

Theo drove his car past the speed limit.

He only hoped that he was not stopped by the police.

He needed to get home before 7:30 pm as he had promised his sister to be home by then.

At 7:29 pm, he arrived in front of his house.

Theo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that he made it in time.

Theo entered the gate directly, Sylph had already done the facial recognition and opened the gate.

Theo drove his car through the road up the hill.

When he arrived in the garage, he saw that a part of it was covered by partitions.

He exited his car with a confused face.

But he did not have much time to dwell on it as he saw Aurora running towards him.

"Big brother!" Aurora jumped on him.

"Hey, cupcake!" Theo smiled and hugged her too.

"You almost arrived late!" Aurora said as she let go of him.

"Yeah, the interviews took more time than I imagined." Theo shook his head.