
I Became A Member Of The Undead

When Kayden, a self-proclaimed workaholic, is suddenly isekai'd to another world, he's not quite sure what to make of it. But things get even weirder when he finds himself in the company of a... rock. Kayden and his new mineral friend set off on an adventure stumbling upon an eccentric cast of characters who will join his ragtag team.

BNL73 · ファンタジー
17 Chs


These memories were brought back by Nyx sharing her own view of her life with Gemini, Nyx stayed near the bodies of Estevao, and Gemini who was now just a stone.

Although soon enough Nyx could no longer sense Gemini's soul and then left the scene. As much as Nyx was loyal to Gemini her basic understanding at the time was that Gemini had died.

Kayden was not expecting such a revelation. The poison was starting to wear off now and he twisted his wrist rubbing his hands as the sensation came back. ''So this was Estevao's body once?'' Kayden asked thinking about it, considering he woke up in this body.

''Yes, although it seems a bit different from what I saw. I'm not sure if its because the soul is different so the body has changed slightly..'' Gemini contemplated

'Mmm.. but there are a few things I don't quite understand. If you are still here what makes you sure that Estevao is not also alive? Doesnt the idea of soul switching exist in their culture?..'' Kayden asked remembering the book from Scholar Papere.

''..There were no more living vampires so I dont think he would of switched out.. although im not sure if there is another possibility.'' Gemini sighed

''Then, the other is how come you and I were placed in a coffin? If you had been fighting surely the way we woke up was not natural, it would mean someone else was there or we had been moved at some point.''

''...'' Gemini never thought about this problem before but he brought up a good point.

Kayden rummaged through his bag and found a spare shirt and put it onto Nyx who was now in human form, doing up the buttons while doing so he explained his hypothesis.

''It could just be adventurers found us putting us in the box then we were taken to the guild, but I don't think so, when the contents went missing they never mentioned a corpse. I don't think they knew what was in the box.'' Kayden said.

''But why would anyone want to move us? It wasn't Nyx was it?'' Gemini wondered looking over at Nyx for claffication

Nyx shook her head keeping her head down playing with the shirt buttons.

''Looking at Nyx's physique I doubt it. Maybe someone wanted to keep our existence a secret, maybe they didn't know what was in the box and didn't want to risk damaging it, maybe they were scared of the box and didn't want to open it, or maybe they just forgot about it after they left it at the guild. There are plenty of possibilities..I feel a bit uneasy not knowing.'' Kayden interjected and then pondered for a moment before continuing ''I overheard it was a dungeon in the east and nothing more..''

Kayden rubbed his temples, it will be hard to go on such a clue.

''By the way, how long ago did all this take place? it seems pretty peaceful from conversations I've had with others.''

''..Its been close to 400 years now since that day, I think any clues may be almost impossible to find, and if someone did know something they would probably either be dead or very old depending on their race...'' Gemini answered.

''Lets take it one day at a time, who knows, we might get lucky and stumble upon something useful.'' Kayden suggested, he didn't want to spend too much time overthinking this.

The sun was tilting and they went to set up camp where they were had plenty of open space for sleeping. There was a river and a cave nearby if the weather turned bad so it was the perfect spot.

They could even set up along the road. But Kayden thought it best to avoid the paths with traffic. And with another person..no.. Snake now in the party..

His travelling companions kept growing but it meant that he had to think about others and not just himself.. he looked around for some wood for fire and noticed some loose branches nearby.

''Let's get the fire going, its getting late...'' He said to the group.

Gemini suggested Nyx hunt for food saving Kayden time.

''Ok, I'm going to gather some wood then I'll join you. I need to check out the area for any dangers and see if there is anything worth taking. I'll be back shortly.'' Kayden replied.

He walked off and collected some branches and twigs. While Nyx went off to hunt.

Kayden remembered Lyn had not been seen since his run in with Nyx, he ran off at the first sight of trouble.

He followed Lyn's scent and entered the cave nearby.

As he continued walking the tunnel became darker and darker until it ended in a small chamber with a single torch lit inside.

Brushing past the walls made of stone there was a large door ahead.

Kayden didn't know what it was but he wasn't in the mood for picking up any more trouble and decided against investigating for now, he simply wanted to slow down and rest.

Kayden sniffed the air and detected Lyn's scent, he was nearby and wasnt on the other side of the door thankfully.

He saw Lyn had half stuffed himself into a gap in the rocks and Kayden pulled him out by his scruff and dragging him back out of the cave.

Troublesome. Kayden thought.

''I know not to rely on you to help in a time of need.'' Kayden muttered.

Lyn's face was covered in dirt and his fur was matted, it made him look pitiful.

''I got lost...'' Lyn explained.

''Oh? so you didn't run away at the first sight of danger?'' Kayden sneered.

Lyn was quiet for a moment avoiding the topic then pointed to the cave and said ''There was a monster in there!''

Kayden rolled his eyes.

''So?'' Kayden asked.

Lyn shook his head and said ''I hid...there was a noise coming from behind the door so I ran out here and hid in this crack in the rock..''

Kayden sighed and scratched his chin.

''Well, you're safe now. You can tell me all about it later. Let's go back to the campfire.'' Kayden said.

They returned to the campfire and sat down next to Nyx who had brought back two rabbits.

She handed one to Kayden and he took a bite.

Thank you for waiting, I will endeavor to post again on a regular-ish basis.

So much personal stuff is going on in my life right now, my mind hasnt really been in the best place to write and when I have been writing I havent been happy with it resulting in me deleting and re-doing several drafts...

BNL73creators' thoughts