
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · ファンタジー
308 Chs

An Unreal Number


A large bolt of blue lightning that was shockingly 10 meters in width went straight through Saber's Nascent Soul and infused into the earth below. An explosion that shook the whole of this rather small world then occurred.

Saber, whose Nascent Soul now stood at five meters in height was left shocked by the recent events and all of the changes that took place in the last five minutes. As he watched the clouds clear, signaling the end of his Lightning Tribulation, Saber decided to inspect this world he was now in.

This world which was home to many rivers that had running black-colored water was now a place that he could call his home. It was a world where he could say that he was somewhat all-knowing and all-powerful.

Anywhere he wanted to go, he could instantly appear, and anything he wanted to know about the world, he'll immediately know of. For example, he was in the know about what he needed to do about the nine purplish-black pillars that stood at random places around the 10,000 kilometers in diameter world.

But, before he could even think about doing anything, the nine pillars began moving through the world by themselves, before long, they appeared surrounding Saber. With this event, also came along the reappearance of Leviathan who quickly explained.

"It seems that your bloodline awakening is the cause of this. It seems that even after becoming a Low-Level Spirit Transformation realm cultivator, your bloodline still doesn't show any signs of stopping in raising your cultivation base."

Leviathan said with an emotionless expression. Saber on the other hand couldn't help but think about all of those cultivators in the outside world suffering to increase their cultivation base. While here he was watching on as his bloodline did all the work.

As the nine pillars surrounded him, Sage energy from the outside world began pumping into the pillars as the heights of the pillars began rising. Soon, they reached the clouds and threatened to break out of what seemed to be the troposphere.

But, just as they were about to, the pillars halted their increase in height. Right after, Saber watched on in annoyance as another Lightning Tribulation seemed to be forming. He immediately gazed toward Leviathan who sat on his shoulder.

"When one reaches the Low-Level Spirit Transformation realm, one will then have to infuse Sage energy into the nine pillars. They'll need to infuse until their pillars can't keep rising any higher. After that, another Lightning Tribulation will then appear. A Lightning Tribulation that would cause the nine pillars to transform into..."


Leviathan said. The crackling of thunder interrupted his words. The duo then darted their gazes toward what seemed to be above the clouds as Saber was shocked to see nine bolts of lightning leaving a cluster of dark clouds and colliding with each of the nine pillars.

Boom Boom!...

Explosions rang throughout Saber's mind domain for the next few minutes as he watched on for the whole Lightning Tribulation with a face filled with stupefaction. He was able to see the nonsensical transformation of the pillars as they changed from thousand-meter tall pillars to three-meter size spheres similar to Saber's Golden Core.

These cores were colored black and were decorated with dark purple lines that ran across them.

"Is this the Mid-Level Spirit Transformation realm?" Saber asked his servant. Leviathan quickly replied.

"Yes, it seems so..." But before he could continue, a massive influx of Sage energy began pouring into the cores from the outside world. Saber's eyes shook as he couldn't believe his cultivation didn't stop increasing at the Mid-Level Spirit Transformation realm.





A cracking sound resounded throughout Saber's Nascent Soul's surroundings as Saber observed purplish-black hands penetrate the cores. Soon after, the whole body of Nine more Nascent Souls broke out of their cores and made their appearance in front of Saber.

Immediately, a large pool of information entered Saber's mind. This happened not just with him, but also with the other nine Nascent Souls as well, causing them to grip their heads with a grimace of pain leaving their lips all at the same time.

Shortly after, the pain subsided as Saber along with the other nine nascent souls nodded their heads in understanding. They surrounded Saber and sat down in a lotus position as Saber followed suit.

Placing their hand on Saber's shoulder, they began infusing their very essence into Saber's nascent soul. Saber on the other hand sent his consciousness outside his body since he knew that this immense power boost had finally finished.

Knowing full well that what his nine other nascent souls were doing would take an extremely long amount of time, Saber decided to let them continue while he moved to his next city to gain quite a few Kill points.

But, as he descended into his physical body, he realized that there was an unreal amount of power coursing through his body. Immediately, he ordered Leviathan to show him his status as his eyes carried a glint of excitement.

Thereafter, a screen with shocking numbers written on it appeared in Saber's view.

[ Master Saber's Stats-

Title: Demonic Fiend

Race: Unregistered

Lifespan: 17/5,450,000

Bloodline Awakening: 40%

Bloodline Aspects:

Evolution-Unknown rank

Regeneration-Unknown rank

Illusion-Unknown rank

Poison Physique-High rank

Shape Shifting-Mid rank

Luck Halo-Low rank

Physical Power: 401,031

True Undying Body Art: Level 1

Sage Cultivation: High-Level Spirit Transformation

Kill points: 763,209 ]

With those numbers, Saber was left filled with excitement. But, realization suddenly poured a bucket of cold water as he asked with slight worry obvious from the sound of his voice.

"Leviathan, how many Kill points will be necessary to increase my bloodline awakening by just 1%?"

Saber's worried voice resounded in his surroundings. After seeing that he had more than seven hundred thousand Kill points remaining even though he had told Leviathan to place all of his Kill points on increasing his bloodline awakening percentage, he immediately knew that something bad was about to be said.

Appearing on Saber's shoulder, a chibi Leviathan then said with a smirk on his face.

"It was a first simply 1,000 Kill points, but after reaching past 20%, the master needed to pay 10,000 Kill points. Then, when the master's bloodline awakening past 30%, the master needed 100,000 Kill points to increase it by 1%.

But, now the master needs slightly more than that to increase it after hitting the forties..." He said as the smile on his face grew wider. Even if his emotions were suppressed, he couldn't help but enjoy his master's reactions, as he then continued.

"The master needs 1,000,000 Kill points to increase his bloodline awakening percentage by 1%!!"




(1 Day Later)

After Saber checks his stats and received such horrible news from Leviathan, Saber left the empty field where many things happened. One must know, that all of those things happened in the span of a few hours.

It was a nonsensical fact that there was a lifeform who broke through so many realms in a matter of a few hours. But, it was a fact that would be forgotten shortly because of the many crazy sets of events bound to happen!

Saber had decided to calmly take his time, and cool his head off after hearing the words of leviathan. It was only after a few days of walking did Saber appear on a long dirt road that then led him to the front gates of his new city.

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