
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · アニメ·コミックス
137 Chs

Taking a break

So, lately. I hadn't been releasing much. That I apologise due to my incapability to arrange my time, I hadn't been writing much lately due to hectic schedule in light of my recent employment, car license class and taking care of several personal matters irl.

So, rather than keep dragging the slow release. I announced that I have to take a break to resolve this matters. It may take a week or two. But I try to get everything sorted out as soon as possible and get back to writing. Starting from next week, release will be paused.