
I Became The Main Villain In My Reincarnated World

Hando was an ordinary kid. He had both his parents and a comfortable living. He lived his life full of wealth and kindness. He always had manners for anyone and was taught to be thankful for everything he got. HE HATED IT! He hated being confined to standards from his parents and civilization itself, he wanted the freedom to do what he wanted, but in his world. He was ordinary, the only reason people would listen to him was due to his wealth. No one ordinary would be allowed to live freely without prosecutions. Luckily for him. He got his wish. When crossing the street to go to his ordinary job in the middle of New York City, he was hit and killed by a taxi driver not paying attention. He awoke in an unfamiliar place full of magic and unstoppable power, all guided by two kingdoms. Feeling this new power within him. He decided he would live freely and make the world he wanted.

BeLikeMunch · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Chapter-24 A New Regiment Commander

"You sure he's-"

" Yes, I'm sure...He's not going to break out of these."

" Okay then." The scrawny grey-haired prisoner who had killed the others was tied up in mana-restricting wire. His areas were strapped to his sides and his hands tied together. His legs were also tied but looser so he could move a little. "Move!"

A fully armored guard shoved him forward signaling for him to start slowly climbing the stairs. After a glance back at the guard the prisoner began to move. Climbing each step slowly and carefully with 2 guards at his sides and 3 at the top waiting for him.

His grey hair covered his colorless eyes as he walked up the stairs. His mouth was covered with a cloth as they feared him attempting to provoke the guards with his sharp words.

Awaiting beyond the guards were Tsucko and Kalci as they had just arrived. They were finishing up their meeting when they got the surprise notification that the winner of Tsuckos contest had already been decided.

Tucko awaited egerly as he heard the footsteps growing closer. The sound of damp stone being stepped on by the prisoner's bare feet echoed all the way to the top. Kalci stood emotionless. He had only come along out of slight curiosity about what the prisoner looked like.

The guards at the top stepped away from the top clearing a path and direct line of sight for Tsucko and Kalci. The grey hair crept over the top step followed by his covered eyes. A proud smirk crossed Tsuckos face.

As the prisoner reached the top a cool gust of evening wind blew clearing the grey hair from the prisoner's eyes. The lifeless grey eyes of a killer locked met Tsuckos bright blue eyes of enthusiasm as he seemed...excited?

" I'm glad..." Kalci looked at him slightly confused. " Out of everyone. You were the one I wanted the most." The prisoner's eyes narrowed even more as a sound could be heard from under the cloth covering his mouth.

Tuskco's gaze shifted to the guards who were standing with swords already summoned and their mana output higher than usual...Tsucko understood why. Before he initiated this he looked into the documents of all the prisoners here.

" Sekinonaime"(Seki no nai-me) " Right?"

" Uh, yes your Highness."

Tsucko shifted his gaze back to Seki. He examined him up and down...While he was skinny he was incredibly built. Like an athlete from his home world. All he needs is a few good meals and he'll be in good shape.

Mumble could be heard from under the cloth as Seki attempted to speak to Tsucko. Peaking his curiosity Tsucko turned to a guard and spoke commandingly.

" Remove the gag."

" Huh, sir! I don't think that-"

" I'm the king now remember. Remove the gag."

The guard was taken aback by his commanding tone. Clicking his tongue he grabbed the cloth and ripped it away from Seki who let out a short spree of coughs after.

" Ke Ke." More like hacks. Wiping his mouth he then met Tsuckos gaze. " So you are the new king huh." Kalci was caught off guard by his raspy voice. " Hmm. You do seem better than the pathetic man that held that title before."

The guard around him turned violently for him as if they were offended by the comment. A slight grin made it obvious that was his intention.

" Hmm. I don't know about that."

"Tsk. [ What's he doing now"] Kalci thought.

" You're just holding a grudge...You know since he was the one that caught you and put you in there."

" Ke Ke Ke." His laugh sounded just like his cough. And matched his looks. " It was pure luck. If he hadn't sent that Th- Tha- What was it...Thusher." 

" Thasher." Tsucko corrected him.

"Yeah, that guy...He was tough. But I had him. Then right as I went to finish him that dude swooped in a got me. I didn't even get a chance to actually fight him."

" King Ichi...Not dude." A guard spoke out. Seemingly correcting Seki on a dead man's title. 

" Not your king anymore is he," Seki replied coldly. The guard clicked is young. He thought about raising his sword and striking this cruel man down right then. Until his eyes were drawn elsewhere...Meeting the cold gaze of Tsucko and Kalci causing him to immediately back off.

"...It's not just my grudge though." Seki continued. " You are different. I can sense it. The air around you is far stronger than his was. You seem more decisive too. Like you've actually got a greater reason for doing this."

" Hm...I wouldn't say greater but I definitely got a reason...but before I go any deeper into that let me ask you first. Will you join my regiment?"

" Pft." Seki scoffed at him. " Doesn't matter who the king is. I'm not following orders from anyone. No one dictates my actions.[ I'll forge my own way."]

" is that so?[ Me and this guy are going to get along great.] Well, how about this? I'll give you your own regiment. I don't care what you do with them. Just report to the locations I tell you to. Other than that you can do as you wish...That applies to this kingdom as well."

" This kingdom as well huh...Oh. I see what you're about. [ We have some similarities then.] " Still-"

" It doesn't matter anyway." Tsucko spoke over him " You don't have a choice."

" Huh." Sekis' face suddenly tensed. And the eerie smile on his face suddenly vanished.

" If you don't comply I'll simply kill you here. I mean it's probably what you deserve."

Sekis' grey eyes shot a murderous look at Tsucko and Kalci who didn't return the favor. Tsucko simply looked at him with a bright confidence. His blue eyes though, had turned dark.

" ..."

" ...Unlike the previous king, I'll give you a fight... I know every small detail about you Seki. Including your one-of-a-kind magic. I can tell by looking at you that you enjoy fighting strong opponents...But trust me. Me and you...Are not on the same level."

Sekis' murderous look suddenly wavered. His whole body quivered in place as for the first time in his life the hair on the back of his neck stood up. This feeling though passed quickly, and after it did he was left confused. He didn't know how to respond to such a feeling...

"...Ke Ke Ke." So he broke out into laughter. " I see...You certainly are different. Fine, I'll join you...I'll have plenty of fun working under you." His gaze shifted slightly to the guard who had gotten angry earlier. " When I'm on the battlefield. I'll just think of the enemies as that dude-"


The guard lunched out and struck Seki with his armored fist causing blood to exit his mouth. His face was covered, but Seki could hear his teeth grinding together as he had been pushed over the edge with the insults to someone he clearly held much respect and admiration for.

" You dare." Tsucko suddenly spoke and the solder froze. His eyes found the clearly pissed eyes of Tsucko who had already shot him a cold look. " Striking one of my new regiment commanders.

" W-Wait-"

" Shink!"

Blood filled the air as an armored arme fell to the ground. The guard screamed out in pain and fell to his knees covering his missing right arm with his left. Tuskoc had formed man wire and fired it quicker than the soldier could even speak a sentence.

" Ke Ke ke!" Seki broke into a maniac laughter. The other guards stood petrified as blood began to soak under their feet.

" Congratulations," After a moment of loud screaming Tsucko continued. " You get to retire from the military." The soldier then suddenly stopped screaming after hearing these words...Complete silence fell. He looked through his armor up at Tuscko with a look none of them could see. 

" Bring him with." Tsucko turned and ordered the other guard to start moving Seki who had a pleased smile on his face. Fearing the same result as their comrade they followed without hesitation.

As they walked Kalci turned and spoke to him,

" I'm surprised you didn't kill him." An eerie smirk appeared across Tsuckos face.

" No death would have been too good for him. I gave him something much worse."

" Huh?" 

Just as Kalci tried to understand what he meant. A wailing began from behind them. The soldier sat on his ness blood leaking from his arm. His voice cracked as he broke down.

" No! NO! Please, Sir...! I Can't. I Can't...! I Need This! My Familie...I'm the On;y one Capable Of Making Money! This Is All I Have! How Am I To Get A Job With A Missing Arm!"

Tsucko didn't turn to face him or answer his question. He simply continued with no remorse. No empathy. Kalci followed his lead... ["This is what magic users deserve."]


[" All magic users...Are terrible people." Kalcis' eyes shifted to Tsucko who was looking straight ahead seemingly enjoying the wales from the guard behind him. 

[" It's no different for you."]

If you're awaiting more action than just wait a little longer. Trust me it's coming. And a lot of it. As the invasion will be happening soon.

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