
I Am The Fated Villan (mtl)

Contains MTL Immediately after Gu Changge realized he had transgressed into a fantasy world, the world’s protagonist, and fortune’s chosen, vowed to take revenge on him. Envied by all, he not only has the female lead head over heels for him but he’s also treated as a distinguished guest wherever he goes. Fortunately, Gu Changge’s prestige and power are superior to everyone else’s, so shouldn’t it be easy to trample on a mere fortune’s chosen? Hold on… There’s a system dedicated to milking and harvesting from the protagonist? Gu Changge smirked. “Seems like even fate wants me to fulfill my destiny as the Villain of this world!”

raycrimson · 東方
871 Chs

Ch 766

After Gu Xian'er, Jiang Chuchu, Tian Tian and others toasted, they all left one after another.

Later, some old people also came, including the princess Jiang Luoshen of the Taixu God Clan, and even the reincarnation of the destiny high priest Xiao Ruoyin, who had not been seen for a long time, also came to the Great Hall and toasted Gu Changge. The exception is coming.

The matter between her and Gu Changge is actually quite complicated, because of the good fortune fairy boat, she came to this world from the far side of the starry sky.

Then gradually recovered the memory of being the High Priest of Destiny, and also committed himself to Gu Changge in order to seek the asylum of Gu Changge.

Moreover, Xiao Ruoyin also knew the true identity of Gu Changge. After regaining his original memory, he noticed the many Karma threads that had come from the taboo era, which seemed to wrap around Gu Changge like a mist.

As the emptiness of fate, she has a clear perception of the emptiness of Karma's fate.

In the eyes of many cultivators, Snooping Heaven may suffer the horrible Karma backlash, and life is in danger at every turn. Even if it is a Cultivation Base, they are afraid of leaving the road.

But Xiao Ruoyin is not afraid of these Karma, she is beyond fate, Karma does not touch her.

So she tried to risk herself, trying to see through Karma and even the future.


However, at Gu Changge's wedding today, she didn't say much, she seemed to just come to congratulate him.

"Don't be unharmed, it seems that you don't hate me as much as you used to."

Gu Changge's micro forehead, I feel that I haven't seen it in a short period of time. Xiao Ruoyin's Cultivation Base has already broken through to the holy realm, and this is only her strength on the surface, the real method may be even more terrifying.

He had kept Xiao Ruoyin before, hoping to wait until she was mature enough to pick it, but Xiao Ruoyin might have guessed his purpose a long time ago and would be prepared for it.

Of course, Gu Changge doesn't need her origin anymore. After all, he has the Tao fruit that Samsara Gu Tianzun has accumulated for countless years, so naturally he does not need her part of the origin.

Seeing each other again, the mood has long been different from the beginning, and Gu Changge can't say anything to calculate her.

"The past is like smoke, why care so much.

Xiao Ruoyin obviously knew this too, and had a calm temperament. After congratulating him, he turned into a phantom and left the Great Hall without staying any longer.

But in the end, she seemed to think of something, and looked back at Gu Changge, a little hesitant to say something.

However, Gu Changge didn't look at her again. He turned around and went to toast with the rest of the deceased. He thought he would see the figure of Wang Zizhen, but he only saw many big figures of the King of Longevity and never saw her.

This made Gu Changge a little surprised. According to his understanding of Wang Zizhen, this kind of scene would logically not be absent.

"Her physique is a little special, isn't it that she is no longer in the upper realm 々 "?"

Gu Changge can only guess like this. From the first contact with Wang Zizhen, he felt that she was hiding a lot of secrets.

Today, Wang Wushuang, the Little Brother of Wang Zizhen, can be seen on the Changsheng Wang family's side, but Gu Changge has no plans to inquire in the past.

The wedding banquet continued, and the Great Hall was full of excitement, full of celebration, and firecrackers bloomed everywhere.

All kinds of Kagura are played, and there are also fairy-like girls who are like Lingbo.

Qingluan, phoenix bird, crane and other auspicious birds are flying, while spirit deer, Qilin and other auspicious beasts are leaping around. White clouds and mist are all around, and the divine light is shining.

The atmosphere here is extremely warm and peaceful. Everyone drank the drinks glass after glass. In the Great Hall, many older generations also said heartfelt blessings. The whole wedding has always maintained a high degree of enthusiasm.

Afterwards, outside the Great Hall, there was a red glow in the sky, and an incomparably vast Milky Way emerged, shining brilliantly, as if falling from the depths of the Universe, and directly draped into the hall. .

Many attractive young girls in full dress came slowly leading the bride, like the mysterious girl of Nine Heavens falling into the mortal world.

Almost all the guests in the Great Hall were stunned by this scene, their eyes filled with wonder.

Gu Changge smiled and walked away, holding the gentleman very naturally.

"One worship to heaven and earth, two worship to Gaotang, husband and wife worship

A senior ancestor of the Changsheng Gu family, looked at the two newcomers with a smile, shouted auspicious words, and asked them to salute the two parents on the top of the Great Hall, and follow the prescribed procedures.


But at this moment, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and there was a terrifying sound that trembled people's souls. Many star regions were trembling, and countless stars were there. Shaking and falling.

Outside of Changsheng Gu's family, almost half of the star field is in turbulence, and the brilliance of the stars rushes into the sky, shocking this Universe.

At this moment, all the cultivator creatures were stunned.

Even if he is an enlightened person, he put down the wine glass in his hand and frowned.

In the Universe in the distance, a light suddenly tore through the heavens, as if to penetrate the ten places of Nine Heavens, overwhelming the entire universe, terrifyingly terrifying.

The whole world seems to have changed drastically, and there is a horrible and eerie atmosphere that permeates from there.


Everyone heard the sound of something extremely heavy falling, and didn't know where it fell from. It slammed into the depths of this universe at once, aroused a great momentum, and caused a star field to be smashed.

That kind of terrifying aura that was enough to crush the void was constantly permeating from that place, which made people's heart trembling. The vast expanses of star field were dimming and collapsing, and they couldn't bear it at all.

"~This breath, fairy breath?"

"Could it be that the fairy corpse fell out?"

In the Great Hall of Changsheng Gu's Family, almost all the figures of the background changed their complexions. They stood up in shock and said in a silent voice.

Their eyes seemed to tore the void suddenly, and landed on the place where the terrifying sound came from.

"Something really fell out

In fact, it is not just the Longevity Gu Family, but among the rest of the Taoist forces, there are also figures who feel this terrible fluctuation at the first time, their expressions change drastically, and they are so shocked that it is difficult to add them.

It was a kind of terrifying aura that was suppressing the rules of the world, permeating the star field, even if you didn't approach it personally, you could feel the suppressed heart palpitations.

Just a tiny bit, a tiny strand, also made any creature cultivator in the world tremble silently, and almost couldn't help kneeling down.

"Why did an immortal corpse suddenly fall out, and at this moment, it is still so close to the Changsheng Gu family?"

"Where did this fairy corpse come from?"

In the Great Hall, all the guests looked at the place in shock, with puzzles on their faces. (How about Zhao?)

After all, here is the helm of almost all the Orthodox forces in the Upper Realm. Everyone has monstrous rights and status. It is unceremonious to say that everyone here can easily change the situation of the Upper Realm.

In their opinion, this is really a coincidence?


Yue Mingkong, who was covered with a red hijab, suddenly grasped Gu Changge's hand tightly, trembling somewhat unclearly even she herself.

She had a hunch that the corpse that suddenly fell was directed at Gu Changge.

"Nothing, everything that should come will come.

Gu Changge comforted her softly. At this moment, her expression was calmer than ever, her eyes were deep and there were no waves.

He actually knew all this for a long time, but he didn't know how it would be.

And at this moment, in the distant star field, accompanied by the Heavenly Demon breath, a shuddering indifferent voice came out, sounding like a natural sound, but chilling to the bone.

"Master's wedding, how can the disciple lack the gift."

"I wonder if this fairy corpse is enough?".