
Raiding for Population

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Eudes had been at the border for five days now.

He was now stationed in a small town that had just been raided by the orcs, and most of the civilians here had been killed by the marauding orcs.

 Now, this was abandoned land, and orcs would never return to the towns they had raided before, hence it was very safe there.

Eudes had brought a total of 30 vampires and 50 Hexbats with him this time.

The entire range of the Farmountains that stretched for thousands of miles was too vast, and even if it was a targeted reconnaissance, it could not be done in a short period of time. Plus, they had to avoid contact with the orcish wyverns, as well as the human's griffins, and pegasi.

He could only disperse his men to recon as much as possible. In the past few days, he had even encountered several orcish outposts due to overstretching deep into the border.

The orcish wyvern riders had the fighting power that was no lesser than the vampire's Hexbats.

He could only control his kinsmen to avoid conflicts.

He was under the patriarch's orders to find humans who had become refugees of war, not to look for a fight with those brutish and filthy orcs.

The number of vampires was far too little, and they could not afford to lose a single one.

"Viscount Eudes, there is news from the Lord Progenitor, that the food within the castle is ready. Viscountess Evie, Lucie, and Viscount Dylan will be bringing all of the Hexbats to support us. The Lord Progenitor has you commanded to bring home as many as you can while preserving your own safety. And you must also avoid running into the humans or the orcs."

A kinsman in a leather trench coat came to Eudes and handed him the bat that carried the letter.

Eudes took the bat and placed to the side of his ears for a while, he then took the letter off its body and opened it up to look at it seriously.

"All right. The Patriarch's command must be carried out with diligence. I do not want to see anyone hanging on those filthy orc's ropes."

It was finally time to begin.

Eudes clearly remembered that shocking speech after the Patriarch had returned a few days ago.

To create a city greater than Grimm and have the masters of this city be the vampires...

From that moment on, he had made up his mind to realize this goal, no matter what the cost.

He was extremely looking forward to seeing that day come true. If that was the case, his name, Eudes would also be written into the history of the vampires along with the city.

The witness of the rise of the vampires, the descendant of the Lord Progenitor, Eudes Kaschar.

What a glorious day would that be.

Eudes' eyes were full of anticipation.

The Hexbats tamed by the vampires had a very unique ability, and not only could they locate their nest, but they could also sense a location using the bloodline.

So Eudes was not worried that Evie and the rest would not be able to find him.

And the wait did not last very long.

By the time Evie found Eudes, it was midnight, and it took nearly five solhours to get from the castle to the border with the Hexbats flying at speed.

It was a long distance, and if they were to come by land, the distance was enough to have a cavalry squadron to waste ten days on the journey.

Within the context of extremely undeveloped transportation, the advantage of having a flying beast was just too great.

This was also the reason why human kingdoms had bred griffins and pegasi.

"Evie, I have received the Patriarch's orders. I will hand over the mission command to you."

Upon receiving Reed's orders, Eudes simply just handed the command over.

Evie was the smartest amongst all second-generation vampires, and Eudes was very happy for her arrival.

This meant the mission would perhaps be even more rewarding.

"Eudes, thank you for your trust. I swear in the Goddess of the Night, and Father's name that I will not disappoint you."

Evie wore a solemn look, her pure black mage robe made her exquisite face looked even more astounding.

"You can now brief me on all of the reports you have gathered so far."

"This is the small town of Ayric, and it is about a hundred kilometers away from the war-scorched border. It has been raided by the orcs once. The orcs will not return after plundering a town so we are very safe here. As the coming of winter closes in, the orcish armies dispatched increased as well. To avoid the orcs, most of the townfolks had fled to Grimm, and many had only started fleeing after they were raided by the orcs. I have sent out thirty of our kinsmen to follow the refugees, and the closest group to us is about fifty kilometers away, with about eight hundred people. Ten of our people are watching their movements. I suggest that we focus our efforts on this first group, as this is a group of refugees from the city, and there are many nobles within it. The Patriarch needs these literate humans."

Reed had specifically informed Eudes to look for people of skills and talents while investigating. There were just far too few literate humans in the world of Glory, and most of them were concentrated within the nobility.

So, snatching the nobles was Reed's first preference.

Knowledge was the primary productive force, and the castle in the future would not consist solely of agricultural personnel.

Evie took a good look at Eudes, among the second-generation vampires, most were born of common birth. Only she and Eudes were of noble birth and had received a noble's education, so she could understand Reed's plans much more clearly.

Although the long lives of the other second-generation vampires had given them a wealth of knowledge, compared with a noble with proper education, they still lacked a systematic knowledge base.

"Eudes, I'm glad you have thought about it so clearly. Perhaps it is not the best choice for Father to let me command this mission."

"No, Evie, no one can go against the Patriarch's orders. I will follow your orders."

Evie shrugged and skipped the pleasantries.

"All right, then call all of our kinsmen who are following that refugee group back immediately. I want to know all of the information they have."

While she had enough power to fight a small-scale battle, Evie was in no hurry to send all of her forces out.

Humans would always hide most of their powers and only use them at the very last minute.

In the past hundred-odd years, she had long worn away the impulse young people would have.

"Yes, I think our kinsmen will bring back the information you want."

Eudes stretched his hand out, and a bat that had been flapping its wings in the sky landed on the palm of his hand.

"Tell Thegn to come back and inform me about all of the information gathered."


As the bat's silhouette disappeared into the night, the first raid for the human population officially commenced.

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