

I love and hate her, and she knows it.

I rode my bike to the nearest park where I sat and watched as ducks swam peacefully. They looked loving and kind of happy together, I felt envy building up insider of me. I chuckled a little, 'why envy the relationship of these ducks?' that's what I thought, maybe it's because-

"Can I sit?"

"No." I said without looking who asked to sit, they just distracted my thoughts and the perfect moment for the ducks, because they started swimming away.

Even though I said no they still sat besides me, I slowly darted away from the person that sat close to me.

"I'm not infected with anything."

I looked at the person who sat close to me, I froze, mesmerized by the hazel eyes that stared intently into mine.

I blinked and looked away but I couldn't look away for that long, because I found myself staring at him, again. He was staring right back at me without blinking, "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked feeling uncomfortable by the way he stared at me.

"I just love looking at beautiful people." He said without breaking eye contact, I cleared my throat and looked away.

'why is he so handsome?' I thought to myself, I shook my head, immediately letting go of the stupid thoughts that started to invade my head. The black t-shirt he was wearing complimented his caramel skin perfectly, I stood up and started walking away from him before I started feeling confused.

What the hell was I thinking about, caramel skin? Hazel eyes? Am I going insane? I can't possess such thoughts. I face palmed myself, I ran away from Sima so that I could clear my mind. But now it's being invaded by stupid childish thoughts if handsome guys. I'm not that type of a person.

When I reached my bike I stood for a little while taking in deep breaths, my heart was beating fast which was not usual.

'I think I'm coming down with the flu', I thought putting on my helmet. When I started my bike I saw him coming towards me, or maybe he isn't. I drove off before he could reach me.

Is he planning to kill me, I got lot of enemies so I wouldn't know when one approaches me. But if he wanted to kill me he would've done it the moment he sat with me, or before that, maybe.

Maybe I'm just imagining things, maybe it was all just a coincidence and I'm thinking too much.

I parked my bike Infront of the door and went inside, I placed my helmet on top of the small shoe cabinet by the door. I found Sima sitting on the couch with her legs on top of the mahogany coffee table, I looked at her and said nothing. I scoffed abd began to walk to my room when she talked. I stopped without turning to look at her.

"I told them that we won't do it." She really likes using 'we' when I'm the one that do most of the job.

"I'm giving you just 6 months to live your stupid normal life."

I continued walking to my room, I slammed the door and threw myself on the bed. Why won't she understand that I don't need the break I just want to quit?

I'm tired of this life, I'm tired to live like this. I've been living this life for almost a decade now, I'm tired to assassinate people just so I can live.

Sima seems to be enjoying this life, she enjoys it because she got the power to remove threats when ordered so by the higher ups. I don't like that, because they are using us as their puppets but Sima is too blind to see that.

I always wondered why they couldn't do it themselves, and I found that it's because they have more power over us. I only agreed to live this crappy life, because I wanted to find my parents murderers. You think that I'm seeking revenge? I'm actually not, because I don't even know who they are, the ones that murdered my parents.

I joined this party because they promised to find them, but it's already been 12 years since they told Sima that. I only joined 3 years after Sima, because I didn't want her to suffer alone. I may hate her but when I saw her coming home shot I wanted to join too, I wanted to help her find our parents murderers.

I think she forgot about our mission, because she hasn't been talking about it for over 2 years now. Asking her is not an option she's got quite a temper.

I just want to rest from this life.

I hope that you like this chapter

pseudonymcreators' thoughts