
Sudden Reversals and Reward

I checked my status before moving towards my next opponent.

Name: Kendi Tomas (M/20)

Level: 1 (66.67/100%)

Race: Human-

Status: Injured

Health: 15/29

Stamina: 5/10.2

Mana: 4/10

Strength: 6

Sense: 7

Magic: 8

Defense(P): 13.92 (12+1.92)

Defense(M): 13.44 (12+1.44)

Skill Count: 5

Skill Point(s): 0

Stat Point(s): 0

With my Mana I can still use Harden twice. It will be crucial for my next plan. Carefully, I walk towards the Goblin. I was about to hide on a nearby tree to try to ambush it again but a tragedy occured.


"Crap" I cursed as the monster clearly heard the loud sound of the twig breaking beneath my foot. It didn't waste any moment and rapidly charged at me.

"No running now" I muttered resolutely as I prepared for the monsters onslaught.

It attacked right away, swinging its fist violently at me.


Somehow I easily dodge its attack. It attacked again but like the previous one I dodged it easily as well.

"Something is different." I noticed a change in the monsters movement. Though the force on it's attack remained, it's speed had drastically slowed down.

"I can win this."

After dodging it's tenth attack I saw a chance and counter attacked. I hit it's face twice and made it stagger backwards. The monster look surprised as it was holding it's bloody face, unable to comprehend the situation. It was a complete reversal in a snap.

It should be running extremely low on stamina, if not completely empty. With the countless number of attacks it unleashed I am even amazed it lasted this long.

A chance presented itself and I don't plan to let it slip. I dashed forward, not giving the monster any time to rest.

When I got close I noticed the monster move it's arms in an embrace trying to get a hold of me. Luckily I am still cautious of the Goblin and didn't recklessly charged. I hurriedly stopped my approach.

I barely evaded as the monster grabbed nothing but air. As if not expecting me to dodge, the force from its own attack left it wide open. Taking advantage of its mistake I stepped back to gain momentum and knees it's defenseless face. I used Harden to inflict more damage.


I heard a crackling sound as the monsters face sustained considerable damage. Blood was oozing out of its broken nose. It did not assume a defensive stance right away as if the attack stunned it.

Not wasting the perfect chance to end the fight I wind up my leg further back and kicked it's head using all the strength I can muster. Harden is still active for 2 seconds, more than enough time to deliver my full blast attack.

Blood and pieces of teeth flew as the monster was blown away for almost ten meters. Though the tree where it crashed didn't break it still shook violently. However I saw that the monster is still standing. Half of its face had caved in but the life in it's eye still remain.

"Just die" I angrily yelled as I rushed towards it. Using my last bit of Mana I used Harden on my arm hoping to land the finishing blow.


I felt a hot solid impact as my attack landed. Then I saw the monster still standing with it's now reddish arms covering it's head.

'Danger' I sensed the aura of death engulf me.

I hurriedly backed away but the monsters counter attack was fast. A fist came crushing down at me. I tilted my head sideways and somehow narrowdly dodged death. Though the attack grazed me this slight damage is way better than taking the grim Reapers scythe.

It's assault didn't stop there. Using its left hand, a full force hook was thrown. I leaned back as much as I can but the attack will still hit me.

'I need to dodge.' It was the only thought in my mind at that moment.


By some miracle I manage to move my foot a bit which made me lose my balance and fall flat on the ground. My heart is beating so fast as I cheated death again. Adrenaline came rushing throughout my body easing my exhaustion a little.

I looked up and the monsters hands are slowly reverting back to normal. It's red eye showed it's rage and unwavering will.

'I need to create a distance between us' I thought.

Half way through my action of rolling away I saw the monster lift it's leg intending to stomp me to death.


Dust covered the area and a meter wide spider crack appeared at my previous spot. I wasn't fast enough and escaped luckily.

When the dust settled the monster was still there half kneeling on the ground. Blood is leaking out of its every orifice and it looked very hideous.

"@#*&@*." It yelled out loudly with a hoarse voice. Blood was splashing out of its mouth everytime it opens. After that it collapsed on the ground, breathing it's last and vanished right after. When it completely disappeared a red chest replaced it on the ground.

[You killed a Level 2 Goblin Soldier!]

[Bonus experience gained from Solo kill!]

[+600 experience point!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

Notifications popped one after the other but I just ignore them.

"Finally." I laid on the ground completely exhausted. I didn't understand what happened but I am just glad the it died. Damn that fight was Hell mode.

A few minutes passed before I could move again, though barely. With the adrenaline gone I felt an agonizing pain everytime I moves.

I went over the chest to open it. Good thing it didn't vanish even though a good amount of time has passed. When I touched it, it emitted a light and disappeared. A few items laid on the ground after that.

Two small bottles containing red liquid, a rolled red piece of paper, and a metal rod. When I touched the bottle a small transparent screen appeared above it.


- Instantly restores 10 health and 0.5 health per second for 20 seconds.

cooldown: 120 seconds

The same thing happened when I touched the other bottle and the metal rod.

Iron Rod(ordinary)

Attack: 7

Durability: 100

- A metal rod good for beating people.

While a different thing happened when I touched the paper. When I held it in my hands a notification popped.

[Skill (Bottled Rage) obtained]

[Learn skill?]

It was a new skill. I hurriedly said "YES" however I was disappointed.

[ No skill slot available. Delete a skill of rare or higher rank to learn skill?]

[Warning! Deleted skill will be permanently erased. Half of the invested skill point will be redeemed. Erased skill will revert back to it's lowest level upon relearning.]

"NO" I said disspiritedly. It's a rare ranked skil but erasing one of my existing same ranked skill is unacceptable. My two rare skill is too precious for that.

The only thing I can do now is to reach level 5 and activate Lucky Roulette's passive. Though the rank of the skill slot I will obtain is still unknown, it is my only option.

Speaking of levels I leveled up twice and reached level 3. I have 10 extra stat points and 2 skill points that I can freely distribute.

I maintained my stat distribution ratio and invested 4 points in each defense stat. The remaining 2 points was added to my sense stat.

I am prioritizing defense because taking damage during every battle will be unavoidable. I may have been lucky with my ambushes and increasing strength will help but what if I fail? What if an ambush is impossible? I am not a fighter and frontal battles will always put me in a disadvantage.

I am increasing my sense so that I can fight toe to toe with stronger opponents even with a low fighting experience. So before I can do that defense will be my focus.

I may upload once every two days after this as I am busy with my work. Thank you for reading my novel.

Robmecreators' thoughts