
I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version)

The rewritten version of the story. Contains content from Manga and light novels. — — — After accidentally being struck by lightning, and dealing with an overworked god, our protagonist is thrown into the body of Rimuru. He wants to find a comfortable way of living, have some beautiful girls, and not have to deal with the pain of managing a kingdom. After using his dragon brother's name in vain he becomes known as the Prophet, a fortune teller that can see the future. Gaining the devotion of his followers, he will continue to deal with the repercussions of his new name as he builds the Tempest Empire. — — — Pa treon.com/BonVoyageFF

BonVoyage · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

The Journey to Dwargon.

As the sun crept over the windows, Rimuru laid in the silence of their room, feeling the warmth as Shuna nestled agaisnt him. Though they needed to prepare for their journey to the new village, he found himself happy to remain still, her steady breathing giving him a strange sense of happiness.

'Sage, this is the life,' Rimuru mused internally, a light chuckle escaping him as he felt her shift closer in her sleep.


[Gathering information….]

[Is this the path you wish to continue?] Sage's voice resounded, almost as if seeking guidance for its next steps.

'Yes,' Rimuru affirmed silently. If life could always be this serene, balanced between ambition and personal satisfaction, he would indeed be happy.

That simple acknowledgment seemed to activate a deeper analysis within Sage.

[Understood. Adjusting parameters to better fit your vision.]

[Processing…. Processing complete. Passing forward request…. The request has been rejected.]

[Analyzing reason for rejection…. Analysis complete. Sending revised request…]

As the mechanical updates from Sage filtered through his consciousness, Rimuru's relaxation was briefly interrupted by an unexpected announcement.

{Unique Skill: Eros has been acquired}

[Request completed.]

[Analyzing skill…]

[Skill analyzed: Eros is based on the sin of lust. Its abilities include:

Invigorate: Allows the user to enhance a target's vitality with "Lust Energy," which strengthens both body and soul. The intensity of the invigoration increases with the intimacy of the contact.

Lustful Drain: Enables the user to drain energy and vitality through physical contact, targeting the soul directly. The intensity of the drain increases with the intimacy of the contact.]

Hearing the notification in his mind, Rimuru couldn't help but burst out laughing.

'Sage, what would I do without you?' Rimuru mused, half-joking but secretly appreciating the invaluable assistance Sage provided. The skill, however, did not respond as it busied itself with recalculating strategies and scenarios at an increased pace.

— — —

After all of the Ogres had finished their preparations, Rimuru went around the village and consumed everything. Houses, farms, even small fixtures, nothing was spared as everything was swept into his stomach. The process was both awe-inspiring and unsettling, as the massive ogre village disappeared within minutes, leaving behind only the land as if the village had never existed.

With their entire lives now carried within Rimuru, the ogres, led by Sir Barksalot, set off on their week-long journey to their new home.

Meanwhile, Rimuru and his new wife mounted Ranga, preparing for a much faster return. Rimuru had a mental countdown running, aware of the limited time before the Conqueror of Flames' arrival. Every moment was precious, and he couldn't waste a week for no reason walking back with the rest of the group.

"Let's hurry, Ranga," Rimuru instructed, feeling his wife tighten her grip around him as Ranga accelerated. The landscape blurred around them, their speed a stark contrast to the leisurely pace of the rest of the ogres.

Even with Sage's analysis and her "For Dummies" series of building books, they were going to need more experts. Sage could only generate books with the random information he had gathered in his past life, so he at least needed to arrive at a library before he would be able to create a For Dummies "enhanced edition." For that reason, his current plan was to head to the dwarven country and snatch himself up a couple of workers.

His plan was clear: travel to the dwarven country on Ranga, which would cut down a two-month walking journey to just three days. Allowing a couple of days for recruitment, he anticipated being back well before Shizu's arrival, giving him time to prepare.

[Correct. The plan for the recruitment of dwarf workers has been completed. The timeline for your return has been set,] Sage confirmed, its voice a constant presence in his mind.

With Sage's affirmation, Rimuru nudged Ranga to push even faster, a gesture that made his wife cling even closer. Her initial apprehension gave way to a sense of exhilaration, shared through the thrill of their rapid movement across the landscape.

— — —

As Rimuru and his new wife arrived back at their village, they were greeted by a sight of bustling activity and rapid construction. Temporary houses, neatly arranged into organized rows, filled the landscape. Each structure was a testament to the diligence and obedience of his followers, executed with surprising efficiency.

To Rimuru's satisfaction, the transformation of the village was largely attributable to the leadership of Rigurd, the goblin leader he had named.

The old man was lucky that Rimuru could recognize him and give him a name that stood out from the rest, but he had earned it. This old goblin had not only taken the name but had risen to the challenge, his newfound status empowering him to lead with unprecedented vigor.

Approaching Rigurd, who was overseeing the final touches on a new structure, Rimuru allowed a small nod of approval to escape him. 

"Rigurd, your work has exceeded my expectations," he commented, his voice carrying a firm edge of approval.

Rigurd, puffing his chest out with pride, bowed deeply before Rimuru. 

 "Lord Rimuru, it is all thanks to the books you bestowed upon us. I strive to meet your expectations and lead our people as you would. I also have good news: the envoys we sent to the other goblin camps have succeeded, and we expect around 900 more goblins to arrive by tomorrow."

As they walked through the bustling village, Rimuru discussed his next strategic moves with Rigurd and his wife. He outlined the plan to recruit expert workers from the dwarven country, emphasizing how these new skills would enhance their community's capabilities.

"The infrastructure is our first priority," Rimuru explained. "Once we have a solid foundation, we can expand without the need for constant alterations. Although Sage and Predator could adjust any issues, I prefer that we build correctly the first time to avoid setting a precedent of dependence on my powers for every problem."

Turning to his wife, Rimuru spoke of the integration of the ogres. 

"The ogres have advanced skills in construction and crafting, superior to what the goblins initially had. It's crucial that we utilize this expertise, particularly in creating clothing and other necessities."

He noted a growing issue among the hobgoblins whose rudimentary outfits were becoming a distraction. The hobgoblins kept getting distracted by every passing Goblina, impeding the community's productivity.

Without delay, Rimuru orchestrated the week's agenda. As new packs of goblins arrived, he initiated a naming spree, which not only boosted morale but also organized the newcomers into work-ready groups. Names flew from his tongue with a mix of whimsy and authority.

"Goblet, Gobble, Gobzilla, Gobsmacked, Gobfather, Gobmother, Gobblin, Gobananas, Glizzard, Gibble, Goober, Sir Gobsalot, Gobnado, Glizzy, Glarketer…"

Truly, he was an artisan when it came to names. Or at least that's what he told himself since the goblins held back tears of joy as they received the names, bowing deeply to him. In all honesty, it felt a little bad to give them names like that, but when you are naming hundreds of goblins, you gotta have fun with at least a few of them.

After reaching his naming threshold, Rimuru paused, planning to continue after his return from Dwargon. He then proceeded to relocate the ogre village using his Predator ability, depositing it onto a site selected by Sage. This strategic placement allowed the ogres to utilize their original homes while the new village evolved into a fully functioning city.

With all preliminary tasks checked off, Rimuru was now set to embark on his next major undertaking, the journey to the dwarven kingdom. Standing at the outskirts of the village, he called out for his pup.

"Ranga!" The call pierced the quiet morning, resonating across the open space. Moments later, a swirling shadow coalesced, and from it emerged Ranga, vibrant and eager.

"Master, I am ready to serve!" Ranga approached, his tail wagging vigorously, a clear display of his enthusiasm.

Rimuru couldn't resist a smile at such loyalty; so he reached out to affectionately pat Ranga's head.

"We have a journey ahead of us to Dwargon. It's time to gather some more allies. Call for another two of your packs to follow us; we need them to carry the dwarves back."

Rimuru then mounted Ranga, shifting effortlessly into his slime form as two additional wolf shadows merged into Ranga's form, prepared for the task ahead.

As they set off, the surrounding landscape began to blur with their swift movement, Ranga's incredible speed effortlessly eating up the distance.

"Pup, how are you enjoying your new life?" Rimuru asked, settling comfortably on Ranga's fur.

Ranga's ears perked up, and he responded enthusiastically, his voice resonating within Rimuru's mind.

"Master, it is more than I could have ever hoped for! My name means so much to me. Serving you makes me feel strong, respected, and part of something greater. I am eager to see what challenges lie ahead!"

Rimuru chuckled softly, pleased by the genuine happiness in Ranga's voice. 

"Good boy," he praised, drawing out an even faster pace from the excited wolf as they continued their journey toward Dwargon.

— — —

After a relentless journey, Ranga's exceptional pace cut the anticipated three-day trip to Dwargon down to just two days, providing Rimuru with an unexpected but welcome extra day in the city. Though if he was being honest, he would prefer to spend the least amount of time possible in order to avoid bringing attention to himself. He didn't want to accidentally cause a mess and then be late for his meeting with the walking bomb that was Shizu.

Dwargon, was a formidable city carved into a mountain, bustling with activity. Its main gate, a massive structure, was usually closed except in emergencies, funneling most traffic through smaller gates where long lines of people and creatures awaited entry. The guards stationed there wore impressively ornate armor, underscoring the city's wealth and order.

There were a few other entrances, but they were reserved for nobility, which meant Rimuru would have to wait in line like the rest of the regular people. 

As he saw the lines of people in the distance, he jumped off Ranga, and called him to enter his shadow along with the other two wolves.

Taking his Kijin form, he chose to remain in his child form. If it came to it, looking like a cute kid would probably get people to side with him rather than whoever was harassing him. Yet as he looked at the line, he saw a kobold caravan near the front of the line, with one red-haired hobgoblin guarding the group.

'Well… I do look like an innocent kid right now… What do you think, Sage?'

[The likelihood of your plan succeeding without drawbacks is 99.384678923%]

Pleased with the assessment, Rimuru chuckled inwardly and used his shadow movement skill to bypass the long queue, emerging discreetly among a kobold caravan near the front.

Stepping out quietly from one of the caravans, he approached a kobold who appeared to be in charge. With his most convincing wide-eyed, innocent expression, he pleaded with him.

"Uhm… I'm sorry, sir. I got separated from my family… Is there a way I could go in with you? I'm a little scared with all the humans around here."

The kobold, a humanoid dog, looked down in surprise at the sudden appearance of a child. His initial shock softened into a more paternal demeanor, though when he reached out to ruffle Rimuru's hair, his quick dodge led to an awkward chuckle from both.

"You lost your parents, eh, kid?" the kobold responded, his tone now gentle. "Sure, you can join us. Take a seat. I'll handle your entrance ticket."

"Thank you so much, Mister. I owe you one," Rimuru replied, nodding eagerly as he nestled into the caravan, perfectly playing the part of the grateful child.


(Please vote with your power stones if you are enjoying it! The earlier days of a story are usually the most important for it to get readers. So I would appreciate it if we could get higher ranks.

I can't promise extra chaps as it is customary because then my small stockpile would run out, and my posting would not become consistent. But still, if you are enjoying this start, drop them stones.)