
I became an Overlord in another World

A story where protagonist teleported to a fantasy world where he became an Overlord and create his own harem. (**Warning** contains lot of adult themes, Sex etc. so it may not be suitable for everyone. Basically if you read/watch hentai then this will be for you.)

NightSlash69 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Ch.14 The day before Academy

Outside there are three goblins having a club of wood in their hand.



I can't understand their language. Let's make a skill that can under them. I think about such a skill, and it's done. I activated it and I can now understand them.

"Have you seen this castle here before?"

"No. Where did it come from?"

"Let's search the area and inform the boss."

Looks like they are here to check my castle. I walk towards them and when they saw me, they become ready to battle.

"Look a human."

"Let's take him out."

They come attacking me but I released some of my aura. They immediately stopped in their tracks and began panicking.

"Run away."

"Run away."

"Run away."

They immediately run away from me.

"Shall I catch them my lord?"

Silver asked to which I shaked my head.

"Let's follow them to their hideout."

We secretly followed them and their was a Hobgoblin sitting there. They told him about me and he stood up from the rock he was siting on and grabbed his long club and start walking towards the direction of our castle. I came out of hiding and he stopped after seeing me. He began running towards my direction yelling,"die!".

I released some of my aura like before and he stopped immediately. He too began shaking in fear. He imm bowed before me. The three goblins following him also bowed down seeing their boss.

"You can raise your head."

He became shocked that he can understand my language.

"You have two options, either submit to me or perish here."

Hobgoblin immediately agreed to submit to me and goblins followed the suit.

"Yuzuri I want you to train these goblins."

"Anything for you Satsuki-sama"

She smiled happily and we left Yuzuri and return to the castle. Haruka and Sakuya are still at their training. Haruka is using sword and Sakuya is using her kunai. I asked Silver to summon LV 10 skeletons so they can gain some combat experience. As they are continuing their training, sun sat down. We returned to the manor. Since they were tired, I let them sleep peacefully and went to sleep myself. "Man it's been two days since I last sleep." I sighed but those nights were fun. I fell sleep immediately.

The next day,

Only five days are left till the academy begins, so I want to make sure they gain enough experience till then. Yesterday, they only managed to defeat 2 skeletons. So I hope they will do good today. I left then with Royal Paladin and went to where Yuzuri is training Goblins. When I reached there, I noticed that goblins have increased in number.

"Why are there so many goblins?"

"Ohh Satsuki-sama!! When other goblins find out that we are training them, they come running to join us. Now we have an entire army of goblins."

"Wow. Nice job Yuzuri."

I patted her head to which she blushed.

"Yay Satsuki-sama praised me."

After a week and the day before the academy,

We are all in my manor sitting in the hallway.

"Tomorrow the academy will begin. I camt wait to see what this kingdom's academy has to offer. "

"I have been meaning to ask you, but how are you able to enroll in academy? I mean you are quite old for that." Sakuya asked me a question.

"Ohh that. I suppose I should tell you now. Like this."

I immediately turn to my 12 years old self. Both of them are looking at me with wide eyes.


"It's a skill that I have created. This skill let me turn back to my younger self."

"First that castle, and now this. And your unrivaled strength. You really are a supreme lord."

Sakuya replied while placing her hand on her temple.

"What should we do while you are there master? Shall we continue our training like always?"

Haruka asked me a question.

"Huh? What do you mean? You two are also coming with us."

I replied casually to which both Haruka and Sakuya became shocked.


Both spoke at the same time.

"I have also enrolled you two in the academy. So be prepared for that."

"Why didn't you tell us before?"

Sakuya immediately stood up.

"Well why else have i increased the speed of your training? It was all to prepare for tomorrow."

Sakuya sits back in surrender.

"You three and me are going to attend academy. I have sent Silver to scout other areas. Yuzuri will train monsters in my absence."

"We have two goals in the academy. First is to learn anything you can and secondly to look for people who can be helpful to us in the future."

"Lastly don't forget to have fun. Since this is a great opportunity for you guys. So go ahead and make some new friends."

I finished. Vivian is sitting quietly with peaceful expression on her face while both Haruka and Sakuya became nervous. But this will be a good opportunity for them. When Haruka left her village to look for her father, she looked around and soon got captured and turned into a slave. On the other hand, Sakuya never left the ninja village. Vivian too will learn more about humans. So this will help all of them grow.