will change Romeo's life forever. Romeo makes a contract with Unknown entity, he does not know who summoned him, and accepts the proposal to make him the son of the Dark God Dragon. And Romeo's otherworldly adventure story begins, including the beautiful women of evil's maid army. -------------------------------------------------------------- # Read at least 10 chapter then decide,you guys want to read further or not....... Also I don't know how to write good synopsis for story....... This is my first time to write a book if you guys find some grammar mistakes let me know in the comment.... Also slowly but surely I will improve myself.. -------------------------------------------------------------- This book cover is not mine all rights reserved to its artist.

TruE_GoD · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Romeo's Creation P-3

Romeo came out of the workshop with the newly created black sword in his hand.

If I was going to test the sword sharpness, I wanted to find a place where I could move easily, so I left the workshop and asked the dwarves to place a humanoid wooden doll outside, and had them dress it with the armor and helmet I had made for practice that I no longer needed. ---

"Okay, let's do it then, buddy."

Romeo tucked the sword, made from the scales of the Black Dragon Noir, into the belt of his coat and sat down.


As soon as he took that stance, the atmosphere around him changed in an instant, and even the dwarves who had been noisy just a moment ago became silent, holding their breath as they watched Romeo's movements.

Everyone's eyes focused on Romeo, who slowly moved his hand to the hilt of the black sword――and...

"―――― Fu!!"

In an instant, as the blade ran, it mowed down the body of the armor that had been placed on it, and as if there was no resistance, the blade passed through the armor as if it were being sucked into it,slicing it to pieces.

Next, it was held in the upper position, and before its torso was separated, it was slashed vertically along with the wooden doll, and fell into quarters on the ground.


Romeo checked to make sure there were no nicks in the blade before sheathing his black sword, then crouched down next to the shattered armor and inspected the cut.

Noir, Stier, and the rest of the dwarves followed Romeo and witnessed the inspection of the cutting edge together.

The cut edge of the shattered armor had a mirror-like cross section, and Romeo was satisfied that it would be impossible to obtain a sharper edge than that, but the dwarves were more than happy to say, ``This is the realm of the gods.'' It seems like each of them had something in mind, saying things like, ``Right...'' and ``Yo! I want a sword like this too!''

Stier also saw the cut,

"Romeo-sama! It's amazing swords, but I'd like you to try out the weapons that everyone else has made, and give us some advice on the sharpness and usability! Please!"

Saying that, Stier bowed his head, and the dwarves surrounding him also bowed deeply.

"I don't have the skills like you guys. This sword was just created with God's blessings and an incomprehensible power. So please raise your head.you guys are better then me . It's really amazing. So if I can be of any use, I'll be happy to help."

Romeo scratched his cheek and realized that he had said something embarrassing, but Stier and the dwarfs who were listening raised their hands in joy.

Ah...it's been a long time since I've had the feeling of having fun with everyone like this...

As Romeo looked at the dwarves laughing with each other, he remembered the feelings he had experienced at school events and field trips before he came here.

"That's right! Romeo, what should you inscribe on that sword?"

Suddenly asked by Noir, Romeo realizes that he didn't have an inscription either.

"That's right..."

As expected, it seems that the naming sense status correction has not been applied, and various names and ideas are spinning around in Romeo's head.

--This is the time to "Accelerate Thinking"!

Thinking so, when he activated his skill, Romeo immediately noticed that the movements and words around him were flowing slowly and slowly, as if in slow motion. To be honest, he was surprised, but now he seems to be able to organize his thoughts. I concentrated on thinking about the inscription.

Ok then, I going start putting inscription on the swords...

-Each inscription... First, the steel sword had a beautiful mirrored blade, a white scabbard, a silver Guard, and a white hilt.

--And the black sword here has a black mirrored blade, a black scabbard, a gold guard, and a black handle.

---I want to create a signature that reflects both its appearance and the color of the blade...Okay.

It's decided then ."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Romeo who looked up and said that....

"Well, first of all, that white sword that I made first, I kept it as a protection sword for the workshop and to pray for the safety of the workshop.The inscription is Yukikaze And this black Sword inscription is Yaksha. Yukikaze and Yaksha."

"Does the inscription have a meaning?"

Noir asks about the meaning of unfamiliar words.

"Yukikaze named it after the good fortune of a destroyer called a lucky ship in the war in my world.Yaksha was originally a demon god who ate people in the mythology of my world, It's the name of a god who later changed his mind and became a guardian deity."

"Oh, I see. When I asked them what they meant, they were both good names! And Yaksha... it's like the story is about the relationship between me and Romeo."

Noir, who understands the meaning of the inscription, has a happy expression on her face, and Stier and the dwarves are also excited! Divine sword Yukikaze! They were shouting with joy.

"By the way, Noir. Regarding the scales from earlier, is it possible to get some more?"

"Hmm? Scales will grow back as much as you want, so it doesn't really matter. That's right! You also got the [Storage] ability with my blessing, right? Put as many as you need in there."

"Huh? Ah, now that I think about it, I haven't used it yet. How do I use it?"

"It's easier to use than to say. Look!"

Noir said as she took out a black scale from her space storage.

Then, as I took the huge scale and imagined putting it in my "Storage'', the scale in front of me disappeared.

Then, when I imagined taking something out of "storage," the object that was "stored" came to mind and immediately appeared in front of me.

"Wow, this is really convenient..."

Romeo quickly learned how to store items in the game, so he stored the black sword, Yaksha, in that ``storage''.

"You probably have a lot of things you want to make, so don't hesitate to bring them!"

From there, Noir piled up her own black scales outside the workshop, and Romeo obtained about 100 scales...well, isn't this a pretty rare material? He turned his gaze.

"Romeo-sama! Are you going to create anything else?"

Stier approaches Romeo excitedly, thinking that he will create something again now that he has obtained the scales.

"Ah, my grandfather's family used to run a dojo. There, I learned not only swordsmanship, but also various other weapons, and I was thinking of making armor as well."

"Then,can I watch you to create new thing?"

"It's fine, but just like with that Yaksha from before, I think it will be over quickly."

It's just a process of processing with the power of divine protection, so it's probably not fun, right? That's what Romeo thought and said,

"That doesn't matter! I love the fact that weapons and armor can be made in any shape! Also, like the sword I mentioned earlier, the weapons that Romeo-sama makes are rare to dwarfs and the others, so I'm interested in them!"

Romeo couldn't help but smile as Stier gave him a dazzling smile.

"Okay! Then let's create it!"