
I am The Villain! [AU - MARVEL/DC UNIVERSE)

Starting within the hellish walls of Hells Kitchen, New York. Adrian Starhart was a victim to black market mutant-trafficking, finding himself imprisoned to be tortured for hours on end, and treated less than a beast ever would. However, at the take-over of another soul, the X-gene in his body had undergone another awakening, proving that his life truly wasn't over, and that there was something else out there in the world he was meant to be... It all depended solely on his view of human nature... Something he detested as the new soul peered through the small life time of horrific things his previous self had to deal with before he arrived. '...Fine. I get it... All my past life's skills and experience were meant for this moment right here. All that time I spent wondering if my line of work was even worth anything in the end- It seems I was wrong. There is something I can use those skills for... Correcting this dastardly world by my own hands!' This world is mix of MCU and the Comic universe. With a bit of DC mixed in here and there as well. The story isn't about structure or realistically anything to do with the Marvel timeline or DC's. Whatever I choose to happen will happen, it will be an action pact more straight forward story.

Kustomari · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Here Goes Experience


Ignoring the persistent stares and constant stream of confusion, and subtle insults, Adrian hummed, leaning back and stabilizing himself with his palms, he studied the translucent screen before him.

'Mutant...? First word of association: Marvel.' His grin split further; the other mutants watched eerily as the boy giggled to himself.

"M-Mom... Are you sure we should leave him alone?" Kyle asked, but his mother only smiled grimly, nodding as she sighed. "It was what he asked... Who knows what he experienced..."

"God must certainly be looking over us, ha! I've never seen a human die and come back to life!" Off on the other side of the prison, a new voice peaked through the subtle chaos.

It was a strong, confident voice.

The group turned; Adrian included. The boy in question hummed, his brow raising as he did so.

"...Come back to life? What the hell are you talking about?" His irritated and unrestrained tone pulled a scoff from the mystery man's mouth.

"Tch... Do something as supernatural as that and can't even remember... What a waste." Was the only thing Adrian got in turn for his question. He rolled his eyes, turning back to face the wall- Subsequently, the system screen as well.

"Whatever." He mumbled; his attitude still unhinged. His raging emotions still being a main driving factor.

[You feel something stir within you...] Confusion wracked Adrians's mind. The new system notification left him weary... Paranoid as a heavy, foggy feeling welled up within his mind...

'That's weird... Is the system going to reward me with a brain aneurysm now?' He scoffed, mentally clearing that notification and focusing back on the screen he was the most interested in.

But, before he could- Another voice decided to interject. Adding further fuel to the unkempt fire known as Adrian.

"Y-You were dead, man! You died and came back like thirty seconds later!" Kyle exclaimed, leaping from his mother's embrace and grabbing hold of the rusty metal iron bars that restricted their freedom.

Adrian looked over his shoulder, finding the boy's explanation to be a reasonable reason for their reaction to him moving around again.

'Oh yeah, I do remember something about the system mentioning a death timer of 10 seconds... I guess that's what it meant.' As that thought finished, it only further insinuated the hatred he felt within his gut.

'...That means Adrian spent his whole life in these systems... A full life of torture was what he experienced- What I experienced!' He grits his teeth, taking a deep breath as he knew best that acting out with a disheveled head will only lead to more trouble.

He simply decided to avoid conversation with the others.

Through the memories of Adrian, the boy already was well aware that nobody else in this entire prison actually gave a thought to him. They were only acting as they were due to the fact he actually died.

'Y'all would've watched me die anyway before speaking up.' He could only think of them as trash, people he had no need to worry about.

'If I'm truly in the Marvel universe, I only pray that it's the MCU or something... I don't really know much about the comics, so that wouldn't be great for me.' He mentally noted, crossing his fingers as if he could only pray, he won the lottery.

[Correction: Previously stated by the EVO system, your universe is of the comics variety- Error! Cinematic- Error! Co-inematic- Error! Comics-Cinematic Omniverse.]

'...Are you for real?' Adrians's brow twitched, mentally feeling the stress get to him, he sighed. Tugging on the metal collar around his neck. His jaws clenched.

'Whatever... Let's get down to business.'

Mentally commanding the late notification to disappear, the system shifted, opening yet another translucent tab revealing the key components of Adrians interest.


NAME: Adrian Starhart.

SPECIES: Mutant.

ABILITIES: Telekinesis (0/100) – Telepathy (0/100) – Warlocks Eyes (0)

PASSIVES: Warlocks Eyes (0) – True Magic Affinity (0)]

'Warlocks Eyes...? I knew I wasn't going crazy... I was sure I saw it.' His brows scrunched, sniffling with thought, Adrian put it to the back of his mind, sure that he would get an explanation eventually.

Shifting in his cell, he put his back to the wall, now using it as a resting place as he sighed. Thinking.

'Im assuming those numbers after my abilities mean that they are progressive... Yet, how would I get the chance to actually test that in this damn prison.' He could always wait for a chance to escape, but he didn't know how long that would take.

He could always plot with the other prisoners, but he knew that the more people he involved, the more baggage and chance it would leak.

'Fuck... From one prison straight to another...' He sighed a heavy sigh.

"What are you so sad about over there, golden boy? Wish you stayed dead?" The mystery man from before spoke, breaking the mutually agreed silence amongst themselves.

Adrian side eyed where he heard the voice come from, weighing whether or not he should even bother.

"...Tch, wouldn't it be better than staying in here?" Adrian questioned, testing the waters. His tone was deprived of his earlier attitude, though his tone still carried a bit of spunk.

The man chuckled, "Any day above land is a good day, kid. Life is only as bad as you let yourself make it!" Adrian sat on that, rolling his eyes as he let out an airless laugh.

"These people killed me once already; I don't think I'm the one making it bad." He replied, turning his head to the side, taking in the desperate, hopeless and lifeless forms and energies of the other mutants.

"Touche." The man chuckled.


Adrian hesitated, his brows furrowing as he tried his best to weigh his options. 'Surely, none of these guys are hidden spies for these guys, right?' His gaze once more washed over the forms of all the mutants within the room.

Though, he couldn't see the man he was talking to, he could still feel his presence...

'Wait!' On that discovery, Adrian took his moment of silence and closed his eyes. His concentration being tested he forced himself to spread his mind- To force himself to perceive what couldn't be seen- Like he was with the man on the other side of the room.

'Come on...' He groaned inaudibly, his brows twitching with angst... He was just about to give up...

But then it happened.

Within his mind, a certain fog lifted, and it was as if the various life forces of people within a certain range could be perceived... Like a subtle, gentle lantern flame amongst a darkened void.

Adrian gasped, his brows trembling as he sucked in a breath of cold air.


Telepathy + 50 Points!

Warlocks Eyes level increased!]