
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · ファンタジー
308 Chs

Nine-Tail Fox Bloodline!

It's been two hours since Saber entered the infinite space, and he has finally agreed to be the mysterious person's disciple after numerous threats from the said mysterious person.

"There are three steps to become my disciple." He said with a very serious voice as both he and Saber sat next to each other and in a lotus position. He then continued...

"The first step is to destroy that body cultivation of yours and become what one can call a cripple!"


Saber immediately began running away from the mysterious person as he tried to find a way to escape from this space.

Sadly, as soon as he ran in one direction before he knew how, he appeared standing next to the mysterious person once more!

"Simply because I said that you need to destroy your cultivation, I do not mean that you'll become a cripple forever. It is only a requirement to cultivate the technique that I spent countless Cycles creating."

He told Saber while once again bringing up the term 'Cycles'. A term that Saber was oblivious to the meaning off.

"What is a 'Cycle' that you speak of?" Saber couldn't help but ask his new master as he was then completely ignored as the mysterious person then continued.

"This technique is the reason why I am sealed and not killed. This technique is called... 'The True Undying Body Art' and it lives up to its name by making the user an undying being.

I spent countless Cycles creating the technique and then mastering it, thereafter I was invulnerable to any death!" He said with pride mixed with seriousness in his voice.

"The first step of becoming my disciple is to cripple your body cultivation and then use the 'True Undying Scripture' to then regain your strength.

I will suck in all of your Atomic energy, thereafter you'll follow the Scripture and absorb the Sage energy inside of here exactly as the scripture says."

He said with seriousness, Saber on the other hand contacted his system.

'Little guy, does this man have any ill will against me?' Saber asked his system and the reply was...

[2000 Kill Points Deducted-


He almost fainted after seeing so many Kill Points disappear, but he was happy after seeing the answer as he sat in a meditative position and awaited his inevitable crippling.

The mysterious person placed his hand on Saber's back, Saber felt as if his energy was being forcefully drained.

In a few seconds, Saber felt no energy in his body as his skin paled and his lean and muscular body became a husk of its former self.

Saber hurriedly focused on the Scripture floating in front of his eyes as his body automatically followed the instructions.

Maybe it was because of his regeneration, or maybe it was because of his evolution, or both, but Saber's cultivation instantly reached back to the Energy Maneuvering realm...or more accurately, it reached the True Undying Body Art Level 1!

But, he felt different. He felt a lot more powerful compared to when he used his full power against Adrianna yet, his system only showed a power level of 50, 742 in his suppressed form!

Soon after, a black symbol that looked similar to that of an infinite symbol appeared on his right chest as he confusedly watched his master.

"The second step of becoming my disciple is defeating my previous disciple, and that has already been done. The last step of becoming my disciple is the most important though, and that step is to fuse the bloodline of my Nine-tail Fox bloodline with your original!"

He said as nine golden tails appeared behind his back. Saber knew his face had also transformed, but he was unable to see.

"But, I do not need another bloodline." Saber said dismissively. Even if he accepted becoming someone's disciple, he wasn't going to risk the chance of dropping the purity of his bloodline when it awakens.

"You need not worry, if you can gain the highest level of bloodline like mine, which is the Nine-tails, then the fusion wouldn't harm your original bloodline's purity but instead increase it.

Though I am unable to peek into your origins much, I have gained a fair idea of what it is, therefore I also know a fair amount!"

He said with a mysterious smile on his face, even though it was not seen by Saber, he felt it.

Reluctantly, Saber agreed and got ready for whatever he needed to do next. But, the next words of his master almost made him gag on air.

"Plus, with my bloodline, your strength would dramatically increase and you require an increase in strength and also techniques. In the future, you will have to again fight Adrianna, and she would not be as arrogant as she once was!" He said, casually dropping a bombshell.

"Wait what?!" Saber shouted out in alarm, causing his master to laugh while saying.

"It seems that you look down on my technique too much. Even though she was only able to reach the first level of the 'True Undying Lifeform Technique'... she will be resurrected half an hour after her death.

Not only that but her body will be resurrected a few hundred kilometers away from the area in which she had previously died. Of course, since it is only the first level there is the limit of it being only a one-time ability. So, if she dies again, she'll remain dead!"

He casually said with pride in his voice. On the other hand, Saber felt like choking this master of his for making the situation sound so light.

"Why are you looking so down. If you train properly, by the time you see her once again, I am sure you'll be able to easily knock her out with a breath.

Well, that's only if you properly use this treasure that I created with a residue of my power from a broken piece of my soul that was incredibly weakened." He said while stressing the part where his power was immensely weakened when making this treasure.

Saber couldn't help but get excited when hearing his master's words as he thought this place held many secrets.

Clap Clap!

The mysterious person clapped his hand twice, Saber then appeared in front of the enormous tower as the mysterious person then said.

"Inside of the tower, there are 1,000 floors. The first floor is home to a massive pool of golden Nine-Tailed Fox blood.

Once you stay in it for 1 month, you'll be able to get a bloodline comparable to the 1 Fox species who are the most untalented.

Adrianna was able to stay for six, hence the reason why she had 6 tails, but you need to stay for 9 to not lessen your original bloodline purity and also get massive benefits!"

The mysterious person said to Saber who had already begun walking toward the incredibly tall doors of the tower. The massive silver tower doors were forcefully opened by Saber who then entered a 50-meter room that had a 40meter long pool.

Saber did not wait too long as his clothes mysteriously disappeared. His aura and power skyrocketed but nothing inside the room was affected by it as Saber flashed into the pool.

Instantly, an immense amount of pain began assaulting his skin. It was comparable to the time that acid was sprayed onto his skin by the squid monster back in his second world but a few times more potent and painful since his skin had begun to slowly peel off!

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