
Dagruel and Dino.

(So yeah, I didn't really understand how Turn Null worked until now, so I am finally implementing it. I am not even sure I have it correct now, but oh well, it is what it is. Semi crappy explanation as to why it was never used, but once again, it is what it is.)

"Sure, from now on you get to be Ramiris' lackey." I said with a smile.


"You want a place to stay, you gotta work. Don't worry, I pay my workers well."


"Here, have some honey." I said as I used the same attack that had once defeated the loli dragonoid.

"What the-" Dino tried to speak before the food was placed in his mouth.

"We have even better food and games than that. Ramiris should be starting on the preparations for the journey. Go help her out, I'll send someone to give you a tour in a bit."

I threw a jar of honey at him.

"Have fun!" I said before I snapped my fingers and teleported the confused demon lord away. I had a couple of things I needed to do so I would just send him off for now.

'Demon Lord Awakening, huh…'

I closed my eyes as I thought of something.

'Ciel, how much have you looked into turn null?'

[We could probably collapse a universe if we let it go wild. Wanna try it?] Ciel said as I began to feel the surroundings tremble.

'Ciel…' I said to her with a poker face.

The trembling stopped.

[Hehe, just kidding. I wanted to see what face you would make.]

Turn null, the skill I had obtained when I awakened Veldanava. A skill that created a connection to a dimension full of destructive energy. The skill Veldanava had used as a battery to create the universe.

The thing about turn null is that the energy was quite… dangerous. It was basically magicules on steroids. Super pure and dense primordial energy. Aka "Big boy magicules."

Ciel had suggested replacing our magicules with it in the past. I had the hungry hungry hippo skill known as Stomach that gave me unlimited storage now that it had evolved into Void World. And, by passing the energy from Turn null into my storage I could use it as if it were my own magicules.

But so far we had held off on using it because, frankly, there was no need. I had more magicules than I knew what to do with. Even when rebuilding Eurazania I basically took the running low on magicules as a "Maybe you are overdoing it a little by now."

But one thing was for sure now. Not only would the awakening take a lot of energy but traveling to other dimensions to attack Rudra would too. So it was finally time to open the floodgates.

[By now I have created a proper connection between the Void world and the Chaos World. Plus I have done some tests with it in the background so I have found more ways to use it.


All that's left is to flip the switch to change where our magicules come from.]

'Well then. Call the ones with a demon lord seed. It is about time for them to awaken.'

(3rd Pov/ Dagruel)

'End of the world threat... '

Dagruel had a troubled expression.

He had felt a sense of familiarity the moment he entered the room. He thought his senses were tricking him the moment he felt it. So he had a hard time believing it at first.

Back when he was young he was extremely arrogant. After all, he was the strongest, no one could stop him. It had been like that ever since he was a child. Dagruel was an Ultimate Existence after all.

It was this attitude that had earned him the title of "Continent's wrath". The title he once used to like had turned into an annoying reminder of his past self.

Dagruel couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he thought.

'I really got the shit kicked out of me that day.'

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. He had experienced the true meaning of these words the day he met Veldanava. Apparently, all his stomping around had caught the attention of the true dragon. That day was the first time Dagruel lost a fight. And he was thankful for it.

It was that experience that had helped him stop being arrogant. And it was thanks to that he had become the person he was today. He ended up submitting to the true dragon and becoming his subordinate.

He was taken out of his thoughts when he heard the voices of his children in the distance. He had sent them to Tempest to keep them busy. Back then they were causing too much trouble, and he was already busy enough as it was. They were like him before he had met Veldanava. So he had sent them under the newbie demon lord.

He wasn't expecting too much, after all, if making them behave was as simple as beating them up Dagruel would have been more than enough to turn them into saints. But at least he knew if they caused trouble Rimuru would be strong enough to stop them. Worst case scenario he could probably settle any problems by owing him a favor.


It seems as if they had noticed him, but Dagruel couldn't help but notice how light their steps were as they approached him. Usually, they would stomp as hard as they could, shaking even buildings, but now their footsteps could not even be heard. However, their next actions made him feel as if this was a dream.

They bowed down in front of him and apologized.

"We are sorry for all the trouble we have caused you. And we are most thankful for allowing us to stay in Tempest for so long. If it wasn't for that we would not have been able to spend so much time with our goddess."

"Your…. Goddess?"

"Yes, she is the fiercest warrior we have ever met," said Dagura.

"It is thanks to her that we have been able to grow our strength so much! And she is far too great for us to stand by her side!" Exclaimed Ryura.

"One time I tried to propose to her and I ended up having to fight the entire battalion for an entire day!" Said Debura with a wide smile on his face.

"This… I think we should catch up on what you have done ever since you arrived here." Dagruel was almost left speechless as he heard his children speak.

He was about to head back to his territory to begin the needed preparations but there was no way he could focus after what he had just heard.

His children led him through the city until they reached a small outdoor cafe located in a garden.

They began to retell their stories ever since they had first arrived at Tempest. How they had caused a ruckus and how they had met who would eventually become their new god.

It was under the leadership of Shion that they had realized how weak they really were. And it was only a few days after they had joined Tempest that they had joined the Shion fan club.

"Dagura was stomping all over the place and it got on her nerves, so she told him that if he didn't learn how to walk quietly she would chop off his feet. And guess what she did? She chopped them off." Debura said as Ryura nodded in the background.

"No no, you have it all wrong! She told him 'If you want to be a good fighter you have to learn how to be light on your feet. All that stomping just makes people focus on you and puts everyone around you in more unnecessary danger during a battle. You have two choices, either you leave the battalion or I chop off your feet until you learn how to walk!" Corrected Dagura.

"And then there is the training for cooking! She began by giving us horrible food every day and making the quality of it better every once in a while. She must have been trying to teach us how to resist torture but took pity on us! She really is such a kind person."

"And you should see her on the battlefield! She would fight for days without stopping! She must have killed us over a hundred times before she had to stop!. You should come to check out the training grounds in the labyrinth someday! Miss Ramiris has really put in a lot of work."

"You should have seen my brother trying to propose to her. He really suffered that day. Only goes to show how inferior we are to our goddess. We are not even worthy to stand next to her side."

Dagruel couldn't help but stare at the sky wondering where he had gone wrong.

'I don't know if I should be happy that they seem to actually behave now or if I should be worried they have turned into masochists.'

He began to look once again at the smiling faces of his sons as he sighed.

'I wasn't like this when I met Veldanava was I?'

That thought reminded him of what he was thinking before he met up with his sons.

'The newbie had the aura of Veldanava… But it wasn't him.'

It had been a long time since Dagurel had accepted the death of the one he had sworn his allegiance to. After all, Veldanava himself had told him he was planning to give away his power and die.

'Is this the one you chose? I thought you had left it with the voice of the world.'

Dagruel let out a chuckle.

'I thought you said you didn't want anyone else to carry the burden, but here you are giving it to a child who is not even 5 years old. But maybe he isn't too bad of a choice…'

"Father, are you ok?"

His thoughts were once again by one of his sons.

Dagruel stood up from the chair and finished up the drink that they had purchased.

"It is time for me to head back home. There are some things I must do. Does anyone want to go back with me?"

The three began to exchange glances before one of them spoke.

"We believe the place where we belong is here."

Dagruel smiled.

"To think that my own children would abandon me. It is truly such a hard thing to be a father."

Dagruel let out a joyful laugh as he said his final words before leaving.

"Since you have all made your decision you better make sure to do your best. We are about to start a very important war, so you better not be an inconvenience for the one you are serving. You are all welcome back home whenever you want to visit. And one last thing, I am proud of all of you."

'So what if my kids got a bit messed up in the head. They truly have grown into fine warriors. I wonder if I will get to meet this goddess on the battlefield…'

Dino fell onto his butt as he was caught off guard with the teleportation. In front of him was a small fairy that gave him a curious look.

"Dino? What are you doing here?"

"I… I think I just became your lackey?" Dino said, not totally sure of what to think.

"Lackey? Did Rimuru send you?" Ramiris asked before glancing at the jar the fallen angel was holding.

"Oh." She said in realization. "I swear, how many demon lords are going to fall for the honey trap?"

Ramiris began to act as if she was a wise old sage. She had been told not to call it a honey trap multiple times, but in her eyes it was the perfect name.

"I will make a deal with you, my new lackey… If you give me half of the honey in that jar I will make sure to not make you work too hard."

Dino slowly nodded his head before the jar he was holding was snatched from him.

"Alright, from now you are promoted from lackey to assistant. Let's get you started on working!" The fairy queen seemed to be really happy after taking the jar for herself.

Dino began to listen to what his new boss was telling him but he couldn't really focus as he only had one thought in his head.

'I thought you were only going to take half…'

So yeah, if you have read the webnovel you might say.

"That's not how Dagruel acts."

But to be honest I have not gotten to read much of how Dagruel acts, he has pretty much been in the background the whole time in the light novel. So the way I am writing him is according to what I have read on the wiki and some other places about him.

I was gonna say a couple more things but I don't remember what, so see ya I guess. Happy Thanksgiving for those that celebrate it.

BonAurevoircreators' thoughts