
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · アニメ·コミックス
137 Chs

Chapter 78 - Morgan's Goal

A few days into the conference. There had been back and forth between the lords and the council representatives.

Unlike in the story, because of Morgan's presence. The lords have to be more subtle, afraid of offending another monarch that is clearly way stronger than their league, militarily speaking. However, their objective had never changed.

What they want to gain and benefit from is the technological advancement brought by the Adventurers. However, outright demanding them is impossible.

As noblemen themselves, the word 'impossible' is rarely present in their dictionary. They will resort to any method. Even if it's underhanded in order to obtain what they need. But that is if it was before. Right now, the Round Table Council has a shield that is Morgan shielding them from the nobles, making it impossible for them to use the underhanded method, much to their annoyance.

While all the original characters are doing their scripts, it's finally time for the Goblin King Return event.

The Eastal lords immediately alerted about the sudden surge in activities from the Goblin Clans and Demi-Human Clans. But due to some changes, it played out a little differently.

First and foremost, the Goblin Clans are enraged by the sneak attacks launched at their bases and are out for blood to seek vengeance. So, instead of cooping in Forever Fall, completing the Goblin King's crowning ceremony, the Goblin Hordes are marching down south towards the Eastal League's cities.

This is an all out invasion by the green hordes. The Demi-Humans up North also march down South while the aquatic Demi-Humans rose up from the Southern shore, completely encircling the entire Eastal cities and slowly closing in as they attack and raze anything in their path. All blame can be pinned on Kazuma for going overboard and pissing the Goblins off by doing nuking run multiple times in the name of grind.

But anyway, this alarming news reached Maihama and immediately prompted a response from the lords that scramble to defend their territory and form up a plan. However, without the now missing Izumo Knight Order. The people of the land are helpless against the hordes marching to their doorstep as the average monsters in the horde is at least Lv 40-50.

It's already a miracle if the People of the Land can get to Lv 20. Above that is the cream of crop, the best they have to offer and the highest amount is around Lv 50. Against hordes of enemies that average around Lv 40-50 is a dead sentence for them who unlike Adventurer can't be revived back once they are dead.

"We must request the Adventurer's help. They are immortal no? They had been always taking any quest we gave them. Let's just ask for their help." One desperate lord said as his territory is next in the path of the horde if the city before his fallen.

"What about the Izumo Knights? We should at least try to look for them."

"I had already dispatched my people to look for the Izumo Knights. We can only wait for now."

Everyone turned silent as a somber atmosphere hung around the meeting room while everyone had their head hung low in contemplation.

Then someone lifts his head up. The lord remembers the Royal Guard of the Fairy Queen. Each of them is already as strong as most Adventurers. What if she had more powerful soldiers? Can't they simply request her help? They aren't really in a position to still worry about rewards as if they couldn't protect their territory, the monster hordes will wipe them out.

But when he proposed the suggestion…

"Preposterous! If it's the Adventurer we can still consider. But this is another monarch. If we admit our weakness and request her help, our political hold on the land and people will tank down and it's not impossible at all for her to replace the Cowen family and reunite Eastal under one banner!"

"Preposterous? You are the audacious one! We are at the verge of being annihilated and you still have to think about your position? So what if she wants to reunite Eastal and form an Empire? At least we are alive by then instead of six feet under!"


"Come one bastard! I would rather die here than allow you to use my territory and people as scapegoats!"

A brawl ensues and Duke Sergiad Cowen has to put this meeting on hold until the news about Izumo Knights arrives.

Meanwhile, Princess Reynesia overheard the important bits of the meeting. Mainly the aggressive advances of the Goblin army and Demi-Human army that had already devastated three cities and dozens of towns while the status of Izumo Knights that had protected the land of Yamato remain ambiguous.

She was shocked and terrified because her father had just said his farewell to her and joined the battle. If her father were to defend his territory alone, he would be killed just like the three other lords that had died protecting their territories.

"I must help my father… But how?" She muttered restlessly until the image of a certain infuriating man entered his mind. "Sir Krusty?" She recalled his martial prowess is among the best even within the Akiba representatives. Not to mention he is a leader of a Battle Guild which apparently is like a military group within Akiba.

With a determination flashing through her eyes, the princess hurried to find Krusty while the eyes in the shadow made its last blink and faded away.


"Haah… this is tiring… manipulating the plot and all." Ray sighed before he opened his mouth and ate the grape placed before his mouth.

"Hmn. Thank you for your hard work then, my husband." Morgan said while willingly pampering him with her affections. She especially likes to rub his soft furry belly and scratch his neck while Ray is purring with a satisfied look as he sleeps on her plump and heavenly thighs.

"Without the Izumo Knights, they cannot protect themselves from the Goblins and Demi-Humans." Morgan said as her eyes gained a cold glint. "They will have to request help from me no matter what and my price will be their servitude or to be destroyed by the monsters."

Ray, with his body still laying against Morgan's lap, opens his eyes into a small slit and looks at his wife. "If that's all you wanted. I could grant them to you, you know. It's nothing difficult for me to do."

"I know. But to gain something without earning it does not sit well with me." She said with a sigh as she is grateful for the offer but she didn't want it. "Besides, my husband. Think of this as me having my fun playing the game." Morgan chuckled.

Like what Ray told everyone, he also told Morgan that this world is supposed to be enjoyed like a game although she never really enjoyed a 'game' game and the closest she had to a game in her time is perhaps chess. So, Morgan decided the way she wanted to enjoy this 'game' is by conquering the world. To revive her once fallen kingdom once more.

To unite Yamato once again and conquer the world under her banner!


If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to support my work and effort, feel free to support me on Patreon. Advance chapters available starting from $1.
