
I am Supremacy, I am Hakuryuukou

I wanted to be someone in the world..... I wanted to be a hero, to protect everyone but............. How naive I was at the time............. I will show everyone who I am, I will show everyone True Supremacy. So fear you have received true Justice. Meet the Fury of White Paradise Of the White Dragon Emperor fear now I, who am about to wake up, I am the Celestial Dragon who took away the principles of God's supremacy I envy the "infinity" and seek the "dream" I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy And I must take you to the limits of white paradise Juggernaut Drive.

Klaus_Tsugikuni302 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Prologue - An End to a New Beginning

P.O.V ????

Death is Something that everyone fears, that's why we value life, 3 Ways to die the first when the mind dies, your memories, memories, everything is gone in a snap, everything you remember is gone.

The Second Way is when your body dies, thus giving your body to death, your heart stopping, your blood freezing, everything stopping and stopping little by little so your dead body, and buried under the earth.

The Third Way when the memories of those who remember you forget about you, thus giving the 3 ways to die, now nobody knows what happens after that.

You must be wondering who I am no? Why am I talking in such a weird way?

Well, I'm Hiro Nomura, that was my name before I died, before all this happened, well I guess I have to tell you, don't I?

I was Adopted at 5 into one of the Great Families of Japan where I came from, I was adopted to be the Heir, of the Nomura Family since My Mother couldn't have a child so I was adopted for that, even so my Father and My Mother always proved to be loving Parents, which I could never complain about.

But then everything that is good doesn't last long, my Father went on a business trip, he went on a plane heading to the other side of the world, then the accident occurred, the plane crashed in the middle of the sea.

After 1 year and a half of searching, they found the body of the pilot and the vice pilot, in a buoy somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, after that everything changed at Casa Nomura, my Mother inherited everything from the House, becoming the Dona, she changed a lot, she didn't care about me anymore, she didn't show love anymore.

And so I was alone for 3 years, so I closed myself off and started reading books, watching a lot of anime and playing even more games, thus becoming a Sad Boy Otaku Gamer with depression, it was sad but it was reality.

So there was one person who always showed love and affection to me, my grandfather, the Old Man had tremendous wisdom, even though he was a pervert sometimes, still he took care of me more than my "Mother" so I couldn't complain.

Even so, I was happy, until the accident happened, and my grandfather was murdered, I never wished ill on anyone so much, until that time.

I was naive and foolish it was an immutable fact, but I matured, and grew up, I turned 18 and took over the Family Companies and I became the Leader of the Nomura Family, and I left my Mother alone, she could manage, she always asked help since I took over, but I ignored it every time.

I discovered that there are amazing things in this world and I explored every single thing, I couldn't help but smile as I got older and explored the world, I managed to carry my Family on my Back.

And here I am with my 24 years old, Lying in a hospital bed, diagnosed with Cancer, and some Cerebral hemorrhages, even so I managed the company, and I took it in the succession of a Cousin that I had confidence, even so I knew he would to die.

Every day the symptoms got worse, and I felt weaker and weaker, but I didn't care, I knew that one hour I would die, but what I didn't know at the time, it wouldn't be because of the Cancer, I got up from the gurney. a Hospital room I had, and I took a Wheelchair, and I followed the path up to the Hospital Building and I admired the Stars and the Moon

I sighed and smiled, but what I didn't realize was that my body was disappearing little by little, until he disappeared along with me.

So I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark place, I looked around and saw myself, I was glowing, and I then realized that I didn't have a body, I sighed in horror, I looked around and screamed, but don't leave sound, I then realized that I had a kind of "Astral Body" so I started to walk around looking for something to help me, to try to get out of this place.

I started walking and I didn't care, I didn't feel tired, hungry or thirsty, in fact I realized I wasn't happy, sad, afraid I just felt empty.


Millions of years later

I didn't stop walking, I kept looking for something, even in this darkness I didn't know how much time had passed and honestly I didn't even care, I just kept walking until I saw a card in front of me, the card glowed brightly, more the card had a drawing of someone holding a bow, so I lifted this body's hand to take it, the moment I touched it I felt a connection to something.

A strange place, I saw the darkness take a world of swords, and I saw the card enter my chest, then I saw the Hill of Swords, I saw the world of darkness gain color, a gray color like a desert, huge gears stopped in the sky.

Then he started to see and admire the swords, then he looked at the Sword in front of him, then Hiro took the sword and gained memories, memories that weren't his, memories of a man who trained from childhood to reach the peak of the Art of Sword the moment he released the sword, it disappeared into particles, which sank into Hiro's "Body", and created a finger. He looked at his finger and felt it then looked at the world and waved.

He raised and reached for another sword, he held it tightly and gained memories of an assassin who killed hundreds with the sword he held, killing and creating a totally perfect style, made to kill fast or slow, the way of death only fit who wore it. fencing style.

He did it again and again, holding the most diverse weapons, sickles, spears, daggers, daggers, gloves.

Hiro took one and stood still for a while, then the sword disappeared into particles entering and making a "Body" for Hiro who didn't care at the moment.

The World of Infinite Swords, and Hiro sought infinity, he took swords, time passed, of Days, Months, Years, Decades and Centuries in that world did not have the concept of time, that world just kept and reflected the image of someone's soul .


A few more millennia of years later

Hiro looked at the last swords, and searched, now the image he reflected was of a boy between 18 and 20 years old, his hair black as pitch, while the back of his hair was white, his eyes that were closed opened revealing Golden Eyes, his Mystic Eyes, which allowed him to understand the concept of the Sword, under his eyes to 3 dots under each eye, his face showed no imperfection.

His Mystic Golden Eyes allow him to see and project Anything, but he is better with Weapons such as Swords.

But when it tracks it divides tracking into 7 Steps being them.

"1 Judging the concept of creation.

2 Hypothesizing the basic structure.

3 Duplicating the composite material.

4 Imitating the skill of your crafting.

5 Sympathizing with the experience of your growth.

6 Reproducing the accumulated years.

7 Excellence in all manufacturing processes."

So Hiro makes Tracing allow him to faithfully copy the abilities of the Weapon itself and the Carrier Itself, making him an imitation is a fake, thanks to Tracing.

Tracing due to the unique area, "Trace On", which is used for its activation. Tracing differs greatly from normal projection in that it not only reproduces the form and substance of an object, but also its entire history. Objects created with tracking are slightly inferior to the originals due to the fact that only so much information can be gathered by sight alone, and Noble Phantasms are degraded by an entire rank.

More Thanks to the Mystic Eyes Hiro will no longer have this problem, but thanks to his Mystic Eyes, Hiro will be able to see all the information he needs thanks to this the formation of the swords that he will track can be almost perfect about 99.8% and he will be able to track divine weapons, and then he took the last sword, and then he drew as he received the memories, of a tyrant king, of a holy sword that was sheathed in darkness, but it never ceased to be the holy sword.

The Sword then disappeared into particles like all the others, and joined Hiro's body, which revealed itself to be perfect in the eyes of anyone, his body was fully built, nothing exaggerated, everything in place.

His body showed, scars, of course Hiro trying to test the swords and track which ones he was injured on, and well, you don't need to know what happened yet.

Then Hiro turned his gaze to see a bow and 2 paired swords, with Yin and Yang symbols, on each sword a black sword that had a white detail, and below the Yin and Yang symbol, and the other the inverse of the black sword only white instead of black and black instead of white.

A big black bow that looked bigger than Hiro, so Hiro took the 2 blades and took them then he felt the biggest headache, that he had the story of the Counter Guardian, a boy who carried the dream of being a hero of his father's justice, and in the end he made a contract with the collective will of humanity, Alaya and then he was betrayed because he helped, and half died, so he was executed for helping people, betrayed.

With that the contract with Alaya, she charged her share, doing genocide, to be able to preserve humanity, in several different realities, with that he regretted and killed millions not Billions, he then fought, killed and did several feats, with the bow , and with various weapons, he then in the end, is still with Alaya waiting for the next mission as an enforcer.

Hiro fell to the ground as the blades and bow disappeared into particles and entered Hiro's body, he screamed as he felt the memories and roared, while there was something wrong when he did this, he roared while inside his being he felt something changing, then it happened.

Swords came out of the back of his arms, he then roared in pain, as he felt several swords coming out more and more, then, he looked up and screamed with all his might curses, then he fell on his stomach and passed out while then a glow reigned all over the place, and then everything collapsed and was disappearing into particles and everything was entering Hiro's body which then began to fall, until the last particle entered Hiro's body, then a glow came out of the darkness and enveloped Hiro who fell into unconsciousness, and then Hiro disappeared leaving the space of darkness alone again.


Hiro slowly opened his eyes as he held his head tightly in pain, his body was still sore, but he knew how to hold his tongue in the meantime, so Hiro opened his eyes, as he saw himself in a room, with no window and no door, so he looked at his arms and saw that they were chained, in front of the table that held the chains he chained.


So he analyzed the place, thanks to so many memories of so many warriors, so many legends, so many heroes, villains, monsters, gods Hiro changed he knew that.

Then a chair in front of the table that held the chains, then a chair appeared below him, where he saw himself in the next moment sitting, then a stronger glow appeared and 2 beings appeared in front of Hiro who closed his eyes quickly

"Uhmmm, he's not Dumb."- the male voice spoke as he heard the squeak of the chair being dragged from the floor, and then Hiro must have kicked that the man must have sat down, then Hiro opened his eyes and faced the being in front. him seeing a handsome man who was in his 20's to 30's his white hair together with his pale skin, with his blue eyes with slits he looked at me as if evaluating me or rather as if he knew all the things I'm capable of, he had ears pointed with a cross earring in the left ear wore a black anime general outfit with red details, at his waist a sword in his sheath he was about 1.95 m for sure he was muscular.

His Presence was intimidating, but Hiro was calm meanwhile, so Hiro studied the other presence beside the man.

On his side, a beautiful woman with platinum hair and blue eyes that showed experience, he was around 18 to 20 years old, she carried a different outfit with her, a feather dress that went up to her thighs, she had a helmet with two wings and with herself 2 more snow-white wings.

"Look, and see the famous "Sword" no?".- The Man spoke while crossing his legs, and faced Hiro who was naked, but Hiro showed no shame, for not remembering being naked, or being so used to being naked. being naked to care about that detail, so the Man sighed and snapped his fingers, so an outfit came out of nowhere on Hiro, Hiro was now wearing a black long-sleeved blouse, while he was wearing jeans, and he was wearing white sneakers and black.-

"I can see you won't introduce yourself first so let me introduce myself my name is Vanguard, and you my dear friend, and an anomaly that shouldn't exist so introduce yourself.- the now Vanguard introduces himself with a smile on his face, while looking at Hiro who just stared dead at Vanguard

"I… I don't remember, it's been so long since I mentioned my name, it's been so long since I know who I am, so call me… Sword."- He spoke calmly as he analyzed the whole place and stared at a little waits for her, I was afraid that was true, the one now called Sword, spoke the truth, he didn't remember anything, after seeing so many and infinite memories that weren't his, seeing so many things, killings, deaths, destructions, he gave up on Hiro Nomura a long time ago, and he didn't care at all about it, he became empty Millions of Years ago.-

The Girl stared hard at the boy and analyzed strongly and saw that the boy turned that was in front of her turned into a kind of weapon, a weapon with its own conscience, she analyzed and noticed things that were only seen in the best warriors, so while she analyzed him decided to use her mind and think about what would happen if she attacked him, she saw the future 18 times and saw that in the 18 times she attacked the boy lost because he was chained.

She mentally sighed, and realized that Vanguard imprisoned him for some reason, and called him an Anomaly, but he was on guard for some reason.

"What's going to happen now?".- Sword asked as he became calm, and realized that the 2 if he wanted him dead he would be dead so he relaxed about it, but then Vanguard clapped his hands and a roulette wheel appeared next to the table. and the 3 people.

"You'll have a choice, well I'm summing up the whole shit, I'm how can I put it, a so a primeval god, primeval god of blood and war, and a few more things that aren't important now, plus you my friend, you called pay close attention, by doing what many have not done, you went through limbo and then simply created a reality, becoming a "Sword" so I have a proposal for you, 4 wishes with me of your choice, and 3 wishes on the roulette wheel my colleague, if you decide to join me, how about, be blessed by me a Primordial god?".- Vanguard spoke, as he crossed his arms, while smiling showing his teeth and raising his hand to "Sword" who faced him calmly then nodded;

"I'm not going to shake your hand for obvious reasons" - he said raising his chained hands, making Vanguard lose his smile and sighing as he scratched his head, as he snapped the chains disappeared from his arms.

Then Hiro raised his arm and squeezed Vanguard's, making red chains, emerged on both arms of each by the handshake and stuck after the chains sank into his arms and disappeared

Vanguard was grinning openly then he clapped his hands as the roulette wheel began to spin and gaining the attention of Sword, who until then was scratching his hands in relief from being without the grip of the chains.

Sword, looked and stared until then to see the infinite roulette, each time it turned it changed, each time it turned it came back, as if each tiny little space was random, it changed, now it depended on luck, a lot of luck everyone knew then the roulette began to slow down, and then stopped at a name.

and then a screen appeared on the table for everyone to read.

[Relentless Body]

[Description: The user possesses a body with unlimited physical energy, stamina and vitality and absolute stamina, is essentially tireless and can keep working, fighting, cutting, etc. with optimal efficiency under any circumstances and for an unlimited duration due to the fact that its stamina can regenerate itself earlier.]

Both "Sword" and the unnamed Warrior widened their eyes at the first name of the roulette wheel, as they both stared at the name, until Vanguard started laughing like a maniac, this kid's luck was what level to already achieve this kind of skill he can't help but laugh.

"JUST AMAZING SIMPLY AMAZING HAHAHAHAHAHA".- Vanguard laughed, as he held his belly and laughed with all his might, then after 3 minutes of laughing, he stood up and faced Sword and his Herja Guard, he couldn't help but shiver with his gaze questioner they both had in their direction.

For his love, he was a primeval god and now he was sweating at the look of 2 warriors, as he is rusty, he took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh then with regret he clapped his hands, and the roulette wheel began to spin again calling Sword's attention who was staring calmly, then the wheel turned and turned then happened and stopped.

Another screen next to the screen that had appeared, appeared and then appeared what Sword won

[Omniversal Realm Cube]

[Description: A cube made of a space-time paradox, made at birth with countless secrets plus simple information, this Cube guards the realm of souls, where whoever has the cube can absorb the soul for themselves and gain advantages what you have of the souls, plus countless secrets that will be revealed only on the bearer's path]

This time it was Vanguard who widened his eyes, and stared at Sword as if he were something out of this reality, something abnormal.

"You're lucky aren't you?".- Vanguard spoke while massaging his forehead, he would feel the migraine later, another wild smile would appear, he would be a great entertainment for him, so he clapped his hands once more and the roulette began spinning quickly while everyone there was just staring at the wheel and then the wheel started to stop and then a third screen appeared, leaving the 2 screens on the left side of the room, then the screen appeared, and after what was written everyone waited anxiously , then there appeared

[Blessing of the Paradox Traveler]

[Description: Every 1 Year, the "Traveler" can gain 3 random blessings, from important information, treasures, to random powers, the blessing allows the "Traveler" to travel between worlds, making it a paradox between them, each world that the "Traveler" travels he will get 1 random thing 'Note: "Traveler" will only be able to travel between worlds when he finishes a canon between the world, example: if he goes to some book, he will stay until the book ends, if he stay in an anime: it will stay a season.' ]

Everyone stared, Herja sighed heavily, Vanguard just glared, and Sword sighed in his corner, is he that lucky? well he won't complain so Vanguard stared at Sword calmly, until he mentally beat himself up and remembered something.

"Boy, do you want the memories of your past life?".- the primordial god asked calmly, while looking at Sword who was calmly thinking, in his thoughts having his memories that he didn't have maybe it will help when he makes his own. wishes maybe this will help you.

"Yes."- the only word, before the memories popped into his head, the boy fell headfirst onto the table, he shifted a little then he stood up, the dead golden gaze didn't change at all, he sighed calmly.

He looked at his hand, and realized he'd changed a lot, no Hiro, that was his name, but he knew he wasn't the same as his old self and it would never be again all those memories and war and death, that time where he walked for how many eons, he knew he would never be that Hiro again.

But his memories stayed fresh like all the others in his head, so he nodded in thanks to Vanguard who stared at him with a smile, then he asked the question that could make many called him crazy.

"What now?".- Hiro asked as he crossed his arms and faced Vanguard who just stared at Hiro with a bloodthirsty smile.

"Your wishes to your school, remember you only have 4 wishes."- Vanguard spoke while staring at Hiro

"My first wish, To have 2 Sacred Gears the First to [Divine Dividing] and the [Annihilation Maker] with unique customizations and mine, the Balance Breakers well actually, if you are a god like you said you can read my thoughts so read them is better than me explaining."-Hiro spoke calmly, while realizing that he didn't need to tell all the technical details, Vanguard sighed, so he just stared at Hiro for a few seconds, until he smiled like a maniac it looked like his smile was going to split his face, then he snapped his fingers, some sort of much smaller screen appeared, Vanguard appeared and pulled the 3 large Screens that were above the table, and pushed it to the 4th screen, where the 3 screens were absorbed.

Then 2 small screens appeared with the information of Hiro's first wish appeared.

[Divine Dividing: Divine Division, also known as White Dragon Emperor's Wings of Light,

In the past, Albion fought his arch-rival, the Welsh Dragon, Ddraig, in an intense battle that was interrupted by the Angels, Demons, and Fallen Angels, who were at war at the time. In anger, both dragons attacked the leaders of the Three Factions, which led to their bodies being destroyed and their souls being sealed into two separate Sacred Gears, with Albion being moved into the Sacred Gear Divine Dividing.

Divine Division has the ability to split its opponents' power in half after coming into physical contact with them every 10 seconds. The halved powers are then added to your own powers. If the added power exceeds the amount the user can safely hold, the excess energy is expelled from the wings, which allows the user to always be at their highest potential. It can also repeatedly halve the power of attacks.]

Harja read, and stared at Hiro now with an increasingly complicated look, the woman saw Hiro as a threat more and more that her requests came like this, until then Vanguard turned and faced the woman, Vanguard's gaze was cold and dead, and it sent a shiver down the spine of the woman in the feather dress, so she reluctantly waved.

Vanguard turned to face Hiro with a calm smile, and then began to speak quietly: "So that's how you Hakuryuukou, you have ideas, that's good."- Vanguard spoke while laughing.

"Nhe, just a lot of free time."- was Hiro's reply, who was staring at the other Screen, and then the other screen appeared next to the one that appeared with the details of Divine Dividing.

[Annihilation Maker: Annihilation Maker, also known as Demonic Beast Creation,

Although the Annihilation Maker does not have a physical form, the monsters it creates are largely dependent on the user's imagination, thus making dragons and beasts come in many different forms.

The Annihilation Maker grants the user the ability to create a variety of creatures from their shadows and based on their imagination. As such, the more powerful the user's imagination, the more powerful the creature is in its creation. The monsters are described as capable of running over a small country in a matter of hours. The process of creating these creatures is as follows:

First the shadows appear under the user's feet.

Second, the shadows grow to the appropriate size based on what the user is trying to create.

Third, the shadow parts break and the desired monsters come out of them and

Fourth, monsters act according to the user's will.]

Hiro nodded his head a wish it's gone 3 so the 2 screens minimize and enter the screen that contained the other blessings, then Vanguard faced Hiro again waiting calmly.

"My second wish, I want the powers of 2 demons those of Liebe from Black Clover plus without the grimoire to channel the [Anti-Magic] , I want my own body as a sort of mutation or transformation I will leave it to you that and with all of Asta's Demon Swords, along with full control of [Anti-Magic] , and Nanatsu-no-taizai's Meliodas Powers at its peak along with the bloodline of both."- Hiro explained calmly, then 2 huge screens with several pieces of information appeared, but Vanguard quickly took the 2 and put it on the other screen to save the space, thus making Hiro sigh with a smile on his face.

These powers will destabilize the order of several worlds, and Hiro can't help but grin macabre about it, so Hiro thought calmly, then he calmly thought about his desires.

"My 3 wish well, I want to have an Anime, Manga and Games System store, which to get money along with rewards, I can get through Quests, the Quests I want to divide them into [Daily Quest], [Canon Quest] "

"Daily Quest are daily quests, Like some basic training or some random quest that suddenly pops up I won't give obvious examples."- Hiro explained calmly until he saw Vanguard raise his hand and Hiro cut the idea off to explain quickly.-

"The second that the Canon Quest, When the World Roadmap begins, there will be special missions for that, until then and only that."- He said as he said that a screen appeared, and immediately entered the other screen that stored all the wishes, patiently waiting for the end of it.

"Come on, my last wish is to have 5 Mental Skills the skills well I want them to be the -".- Hiro spoke calmly until he was cut off by 5 screens that appeared quickly.

[Senju Musō ("Thousand Image Defense"): The Host's innate skill and talent now that allows him to memorize and analyze his opponent's moves to form a simulation of them within his mind, visualizing and fighting said opponent until he find a way to defeat them. This sweeping skill is so advanced that he can already mentally simulate thousands of attack patterns his opponent might possess after just observing their build, gait, breathing, and blinking before the fight even begins. ]

Accelerated Development: Due to his immense willpower and his innate Senju Musō ability, Host is constantly improving his skills now. Each time he is defeated, he is able to learn from his mistakes and create a new training regimen to further improve his strength and determination. Host can now use Senju Musō to simulate fights with opponents he has faced before to train with them.]

[Accelerated Probability: The user is able to perceive the information of any situation, thus using the variables of this information, to then be able to predict / perceive certain paths that may lead to certain results to occur, based on the choices made by the user.]

[Parallel Processing: Host is able to divide in his brain (not literally please) in 5 to be able to process and understand anything better, thanks to this the higher the skill level the greater the ability to divide his mind to work with more functions ]

[Ultra-Fast Learning: Host can learn things in much less time than anyone, like a prodigy]

Each screen Hiro read quickly, and stared at Vanguard with a questioning gaze.

"You let me read your mind."- Vanguard spoke with a laugh, then he got up and then waved for Hiro to follow him.

All the Screens went inside the single screen that held all the wishes, so Vanguard moved a finger and pulled that screen, then he made a sign to minimize, the square Screen that became a small cube in his hand, then he placed the cube in the Hiro's chest, the cube entered slowly, then it happened.

Nothing, just silence.

"Don't wait for you to receive it now, be patient a little longer.".- Said the primordial god laughing, until he waved a hand a white door appeared, he was guiding Hiro to the door.- "The moment you enter , you will live a new life, stay strong my champion."- Vanguard spoke while pushing Hiro to enter the door.

Hiro just stared as a flash blinded him, he was falling down feeling.

Then a Glow happened, in your mind came a screen that was written.

[Choosing World….]


[World successfully chosen]


Hiro watched the screen as it disappeared and joined the light….

Then it happened he disappeared leaving the place

Hey guys, it's ok...

I came here to hand the remake of this story so good that you love, I came to say that it and another story of mine are going to be rewritten, that is, I'm going to write new chapters, but you ask me why author-san , why rewrite this story again.

Guys, have you seen my first chapter of this story?

It sucked, my writing was rubbish, and I was very vague, but with this story now, I highly doubt I am.

With that in mind I came to say 3 other things.

First, Hiro will change... A lot, his Personality and History will be very different.

The Second Thing, and that the powers will be almost the same, with the addition of others that are going to be more important to Hiro.

Third, I'm going to faithfully follow the book, no crossover for now, I'm going to try to write faithfully to the book.



Good reading

Klaus_Tsugikuni302creators' thoughts