
I became a top existence before I started my Journey

What am I? Who am I? Kang Leon has a space-time talent and upon his birth his talent automatically activated that cause him to be trapped in an unknown world that is created by his talent. After countless years of existing in that unknown world Kang Leon manage to master his talent and break that unknown world and manage to back on earth again. Countess years had passed, Kang Leon is many generations apart where his parents lived and also clueless about the world he was in..... This is a story where a newborn transcedent being started his journey, will he destroy the world? Or help to make it a powerful world ever existed in the multiverse?

Jomarqueyo · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Extinction I

ARRGHHH, QUICK RUN WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THEM" shout the man who is fighting the dinosaur..

"We miscalculated, we thought that after gaining the power of nature and advance our level we can fight on equal footing with them like our predecessors say" mumbling of one human, despairing of his powerlessness.


After that shout, a big boulder with metal spikes is sent flying and hit the head of the dinosaur and lucky enough one of the metal spike manage to hit the eye of the dinosaur


The dinosaur angrily roar at the human who dare to injure him, it didn't expect that a mere monkey can injure him.

After the mighty roar of the dinosaur the human was appalled, they can't move an inch...

In just one roar they lost all hope, they can't fight anymore..

Million of years of cultivation..

countless generation that believe that human will one day become strong enough to dominate the land..

and yet... with one angry roar, all those fantasy crumble..

Human is in despair.

Right now, at this moment they back to zero.


Bottom feeder..

A mere prey..

But suddenly... * BOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!! * A loud explosion was heard and a powerful impact follow after...