
I am Rimuru Tempest(Old Version. Rewrite is out.)

The first few chapters are a bit rough since I wasn't sure what I wanted the story to be like. And the story is a bit rushed until chapter 20-25ish since I wanted to get to the point after the kids get their spirits. After that, the story breaks from canon and slows down the pacing. Hopefully, you will give the story a chance. The joke at the beginning with sage is not indicative of how the story will progress, I just thought it would be funny at the time. ... You already know how it is. Someone gets reincarnated as Rimuru and decides that he wants to have a new life with a kingdom, a harem, and strong skills. I am a first-time writer so if you have any tips let me know. It's obvious but I don't own tensura nor its characters and the picture for the fanfic is not my art. If you are the artist of it let me know and I'll change it or add your name I just found the pic on google and wasn't sure who the artist was. I'll try to update regularly but I do have a full-time job so I probably can't do it daily.

BonAurevoir · アニメ·コミックス
123 Chs

Starting Over From the Beginning.

(Writing these chapters is like having a box of chocolates. I never know what I am going to get. I start with a general idea of what the chap should be but 10 paragraphs in the entire chapter changes and I just go along with it. If you are wondering what I am talking about I present to you, exhibit A. This chapter.

But I gotta say, everything in it felt right as I wrote it. No matter how "stupid" it gets)

(<< >> is thought communication.)

"What…. Is all of this?" I asked as I saw most of Tempest's citizens scrambling all over the place in an organized fashion.

Hearing soft laughter behind me I turned around to spot a smiling Shuna.

"They have been waiting to surprise you with the preparations for quite some time now. Think of it as a collective thanks for building Tempest and naming all of them." Shuna said as she grabbed my hand.

'Ciel did you…'

[Of course I knew. But I didn't want to ruin the surprise. Let me tell you, you got extremely close to finding out a few times.] Ciel answered in a cheerful voice.

I couldn't help but let out a short laugh.

"This is amazing." I said softly

"Even all the way in Jistav they are making preparations. Kagali got caught off guard when she heard the news. But Adalman had already done most of the preparations needed. So thankfully he was able to lift some of the burdens off of her.

You should have heard the conversation we had when I told him about the engagement. It was both heartwarming yet also slightly funny." Shuna said while looking out the window to all the people.

[Warning, you might want to rescue Veldora. He is going to die soon.]

"Wait what?!" I asked out loud.

[He seems to have extremely angered Velzard. And while she is holding back slightly the chances of Veldora dying are still high. Though we might be able to bring him back without any problem, I do not believe dying would be a pleasant experience for him.]

"I have to deal with something. I think Veldora got himself in trouble." I told the confused Shuna before disappearing into the Labyrinth.

Appearing in between Velzard and Veldora I dispelled her attack and stopped the one-sided beatdown.

"What happened?" I asked while looking at Velzard who was acting like a kid who was just caught doing something they shouldn't.

Velzard only looked at Veldora on the floor and made a few different facial expressions back and forth with him before speaking.

"It was nothing."

"Yeah… umm… Nothing?" Veldora agreed in a bit of a questioning tone.

My sudden good mood had just been ruined.

"Velzard, so you're telling me you were about to kill Veldora over nothing?" I said as I brought a hand to my forehead.

"I… was holding back…" Velzard said sheepishly.

"Were you?" I asked.

"Yeah…. A little…." she answered.

I could only sigh as I quickly healed all of Veldora's injuries and gave him a questioning look.

"I think you should go to our floor in the Labyrinth…" was all he said.

"Veldora." I said before sighing. "You gotta take better care of yourself."

But Veldora just answered using thought communication.

<<Dude, you are gonna thank me later. I just gave you a massive assist. So don't get mad at me.>>

<<I'm not really mad, but dude. Come on. You were about to let yourself get killed. The reason you were so messed up is that you weren't even putting up proper defenses. If Velzard hadn't been holding back at all you would have died.>>

<<Does it matter? You can always bring me back, can't you?>> Veldora said as he tilted his head in confusion. Which only led to me facepalming.

<<You are not wrong. But you still shouldn't be so reckless. Don't tell me you are a masochist. Because even then I am not gonna let you get yourself get killed for no reason.>>

<<What? No! I just didn't want to cause a mess in the labyrinth and accidentally damage something important. Plus with all the people running around everywhere someone might accidentally get caught in it.>> Veldora quickly explained.

<<... You know what. I can respect that.>> I said as I helped him stand off the ground.

"Thanks," Veldora said out loud. "But I think you should go to the floor we used for when we played the games and lost the bets…"

"Yeah… that doesn't sound like a bad idea…" Velzard said in agreement. While giving Veldora a 'What did you tell him?' look.

Since I didn't really have anything better to say I just decided to agree with them.

"Velzard, don't go killing people. Veldora, take care of yourself." And with those words, I left.

— — —

Entering the room we had once used to play card games I spotted Velgrynd lying on the ground with her eyes closed. Her expression showed her being in deep thought. But judging by the messy state of the room and by her appearance she didn't appear to be doing so good. Which only made my stomach drop.

I had done what it seems I kept on doing lately. I had gotten carried away. In the excitement of getting ready for the wedding, I hadn't properly spoken to her. It had only been about a day since the engagements and the news of them came out. But ever since they did, it felt like the entire world was moving at two times the speed.

I knew how much our connection meant to her. Well, the entirety of our complicated relationship. Yet I didn't consider giving her a heads up. So I truly felt guilty at seeing her disheveled state.

Walking next to Velgrynd I crouched down next to her before saying in a soft tone.


Her eyes suddenly opened widely before she sat up with an impressive speed.

"R-Rimuru! What are you doing here?" She asked as she began to look all around her at the mess she had made and she quickly fixed her disheveled appearance using magic. Launching a quick succession of spells to fix up the place slightly.

"How are you?" I asked as I put on a soft smile.

"I- well. I was- well I mean- I am." Velgrynd began stumbling over her words before taking a deep breath and saying. "I am doing better now."

"I'm sorry." I said directly. "I should have known better. Had I thought of talking with you before acting I could have saved you a lot of pain. In fact, I should have been more direct from the start-"

Velgrynd was someone whom I enjoyed spending time with. In fact, thanks to her strength I was able to rely on her more than I could with others. So we had been spending a lot of time together for almost a year now.

It was fun to work with her. She would always stay energetic while we were together. I admired her efficient work ethic and her intellect. But in the end, there was no way to progress with our relationship. The main reason being-

"No, I am the one who has to apologize." Velgrynd said with a determined look as she cut off my words. She continued by saying.

"This whole time you have been telling me something that I continued to ignore. I wondered why we were in such a stagnant mode even with all of the time we spent together. I kept on being concerned about the strange gap between us. It was just something that made no sense to me.

I hate to say it, but if it wasn't for Veldora I would still be on the floor acting as if the world had suddenly ended. And it would have all been my fault for not listening."

I could only stare at Velgrynd's face with a surprise. Before letting out a genuine wide smile and a small laugh. It was almost as if she knew exactly what to say to refuse the words I was about to say.

"Do you want to try things out one more time? This time doing it properly. No more distance or gaps between us." I asked as I reached out my hand.

Velgrynd reached out to grab my hand before nodding.

"I would like that."

Squeezing her hand I said.

"I am Rimuru Tempest. It is good to meet you."

Answering with a beautiful smile Velgrynd responded.

"I am Velgrynd. Let's get married!"

She said in such a confident and shameless tone that I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Isn't that a bit too fast?" I said as I tried to hold back my laughter.

Bursting out laughing Velgrynd answered.

"Don't you know? My entire essence is acceleration. Plus, we might have 'just met' Rimuru, but it feels like I have known you for almost a year now. So I see nothing wrong with getting married on the spot. Our souls are connected at this very moment. What are we if not soulmates?" Velgrynd said as she put just met in air quotes. Her smile grew ever brighter and more shameless.

We both began laughing loudly. Yet the bright smile never left Velgrynd's face.

"But Miss Velgrynd, It can't be. Our love is forbidden, for I am already betrothed." I said while dramatically putting a hand on my forehead.

'Wait, aren't the roles reversed right now?'

"Worry not my love, for you I would cross the earth and the sea. What is this but a small trial meant to test our relationship?" Velgrynd played along for a moment before we brought our faces closer together.

"But I am serious Rimuru. Let's get married.

I spent so long thinking about everything in the past few hours using a mental acceleration skill. Since the moment we met at Veldanava's palace. If I had decided to accept your words back then, wouldn't we already be together? Why should we delay this any longer?" Velgrynd said as determination burned in her eyes.

"Aren't I the one who is supposed to ask the question?" I asked while looking into her eyes.

"Well then, Rimuru. Are you?"

— — —

Sneakily looking at the scene in front of them Veldora and Velzard were talking to each other.

<<Veldora, since when did you become a miracle maker? I could have sworn Rimuru was about to break up with her at the beginning. For the first time ever I am going to have to apologize to you. I bow down to your wisdom my mentally challenged brother.>>

<<Who am I if not the best wingman in existence. Not only am I a wingman for my sister but also for my best friend at the same time. Want me to wingman you and Guy?>>Veldora answered with pride.

He hadn't really planned for any of this to happen. He had mainly just stumbled into it. If it wasn't for the sudden activation of Bro's teamwork when trying to help Rimuru and his sister, he probably wouldn't have been able to say what he had in mind properly to his depressed sister. But now that he had the chance he would take all of the credit

<<No thanks. We are more just friends. Plus if there is anyone who Guy wants to get with is Leon. But even when he changed into his female form he got completely rejected. Poor Leon doesn't know that the more he rejects Guy the more Guy wants him.>>

<<Yo, I saw that dude. He was pretty much obsessed with Chloe. I could have sworn he was a lolicon were it not for him also being interested in Chloe's adult form.>>

<<Don't remind me, you saw him during our meeting to discuss Feldway? The dude got sent into the brother-zone the moment it ended. Plus we all know Chloe likes Rimuru, so it is only a matter of time until Leon gets heartbroken.>>Velzard answered as they began to get distracted with their conversation.

<<Maybe I can be a wingman for them! In the books that I am reading the hero pops in just as the princess is heartbroken and steals her heart.>>

<<That perverted book you were reading? Hahahah, Do you remember Rimuru's face when he saw you reading it? He was so disappointed in you. Why would you read something like that while we are all in the same room?>>

<<I read it for the plot! I bet I could wingman you with anyone now with all I have learned.>>

<<Yeah right- you can't even wingman your->>

"Well, well, well. Don't you two know that it isn't nice to spy on Lord Rimuru's private affairs." The two of them heard a voice from behind them as they realized they were no longer standing in the same location.

"D-Diablo?" Veldora asked as he felt a shiver down his spine. And surprisingly, even Velzard felt danger.

(read a/n for a little deleted scene.)

So I was debating whether to leave this in or not but I decided to cut it out. So if you were wondering what Ciel was doing this chap here it is. This is after he teleports to Veldora.

What do you think? Should it have been left in? It felt a bit weird so I cut it out.

‘Ciel what is going on here?’ I asked hoping to get a clear report. However, Ciel gave me an answer I never expected.


Rimuru, as someone who always has your best interest in mind. I think maybe it would be for the best that I stay out of this. I know way more than I should and I will complicate things if I explain anything.

Though I will give you the choice if you do want my explanation. But until you ask me I will do something else.]

BonAurevoircreators' thoughts