
I am the Paradox

When you wake up you are in a strange place. Become an omnipotent being but simply want to live in peace that life doesn't allow.

Hysteria_Hope · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Lize, i’m reincarnated?!

A gentle breeze blew the flowers on the tree apart from it, a flower flew through a window and landed on the page of a book, truly peaceful and pure.

"Lize, can you read the next part of the story?"

"Lize, the teacher is calling"

"Is that so? I see"

But not for this girl. It was a young girl with lavender purple hair and eyes as purple as a gem. She picked up the book and continued reading the part she needed to read, her voice ethereal and gentle.

But she had the opposite thought in her mind.

'Those damn voices, threw me into this world mercilessly'


How is the story?

Originally a young woman who lived the life of an eccentric, she lived by working as a computer programmer, so she did not often go out or interact with other people. While engrossed in the game, she accidentally fell asleep.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself standing in a large hall, in front of her was a throne with many precious stones on it. There is no one sitting on the throne.

"Ah, it worked. We actually brought someone from another world!"

"It looks...so harmless"

"It's ugly again, it's ugly"

"Can't be picky, this is the most suitable host"

"She? It's better to choose someone stronger"

"Shut up, you are the most brainless out of all of us."

So many voices competed in the space that it took the girl now to realize that she was dead, meaning that she was really dead to be here.

She needed an explanation, but the voices were still arguing passionately.

"Sorry, but if you guys are arguing, go somewhere else and argue."

Hearing that, the voices turned their target to the girl.

"Dare to raise your voice to us, weak creature?"

"It's all your fault, your voice is always loud and it's deafening."

Actually, these voices are not friendly at all.

"Stop it now, all of you"

A voice rose to silence the other voices, apparently the commander of the other voices.

"Among the billions of individuals, only this individual meets all our requirements. What we need to do now is to fuse with this individual. Anyone else have an opinion?"




There wasn't a single voice to say anymore, which seemed to mean everyone agreed.

"Host, do you have a name?"

"I have a name"

"Then get rid of your old name and get a new one"

"New name? Am I allowed to do that?

"You don't like it?"

"Are not!"

After thinking for a while, she came up with a suitable name.

"Lize, my name will be Lize"

There was no answer, could you name it?


"Too trivial"

Two words of disparagement were enough to make Lize want to get angry, but perhaps temporarily swallow this anger in her heart.

"You guys want me to make my own name, what's the point of disparaging me?!"

"Then Lize, from now on you will be our host. Your mission is very simple, that is to inherit our power. You must make the balance of the world equal. The evil side must not overwhelm the good side, and vice versa.

"We'll give you our special favors. Use them well~"

The jewels attached to the throne that glowed they separated from the throne and accumulated into a glittering stone, it entered Lize's body.


And that's what happened to her.

Now that she was a student at the top magic academy, not only that but the academy's students were rumored that Lize only knew about support magic. So normally the person who possessed this magic would be very weak, but she was actually hiding her true power.

During the practical class, each student had to cast magic on a scarecrow that measured damage. There were many students who used different elemental magic, on average they could only do a little. The specially made damage meter can withstand tons of damage, it is said to be able to withstand the damage of an atomic bomb.

"Next student. Lize?"


Called by name, Lize walked towards her position, she heard whispers behind her.

"Isn't she the only support magic?

"You probably want to try it before you go to the support course."

"That's stupid"

That's what they say about you, if that's the case then why don't you use a little bit of strength?

Raising her finger toward the sky, a small spark of electricity clattered above her fingertips. Thinking it was just a childish performance, the other students laughed.

But then they also had to shut up, the lightning on Lize's fingers became more and more thunderballs. When the orb hovered towards the scarecrow, it immediately exploded with a big explosion, just a small move that the scarecrow has since evaporated, leaving only a faded land.


"Is that for real?"

"It seems like a bit too much..." - Lize


"Uh oh, trouble is here!"- Lize

Turning to the owner of the voice, it was a middle-aged man, with his hair combed back, wearing glasses looking very serious. That was the vice principal of this academy, Adzer.

Witnessing Lize's actions, she was called to the principal's office, the students and teachers thought that she would be punished or even worse, suspended from school.

Or maybe they think so.

"I'm begging you, Lize. Please don't wander around and make a mess, okay? Your safety comes first!"- Adzer

The vice-principal who had the authority behind the principal was crying.

"If you continue, the sealing ring will break! And then it will be revealed that you are the host of the Paradox entity!!!"


The Paradox entity, also known as The Arcana, is a mighty entity possessing the most power among the gods. This entity possesses many different individuals, each of which is an elemental force. Originally, this entity had disappeared from this world, but there were many people who believed that the entity was residing in some host.

Among them are watchers, that is, followers of powerful entities, whose mission is to find their master's host and protect it.


And that host is Lize, Adzer is one of the watchers. The headmaster of the academy is also a watcher of the Paradox entity, but that person is currently on a mission and will never return.

It was extremely important to conceal Lize, because to the world the host of the Paradox entity was nothing more than an heir, a child of it. If taken advantage of, who knows what the consequences will be?

"I'm sorry Adzer, next time I won't use magic indiscriminately"- Lize

"Lady Lize..." - Adzer

"So I'll use physical impact, okay?" - Lize

"That's not okay, please don't do it" - Adzer

Lize saw that there was a file on the table, it had a yellow wax mark. She picked up the document and read it.

"Adzer"- Lize

"That's right, the demonic beasts are approaching the border"- Adzer

"And the royal family wants us to assist with the temple people? How ridiculous"- Lize

"I know, that's why I want to refuse. Like the power that royalty has...." - Adzer

"Then let me do this"- Lize

"Lady Lize, this is too presumptuous. What if your identity is revealed?" - Adzer

"Adzer, you can rest assured. It's fine just to cover up, right? Besides, do you really think they can catch me?"- Lize

When night falls, it's her stage.