
I Became A Member Of The Undead

When Kayden, a self-proclaimed workaholic, is suddenly isekai'd to another world, he's not quite sure what to make of it. But things get even weirder when he finds himself in the company of a... rock. Kayden and his new mineral friend set off on an adventure stumbling upon an eccentric cast of characters who will join his ragtag team.

BNL73 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

First Request

The day was tilting and Kayden felt he had progressed well. He had gotten to grips with using weapons although not fully skilled yet, it was enough to deal with Lycotts swiftly. As well as gaining 7 levels he had gained the title of 'Lycott Lyncher' Kayden had a strong sense that all these titles he gets are going to keep rhyming...

The Lycotts were no longer a concern for Kayden, they posed little threat to him now since he had learned how to defend himself against them.

Kayden spotted a wolf type creature which gave him an idea, if Lycotts weren't a problem then maybe these will be the same.

''They are direwolves, you don't see many in these parts they are further into the forest,'' Gemini told Kayden as he was walked towards it.

Direwolves are a type of wolf. They can be found around Dreadwood Vale and are usually solitary.

Direwolf's are bigger than normal wolves and have a larger skull. They possess sharp teeth and have the ability of fire magic.

Kayden approached the creature slowly, it growled as he did so but didn't attack.

It seemed a bit smarter than a Lycott and wouldn't let itself die just because it saw Kayden.

Kayden threw his whip out at the direwolf, he missed with the first throw but hit it with the second that branched out with the splitting magic.

The Direwolf growled in pain and opened its mouth threatening Kayden with its teeth before lunging towards him and releasing fire from its mouth.

Kayden dodged quickly and slashed his dagger at the direwolfs back, cutting its fur and causing it to yelp loudly. He knew that it must be poisoned now but he wasnt going to take any chances with a creature that had magic.

Kayden then jumped onto the direwolf and stabbed his blade into its gut. Blood spurted out of the wound as the creature fell to the ground.

'It required a bit more effort to kill but it was more rewarding to have a challenge' Kayden thought

Kayden and gemini decided it was time to walk back to the farmhouse after their adventure, they had spent a full day exploring and hunting Lycotts.

As they arrived back at Tarnwood Mill where they were going to investigate the vermin incident in the fields by this time the sky had darkened considerably but Kayden noticed he could see a lot better than before, he was positive that it had to do with his level increasing that he was also increasing his passive vampire traits.

They walked towards the clear opening where some cut down trees were located, he opened up the map he had been given by the farm owner and began looking over the land, he read that there was a large area of dead grass and weeds and beyond that it took a short while to locate the source cut down trees.

'whats the plan?' Gemini said curiously.

''We need to go and check out the site, we should be able to find the culprit from here,I dont think we will need a trap as I should be able to handle it.'' Kayden replied.

'Maybe its a giant rat' Gemini suggested.

Kayden nodded in agreement as he looked at the map he had been given 'we'll go investigate, you can use your detection ability and we will hide out here until then' he whispered to Gemini.

They both sat down and waited patiently, it wasnt long until there was movement.

'its here' Gemini said

Kayden saw from the corner of his eye saw what he thought was some large rodent.

He was about to throw an attack to kill but the rodent seemed to notice them.

"Oh no! I'm going to die!" cried the creature. "No wait, that wasn't me talking."

Kayden stopped. He took a deep breath before speaking again. "..What did you say?"

"Nothing," said the creature "You're just imagining things."

Kayden was suprised this animal could talk, although not as suprised as he was with the talking rock Gemini.

Kayden decided to ask another question. "I was hired to get rid of you, who has been damaging business for the old man who owns this land. If you can speak with others why resort to stealing?"

The creature looked proud ''Nonsense, it must be those pesky birds''

Kayden took a closer look at the creature, it resembled a ferret on earth. But unlike Earth's creatures, these ones had long tails and pointed ears. They were very agile and quick, they ran across the ground like cats or squirrels. Their fur was completely white with gold eyes. If it wasnt for it shooting its mouth he wouldnt mind having this furry creature as a pet.

"..Do you expect me to believe that when there is remnants of vegetable leaves laying around your hideout?'' asked Kayden

It seemed confused. "Yes, we eat vegetables.''

"Then where do you find all the food you need to survive if you don't hunt, gather or farm?" questioned Kayden.

The creature paused for a moment.

A smile spread across Kayden's face. He didn't know how to react. This creature spoke with such confidence and pride, yet he couldn't deny the fact that there was evidence of him living here.

He continued walking towards the creature.

As soon as he got close enough, the creature turned to run away.

But Kayden quickly grabbed hold of his tail and threw at the ground. As the creature tried to escape from beneath him, Kayden pushed down on it with both hands, pinning it between his legs.

"Now tell me what happened to the crops in this area."

The creature shouted out in pain, trying to free itself, but it only made things worse.

"I am telling you nothing."

Kayden put weight on it causing the creature to yelp in agony.

"If you want to live then answer me truthfully, otherwise I'll make sure you never see daylight again. I need to finish the job"

"Fine, fine...you win."

The creature growled. "...I was hungry, thats all."

"So you're saying you haven't found any edible plants in this area?"

"How can such a noble animal such as I resort to scavaging for wild edibles? You should respect my dignity as an animal!"

'Gemini, Is there a way i can make this thing obey me?' Kayden said via telepathy.

'Huh why? werent you just going to kill it?'

Kayden thought for a moment 'No, not really. I mean, killing it will solve our problem, but I cant help wondering what other uses could arise from it... Plus I feel like it may be fun teasing this thing.'

'Well you could perform a contract!' Gemini exclaimed excitedly, thinking that Kayden had found another thing to torture other than herself.

Kayden looked back up at the creature and smiled playfully.

"Very well. Let us form a contract."