
I became a villain to defeat 100 reincarnators

Jack, A behind the scenes manipulator of the largest Mafia Gang of South America dies due to a thunderstorm and transmigrates as the only transmigrator of the One Beyond Omnipotence. The One Beyond Omnipotence gives Jack a job to kill all the reincarnators of the hundred omnipotent beings under him. He also grants Jack some wishes to give him the ability to fulfil this task. Will Jack who is evil, selfish and has never followed someone's order before will do as God says ? With Some of the OPiest cheats, watch as Jack takes up the universe by storm. ____________________________________ The main character will be evil but would still have some codes of his own that he will never break. The MC would be ruthless and cunning. He will not be like those other MCs who have a stat value of over a thousand intelligent points but makes one of the dumbest decisions in the history of mankind. There will be no violent rape. Slight manipulation, Yes but no straight up rape. There will be no romance but I would add some playful moments. No harem, But The MC would still satisfy his carnal pleasures with different women. Women whom he may never even meet again. The MC would be a bit of an asshole. So please bear with it. ____________________________________ This is my first time writing a novel and English is not my first language. So please, no going crazy over some small grammatical mistakes. _____________________________________ The book cover is not owned by me, if the owner wants me to remove it, contact me

daoist_immortal26 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Old Man Beyond Omnipotence

The engine has caught on fire and the plane was swirling and falling downwards

Jack gave a frown while holding the bed to keep his balance and said to his underling,

"Give me the parachute, I will not die like that".

Jack opened the plane door while wearing the parachute like backpack.


A lightning hit the plane again and then everything went black.


In an empty void with nothing but darkness as far as the eye can see, floats a soul.

The soul looks like a ball of concentrated strange red energy.

This is the soul of jack gregory.

Death, for the soul of jack was a painful experience, not something worth experiencing again.

Having stayed in the void for some time trying to familiarise itself with its surrounding,

the soul to entertain itself started reviewing its past life memories.

Then as if the sun is right in front of his face, a very bright light descended from above.

The brightness decreased and shaped itself into the form of a tall old man, wearing a white kimono that seems to be covered in a heavenly halo.

For a minute or two, the old man observed jack soul and then said with a bit of fascination in his voice, "you really were evil aren't you human, your soul has one of the most potent reddish colour i have ever seen from a human soul".

Jack wanted to ask who the old man is, but no voice came out of him.

The old man as if reading Jack's mind replied, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, while your human brain is not capable to even comprehend 0.000001% of who I truly am, but for your easier understanding, I am the one beyond omnipotence, the one who itself is reality, you can call me god and yes, I can read your thoughts".

Jack, who is not capable of giving any expression, did not know how to respond to that information.

After a while Jack who now knew that god can read his thoughts asked in his heart,"why am I not in hell".

God replied,"true, with the negative karma you have accumulated in your last life you should truly be in hell. But fortunately for you, you have died at a very important moment and have been chosen as my anti-protagonist reincarnator".

Jack thought, "what does that mean?".

God answered, "before telling you what that means, let me tell you something".
