
I Became The Villainess

Lilyana, the kindhearted daughter of a Duke, always tries to do the right thing. But when she is set into a marriage with the cruel and arrogant Prince, her world is turned upside down. She is neglected and abused, and when she is falsely accused of treason, she is sentenced to death. Two years later, she returns with a new identity as Valeria the personification of revenge, hell-bent on destroying those who wronged her.

PenBeauty · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 4

After the wedding ceremony, a small ball was held in the palace gardens to honor the newlyweds. The garden was filled with flowers, and the scent of roses and jasmine hung in the air, while the night was filled with the soft glow of lanterns and the melodies of a chamber orchestra.

The partygoers were dressed in their finest clothes, and they mingled and danced under the stars. But Lily was seated away from the celebration back in her dressing room for a quick outfit change. Fortunately, this time her mother was by her side with the help of a new maid, much to Lily's disappointment, as she liked the maid from earlier better. At least Rachel acted more human and not like a machine programmed to just carry out tasks.

Lily's mother offered a reassuring smile as they prepared for the outfit change, and as they carefully adjusted the delicate lace on Lily's gown, her mother spoke softly. "You handled the ceremony with grace, my dear. But what happened during the kiss?"

Lily sighed. "It was just a small accident, Mother. A minor mishap," she said.

Her mother raised a brow. "Prince Alexander seemed genuinely concerned. Perhaps he was more nervous than he let on," Duchess Evande replied, and the maid pulled out the next gown for Duchess Evande to examine. Lily's mother inspected the fabric and nodded in approval. "This will do quite nicely, I believe," she said.

Lily paused, considering her mother's words. "Maybe," she admitted, her thoughts wandering back to the kiss.

"What do you think of the Prince?" her mother asked, looking at her carefully. "Do you think you will be happy married to him?"

Lily took a moment to consider the question. She barely knew the Prince, and yet she was already married to him. It was a strange situation to be in, but she tried to be optimistic. "I think... I hope... we can be happy together. I am willing to try, at least," she said, her voice full of hesitation. "We haven't spent much time alone. I know what I have been told about Prince Alexander, about his family, and his duties. But the truth still remains that we are practically strangers. There's so much I don't know about him."

"You are right, of course," her mother and the maid helped Lily into the gown and then fixed her hair. "And that's why this ball was held, so you two can get to know each other a little better in a more relaxed environment. Plus, you need to be familiar with other nobles. You are a princess now, so do not be afraid to ask questions," she added.

Lily took in a deep breath, allowing her mother's words to sink in. It was a lot to take in, but it was also comforting to know she had her mother's support. "Yes, mother," she whispered in response.

Once they were done, Lily looked at herself in the mirror. She looked absolutely radiant. The gown was light blue, and it hugged her curves in all the right places. It was modest but also elegant and beautiful. Her hair was styled in a way that was both intricate and romantic. She looked like a true princess.

Lily's mother smiled at her reflection. "You look lovely, my dear. The Prince will be quite taken with you," she said.

Lily smiled back, but she wasn't so sure. She didn't know what to expect from Prince Alexander. He seemed like a mystery, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to solve it. But as she thought about it, she realized that she was being silly. She had to give the Prince a chance. After all, he was now her husband, and she had to at least try to make things work.

Lily took a deep breath and looked at her mother. "I am ready," she said.

"Very well, my dear. Let's not keep everyone waiting," her mother replied.

Lily took one last look in the mirror, and then followed her mother out of the dressing room. The evening air was cool and refreshing, and Lily felt a sense of calm as she walked towards the garden. She could hear the faint sounds of music and laughter, and she felt a surge of excitement.

She entered the garden to see a sea of colorful lanterns hung from the trees, and a band was playing lively music in the background. There were tables set up around the garden, laden with food and drink. And in the center of it all, couples were dancing, laughing, and enjoying themselves. It was a sight to behold, and Lily couldn't help but smile.

As she walked into the garden, she felt eyes upon her. Everyone was staring at her, curious to see the new Princess and wife to the crown Prince. She felt a little self-conscious, but she kept her chin up and her smile in place, keeping in mind the training she had received from her tutors on royal etiquette.

This was her first time gaining such attention, even as the daughter of the great Duke; she was never formally introduced to the public. But now she was entering the spotlight as a princess.

She gracefully navigated through the garden, her mother now nowhere in sight, so she navigated herself alone through the crowd. As she approached the center of the festival, the music swelled, and the guests turned their attention toward the newlyweds.

Prince Alexander stood there, dressed in his royal attire, awaiting Lily with a reserved yet inviting smile, but his eyes said otherwise.

He walked towards her and stopped at her side, keeping his composure, and he reached out to take her hand, planting a soft kiss on her knuckles. "You look stunning," he whispered, a rare smile gracing his lips.

Lily blushed, feeling her heart race. "Thank you," she whispered back, her voice hushed and nervous.

"It's an honor to formally meet you as my wife," Alexander said, his smile growing.

Lily felt her heart stop for a moment, the word "wife" echoing in her mind. It was true, she was now his wife, but it still felt surreal. She had married a man she barely knew, and she had no idea what the future held for them. But she had to admit, she was intrigued by the man standing before her. He was handsome, and there was something about him that drew her in, something that she couldn't quite put her finger on, or maybe it was the fact that she was living out her fairytale dream.

Lily couldn't help but smile. "The honor is all mine, your highness." She said, dipping into a curtsy.

He held out his hand. "Dance with me?" He asked, his voice soothing and charming. But before Lily could say anything, Prince Alexander took her hand and led her to the dance floor. She could feel his grip on her hand tightening, and if she wasn't mistaken, she could see anger in his eyes. But instead, she forced herself to keep her smile, trying to act as though everything was fine.