

"The total amount received was $15.229.789,47." Sylph informed the exact amount that the Track Co. had sent him.

Although Theo already expected a number like that, he was still shocked that he managed to earn more than 15 million dollars with the streaming of his album.

He also had to consider that his album only managed to go viral after the third day, so if he maintained the current streaming number, Theo expected to receive an ever grander amount of money relative to streaming during this January. 

Another point was that this money only came from his earning on the Track platform, but if Theo added the earnings from his video clips on the Ruby platform, he would also receive another enormous amount of money.

"Are you sure that the government officials won't notice such an increase in my bank account?" Theo asked suddenly.

Even though he didn't want to mess with the government, he still didn't want them to mess with his business.