
I Became Her

Normal life become not normal. And a love story of the forgotten past.

bubble_tea05 · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

I Became Her

The time of god is holding the hand of Yula tightly and don't want to let it go. Her cheeks is now hollow, her pink lips is now purple and her skin color is a not healthy pale. " Oh my sweet little child... you have suffered a lot, tell me what I can do to give you peace for the last time. " the god of time is crying. " Those orphans who are under my care , watch over them for me uncle. It pains me to leave them like their parents did but I guess it is time..." Yula said in a weak voice. " Save your last breath for yourself Yula , I do not want to hear that until your death you still dare to ask for other's safety and protection. " god of time scold her. Yula smile " Uncle , I always wonder why you name me Yula . I think it is a bit strange that I am embarassed when I am a kid. " Yula said to make her uncle talk more. She wanted to hear his voice more because in this whole world , beside from that person, only her uncle have loved her unconditionally. " You silly child, I chosed your name from the best , I want you to lead an exciting life while preserving your joyful innocence ,that is the meaning behind you name my child. " the god of time explain. " I like it uncle... I ...AM ...YULA and be remembered by that name forever by all the people who knew me. It is so cold, I will sleep now uncle. " she said and close her eyes peacefully while god of time watch over her. " I promise to watch over them for you my child.And I hope this way I can make up for the time that I am not there for you..." god of time said. Yula did not call for help even if she is suffering , even if the moment that she have given birth to her son and nearly lost her life she didn't dare to ask her uncle for help.

Upon returning to his place , god of time use his wooden cane to point hardly on the ground "Thud!" a sound can be heard from it. Then the ground of the place slowly and magically becoming a clock "tick tack tick tack". Now god of time and god of war are stepping on the 'time' itself. " The life and death of humans is decided by the creator itself and it uses time to defines it. " the god time said.

" Sadly I cannot bring a life to a dead person. But I can save both souls. Since the alive one is willing to sacrifice anything, it will not hurt her to put the soul of the dead one to her body " god of time said. " But what about the original soul of the alive one? " god of war ask and he don't know why he is feeling upset. " Now ... now... don't be furious, In order for the soul of the alive one to survive , she needs a body that can fit her soul. And that body can be found in another world parallel from this world. " he explains. " But that is contradicting the law of creation. If you succeed to do it , all your powers will be gone and you will be the time itself.Why not just go back before it happened and change the result. " god of war is worried .

" My child, since ancient time I am already in this human form, I am already tired.When the heaven is created , my ability to travel through time is gone. I guess it is my punishment for repeatedly changing the original plan of the creator since I am using my ability to travel through time during those days when I am still in human world. Just treat it as a retirement plan, I have already experienced enough in this human form. " god of time said. " One day this soul will find it's way back home to where it is belong and that time I hope everything will be set according to it's original flow. " god of time said. " Sacrificing yourself for them... Is it worth it uncle? " god of war ask in curiosity thinking that why would a god himself who is superior created by the creator would sacrifice himself to a mere human.

" Then I will help you to open the portal to the parallel universe." god of war said. " But you just reincarnated and got a new form , if you will help me to open the portal for' the soul' that sacrifice itself, your body might go back to be in a liquid state again. " god of time explain the result of his decision. " As you said uncle, it is worth it. And besides I can reincarnate again. " god of war said. Then both of them use their power to open the portal and save the soul of Layla.

Young Fernan manage to save Layla but now is unconscious. He carried her and leave her beside her mother who is also unconscious, he heard a footsteps so he immediately leave the place to save himself since he is alone.


"When I open my eyes, I saw my father and my brother Sven looking at me in a worried face. It bothered me when they call me in my twin sister name , Layla. "

" No I am not Layla , I told them because it the truth but they won't just believe me. "


Lyka who is now in Layla's body open her eyes with the pain all over her body. " Layla ! " King Sven said in a worried voice and expression on his face. Lyka's eyebrow burrow in confusion. " I am Lyka , not Layla." she said . Then the old man who is a healer beside his father shakes his head " Her body is okay aside from the bruises and scratches,also it is normal that her body can be weak because of exhaustion from everything that she have suffered , but her head is not okay , I'm afraid. " the old man said. " What do you mean? " King Sven ask. " I believe she cannot accept that her twin sister is dead , as they say twins are connected to each other and if the other dies maybe it has an effect to her brain. " the old man said. " I have seen this sickness in my patients before , it is part where our brain do not acceptt one's death especially when it is your family member or someone close to you. " the old man explain further. Although Lyka's body is weak she can hear what is the old man are saying. " I am saying the truth, I am Lyka !" she scream in her mind. " What I am worried is her highness , the queen..." the old man sighed. " Since she opened her eyes, she did not even talk nor say anything and just staring in the abyss..." the old man said in a concern way. King Sven close his eyes. " It is my fault, I did not protect them!" he said. " My king, you only did what a good father would do. Please refrain yourself from negative thoughts, the queen and your children needs you. " the old man said in a wise way to control him from anger. Lyka can hear everything clearly even her eyes are close, and a tears came out of her eyes.


" I am now eight years old and what happened to us that day feels like it just happened yesterday . If I am in my sisters body then where is she ? My body is already burried, where is my sister? "

" I went to visit mother this day since father said that her body is worsening. She hugs me and call me in my name " Lyka" , she knew it ! She knew it was me! "

" Mother died this day before I could ask any questions. The only person who knew it was me is mother, but now she is dead. "


King Sven never accepted that Lyka is dead so he never let the kingdom holds a funeral for her because he believe that someday , Lyka will come back home alive. But in this day , when the queen died in front of him, even the heaven cries with the kingdom because of it's heavy rainfall. The whole kingdom cries with the king because their queen died that day .

After the queen dies he plans on taking revenge , that is where he have a knowledge about the 'shadows' at the same time continues to conquer the world. He wants to find the people who are responsible for the death of his queen and his missing princess. King Sven never remarried but manage the inside and outside of the court, doing the work of the queen while doing his work as a king with his trusted people.

Then after twelve years , someone gives him the information that the opposite kingdom may have the key for what happened fourteen yeas ago. Resulting for him to plan now to massacre the whole opposite kingdom .

Lyka heard about her aunt who is a sorcerer from his father , she search for her until she finds the hidden camp near a big rock that has a crack in the middle. She walks into the camp and find that atleast a dozen of women are living there. They are all wearing white clothes and doing house chores then a woman who is older among them come to greet her Lyka. " Follow me." she said.

Lyka follow the woman who is wearing a white hoodie, everyone greets her as they pass through the corridor. Then they stop infront of a statue of an old man who is holding a wooden cane and a round object behind him symbolizing the time. It is an altar because there are many candles infront of it, then Lyka notice an old painting that is fading. The old painting is already fading but you can see a clear face of a woman with her whole body , Lyka is staring at it. " She is Yula, our benefactor. " her aunt is now puting a candle in front of the statue of the time god and is planning to lit it. Then she kneel before it. " Come on , kneel down . Your mother is one of us before he married to your father. Seeing you coming here after your mother died is not a coincidence. " her aunt said while still kneeling. Lyka followed her and kneel before the statue. " We are all disciples of Yula and worshipper of the time of god. The people call us sorcerers. " the woman said that is still in kneeling position. "

" Your mother always sends a letter about her twin daughter and prince Sven , you look like your father. " the woman said . " I can see a soul that don't belong to the body. A diffirent soul that do not define the body , so tell me who is the soul and who is the body? " her aunt ask . " I do not know how it happened, but the moment I woke up , I am already in my sister's body. It is me Lyka , in Layla's body ." Lyka answer. " Maybe we switch and she is now in my body, but my body is buried deep and I am sure my body did not survive. And if she is in the body of another person , why would she not come back home to us? " Lyka is saying her speculation. " I cannot feel your sister's soul somewhere here in this world nor in the world of the dead , and there is one explanation . Her soul have traveled to another world that we cannot reach and we cannot go. " her aunt explain. " That is beyond for what I belive in ...." Lyka is not sure whether to believe it or not. " Your mother has a gift to see the future , she is chosen by Yula to be the leader who will lead us but she ignored it and married king Sven. Not only she can see the future , but she can travel through diffirent worlds with the power of the god of time if she pursued her gifts as a sorcerer. She was blessed by the god of time but she turn her back. It is not even a shocking news if one of her children have manage to inherit her gift. " her aunt said. Lyka is trying to figure out all the information that she have heard from the woman who called herself her aunt.

" The two most powerful warrior are patience and time " - Leo Tolstoy

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