
I Became the Billionaire’s Target After Pulling Out From My Marriage

In her previous life, Jiang Youyi's scumbag husband betrayed her and cheated on her after they married. She watched as the mistress entered her home and took over her position. Not only was she humiliated, but the scumbag and his despicable woman also framed her, causing her to be burdened with millions of dollars in debt. However, she never expected to wake up one day and be reborn, back to a few days before her wedding. On the day of the wedding, in front of millions of viewers watching the live stream and thousands of guests at the wedding venue, she publicly called off the wedding. She boldly declared, "Yes, I don't love Xu Yuning, but Lu Yunxiao!" With these casual words, she thrust the enigmatic trillionaire heir of the Lu family into the spotlight and turned the scumbag into a laughingstock. Everyone speculated on how Jiang Youyi could have become involved with Lu Yunxiao, the top tycoon of Hai City. In reality, only Jiang Youyi knew deep down that she was talking nonsense and randomly found a man as an excuse. But she never expected that the day after she called off the wedding, the top-notch mogul mentioned her on Weibo and said, "I'm really curious, what does Miss Jiang like about me?" Jiang Youyi had no choice but to bluff and reply, "Some people come into your life like gifts. I don't know what I like about you, but just the thought of you brightens my heart and fills me with happiness." Five minutes later, Jiang Youyi received another reply from the tycoon himself, "Since that's the case, I'll fulfill your wish." Jiang Youyi was confused. That day, Weibo exploded. The tech team worked overnight to fix the server crash caused by the surge in traffic, and countless female fans lamented their lost love! Only Jiang Youyi silently wished she could find a place to hide...

Many Doubts · 都市
160 Chs

Don't Tell Me You're Quarreling Upstairs

翻訳者: Henyee Translations 編集者: Henyee Translations

"Pretty much."

"Pretending to be in a relationship with you will indeed bring me a lot of benefits. What about you? Outsiders have always thought that you're arrogant and an unattainable flower. Being with me doesn't seem to bring you anything." Jiang Youyi still didn't let down her guard and voiced the doubts in her heart.

"Because being single is too troublesome. The rumors about me outside have already affected the company's operations. I don't want anyone to gossip behind my back or some ignorant woman to deliberately approach me. And you are the best shield."

When Jiang Youyi heard this, she remained silent.

"This matter will only benefit you. There's no harm in it," he said calmly.

"Not necessarily. You must have made many enemies to be able to reach your current position. I can't guarantee that I won't become a live target in the eyes of others if I'm with you now."

"Are you afraid?"

"Who wouldn't be afraid? I'm young and haven't lived enough."

"So you're not willing?"

"No, I agree." Jiang Youyi's attitude suddenly changed.

"You're still agreeing to me if you're afraid?" Lu Yunxiao was a little curious.

Jiang Youyi stood up and walked to the window. She looked at the street scenery and the crowd outside the window. "I never thought that Xu Yuning would cheat one day. His actions made me very disappointed in marriages and relationships. As for men, all men in the world are the same. In that case, it's good to work with you. At least no one will dare to disturb me in the future."

Lu Yunxiao stood behind her and listened quietly without interrupting.

"By the way, how long are the two of us going to act?" Jiang Youyi turned around and asked him.

"If you or I don't want to continue, we'll separate." His attitude was calm and cold.

"Alright, let's work well together." Jiang Youyi felt that his suggestion was very good. No one knew what would happen in the future, so she might as well take it one step at a time.

"You can't tell anyone about this, including your family." Lu Yunxiao's tone was warning.

"Alright, I promise you."

Lu Yunxiao suddenly strode up to her and reached out to her without any warning. She was so frightened that she hurriedly retreated. "You… what are you doing?" Jiang Youyi asked with a frown.

"Exchange contact information." He took the phone from her hand and forcefully scanned his QR code. After adding her as a friend and saving her number, the two of them walked downstairs one after another.

During this time, Jiang Youtian could not sit still. She wanted to go upstairs to look for Lin Feng a few times, but she was stopped by Lin Feng.

It was only when her sister came down and realized that she was calm and did not look injured at all that Jiang Youtian finally felt relieved.

"President Lu, I apologize to you on behalf of my sister."

"No need. You guys can leave."

"Youyi?" Jiang Youtian was puzzled. Why was the atmosphere between the two of them not as tense as before after coming back from upstairs?

"I apologized to President Lu and he forgave me. It's alright, Sister."

"You…" Jiang Youtian almost couldn't help but ask, "Did the two of you really kiss?" However, since there were still three men present, she could only swallow the question that was on the tip of her tongue.

"It's not what you think, Sister. President Lu… didn't make things difficult for me. We just resolved the misunderstanding," Jiang Youyi explained tactfully, knowing that her sister was worried.

Only then did Jiang Youtian relax and hurriedly pull her sister away. "Then we won't disturb you anymore. We'll leave first."

"Youtian, I've helped you a lot this time," Lin Feng said with a smile.

"President Lin, I'll remember your kindness. I'll definitely treat you to the most expensive restaurant to repay you the next time I come back," Jiang Youtian said seriously.

"Haha, then I'll wait for your feast. Don't make me wait too long."

Jiang Youtian forced an awkward smile and pulled her sister away quickly.

"Why didn't I know that you had such a disgusting side?" Wang Jiangbei looked at Lin Feng in disdain. He was referring to the time when he acted coquettishly with Jiang Youtian.

Lin Feng smiled nonchalantly. "Then I'm not as fierce as Brother Lu. He asked a young lady to kiss him without saying a word. He almost scared her to death."

Lu Yunxiao did not reply. He sat on the sofa and focused on making tea.

"Why did you bring her up?" Lin Feng could no longer suppress his gossipy soul.

"Not for a kid like you."

"Stop talking nonsense. Jiang Youyi didn't look like she did anything to you that I couldn't hear. What did the two of you say? Don't tell me you scolded each other for five minutes upstairs?" Lin Feng suddenly had an idea.