
I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU)

I have no recollection of how I ceased to be. One minute I was walking back home and the next minute I was suddenly inside the body of a character from my childhood fantasy. I had become a lost soul. Wandering without a purpose late in my life, when I was alive. My death came and swept me away in a flash. Now that I have this second chance, I won't hold myself back. I am Peter Parker and, this is my story. ------ Note: Alternate Universe(s) Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s).

ashes_ · アニメ·コミックス
89 Chs

Avengers: Battle For New York

"Well, Agent Hill, It was nice meeting you. I hope we can meet again. Also... Try not to get hurt again. I'd rather not see your pretty face get roughed up." Peter said with a pleasant smile, as a patched-up Maria's lips twitched despite herself as she tried not to smile back at him. She was on the hatch of the Quinjet, ready to board it after her minor treatment.

"I... I will keep that in mind, Mr. Parker... Peter." Maria smiled as Peter's smile turned into a cheeky grin. "You should also get to a safe place, things are about to turn quite complicated."

"Thanks for the warning... Maria." Peter smiled back. Susan and Helen who were standing behind Peter just shared a look as Susan shook her head in exasperation while Helen just snickered to herself.

"Would you like-"


Maria opened her mouth to say something but stopped as a blue ray of energy shot upwards from the Stark Tower before reaching its point horizon as it tore open a portal in the sky.

Maria observed in shock along with her agents as swarms of aliens began pouring out of the portal and started wreaking havoc on the world below. Susan and Helen watched the whole thing unfold with slight concern watched while Peter just smiled unbothered.

"Shit!" Maria cursed as she turned back toward Peter. "I... I gotta go-"

"Take care, stay safe." Peter flashed Maria an easy smile which seemed to calm down Maria a bit. "It's fine. I have your number."

Maria's lips twitched as Peter grinned at her. She nodded at him, quickly turning away to hide her giddy smile as she boarded up the Quinjet.

"I'll see you around, Maria." Peter waved at her lightly as the hatch closed and the jet took off towards the Helicarrier. Peter watched the Quinjet disappear into the distance and his face settled into a look of concentration as he glossed over the next move that he had planned.


"Yes, Peter?"

"What's the status?"

"Attack team is in position and ready." Susan replied as Peter looked over his shoulder and raised his hand. "They are waiting for your signal."

"Go." Peter said as he opened a portal behind Susan, who winked at him and jumped into the port after blowing him a kiss. With Susan gone, the gate closed as Peter shoved his hands into his pant's pockets.

"Are you still not gonna join them?" Helen asked as she stood beside him.

Peter smiled as he looked on ahead of him.

"Not yet."


Stepping out of the portal, Susan smiled to herself as it closed behind her.

"Good noon, Sue." Frank in his new armor greeted Sue with a nod, as he leaned against the wall twirling a pistol in his hand.

"Hello, Frank." Susan greeted him back as she turned to look at all the other occupants in the room.

She-Hulk was dressed in a black form-fitting suit with purple outlines. Gwen and Yuri sat beside each other, dressed in improvised version of their original suits. The three women looked in her direction and smiled, waving slightly.

"Is it time?" Jennifer asked as Susan nodded.

"Finally! My ass was getting numb sitting in this metal suit!" Wade exclaimed as Frank scoffed.

"You never get sore." Frank deadpanned. "Also, why the fuck do you of all people need an armored suit."

"For what?" Wade asked confused as Frank nodded. "Because it looks fucking cool damnit!"

"Then stop bitching about it." Frank scoffed yet again as he pushed himself off the wall while Wade visibly deflated.


Susan shook her head at the interaction already used to it as she turned towards Gwen.

"Is 'he' ready?" She asked as Gwen looked at her before smirking.

"Why don't you ask him." She said as there was a shifting noise, which made Susan turn. Behind her was a metallic chamber that opened as smoke filled out the room.

"I am." The man said with a deep gruff voice.

"Great. You look good." Susan smiled nodding inspecting the man's new physique. "I'm sorry we had to pull you out early, so urgently."

"From one battlefield to another. I'm not surprised. My luck it seems." The man said stepping down the chamber as he rotated his shoulders, inspecting for any stiffness or abnormality. Everything was fine, if not better. "It's alright, I don't really mind."

"The procedure was a success." Gwen said standing up as Susan checked the tablet with the medical report and nodded.

"Everything looks perfect. Normally there would be a long process and a training course to make sure you know the extent of your new abilities but sadly we don't have enough time. New York is under attack so we will have to bring you up to speed." Susan said as the man stepped towards a metallic, black box that looked like a futuristic coffin. "This will be your final gift. Peter has designed it specifically for you. It's called the Black Coffin."

As the man pressed his hand against the surface of the Coffin, the surface lit up scanning his DNA as it registered it. The coffin suddenly shifted into multiple metallic limbs. The limbs scanned the man's body dimensions and then they projected a blue light that began to craft armor around the man.

The man didn't flinch once untill the process came to an end. The man did not say a word more as he then lifted the black coffin and placed it on his back.

"You are to take command of this team and lead the charge against the Chitauri-"


"They are aliens. They are called the Chitauri."

"Roger that." The man nodded as he walked ahead towards the hatch of the jet they were in as the rest of the members got ready. "All members geared up and ready."

"We will be relying on your leadership to keep the fight contained within the city and secure the civilians. The SPARTAN troops are on standby but we will have to use them as a last resort." Susan explained. "We will be at the drop zone, hot near the portal in a minute. Anything else you would like to know-"

"-Captain Riley?"

"No." The man replied as the suit shifted, a mask with a white skull imprint forming over his face. "Also..."

On cue, Frank hit a button as the hatch of the jet opened up.

"Call me Ghost." He said looking over his shoulder.

Ghost turned and ran ahead and jumping out of the hatch with Ghost-Spider following him. Deadpool and Punisher dived right after them as She-Hulk joined after grabbing Invisible Woman and Wraith with her.

Jumping out of the jet, they were free falling through the clouds as they made a beeline towards the mouth of the portal.

Ghost made a quick hand sign as they split into two groups. Punisher, She-Hulk, Wraith, and Susan broke off from the main group as they passed the portal.

Ghost raised his hands as the coffin on his back shifted and printed a pulse rifle, which he quickly grabbed and brandished towards a Chitauri chariot that just came out of the portal.

"Let's do this." Ghost said to himself as he pulled the trigger.


A devastating ray of energy was shot through the muzzle of the gun, which caused the chariot to exploded upon impact. The explosion, consumed two more chariots, with one of them exploding completely while the other one survived, but barely.

Pushing himself ahead, Ghost landed on the back of the Chitauri, but before it could turn, he blew the alien's head up and grabbed the steering of the chariot assuming control for a brief moment.

He then changed the chariot's direction, turning it towards the portal and then jumped off, making the now empty chariot crash into two Chitauri vehicles headfirst.


Still free falling, Ghost twisted his body allowing the energy blast fired at him by the another infantry to pass him harmlessly. Twisting his body backward, he aimed quickly and pulled the trigger, firing at the incoming hordes of the cybernetically enhanced aliens.

*Boom!* x10

Each shot meet its target with precision, which blew the incoming Chitauri infantry to smithereens. Sensing danger, Ghost turned just in time as a Chitauri dived towards him with a knife in its hand intending to stab him.

"Grah!" The alien scowled through its mask, but Ghost intercepted the blow turning his body back, letting the stab miss him, and pressed the trigger for a brief moment before releasing it which caused the rifle to fire a giant ray of energy that disintegrated at least a dozen of Chitauri in a single shot.

The recoil in the air was also strong enough to throw Ghost back, as he avoided another stab aimed at his neck. Spinning, he grabbed the alien's arm and pulled it towards him before striking him with a nasty hook which resulted in the skull of the alien being spit open upon impact.

Ghost grabbed the body and shoved two spherical bombs into its skull before kicking it with such force that it was thrown back towards the portal.

"Adios." Ghost saluted as-


explosion almost covered the mouth of the portal engulfing all the incoming hostiles but as the smoke cleared out Ghost's eyes widened slightly as a Leviathan came out of the portal.


The Leviathan roared loudly as it made its way down towards the city below. It opened its giant mouth as it tried to swallow Ghost who just cursed.

"What the shit-"

"Wade to the rescue, Yee-haw!" Deadpool hollered as he kicked Ghost out of the way. He used the force of the kick to push him back just in time to avoid a leg severing. Twirling his body using his insane flexibility, Deadpool dug his new enforced katana into the exposed eye of the Leviathan. "I ain't letting you Mr. Big-Bitch-Fish trample my turf! Dattebayo!"

Wade cursed as he twisted the katana and scooped out the Leviathan's eye.


"An eye for an eye!" The Leviathan roared in agony as it shook its body trying the throw Deadpool off its face. "Whoa-"

Deadpool was thrown off and almost crashed into a Chitauri swarm but Ghost-Spider webbed his back and pulled him away just in time as Ghost pulled out a canon and jumpes aiming at the Leviathan.


This time the explosion was larger as the laser blew off the right side of the Leviathan's face. The giant behemoth snarled, still alive and a lot more pissed.

"Thanks for the assist." Deadpool gave Ghost-Spider a mock salute as she pulled him towards herself and grabbed his hand.

"Don't thank me just yet." She giggled as she landed on top of a building after slowing her fall using an enemy chariot.

"Alright!" Wade nodded as he landed behind her with a flip.


Removing the coffin from his back, Ghost hoistef it above his head and slamed it into the ground, the crash decimated the enemies in his vicinity and it was because of the energy blast that the coffin released upon impact.

Ghost put the coffin on his back again as he emerged from the smoke.

"She-Hulk put the big fish out." He ordered Jennifer over the Comms as his eyes landed on the awe-struck figure the American-themed Super-Soldier.

"Hello, Captain Rogers."


Ghost greeted the dumbfounded man as the Leviathan exploded behind him.


The Punisher threw a grenade onto the rooftop, which upon exploding expanded into a soft foam blob which softened his fall as he was quickly bounced back up.

*Bang!* x2

Twisting his body in the air, he pulled out his gun and shot two Chitauri in the head that were sniping civilians from the rooftops.

Correcting himself, he landed on his feet and quickly rolled forward as the other three Chitauri turned their attention toward him. Back on his feet, he rushed towards them, weaving through the energy shots left and right as he approached them.

"Grrrr!" One the alien snarled as it pulled out a knife and lept towards Frank intending to gut him. The Punisher raised his gun and shot it in the hand, tearing it off, and then fired two more shots through the alien's eye, penetrating its brain, and killing it.

Tucking one gun away, he grabbed the now dead alien flying towards him by its neck and spun around. Using the momentum he threw the dead alien towards the other alien knocking it off the roof.

The last one flinched, a bit intimidated as it raised its rifle to fire at Frank but he was too late. Punisher tossed two spheres on the floor and created a smokescreen between them as the alien fired blindly, rushing into the smoke foolishly.

It fired a dozen of shots, growing more and more aggravated as it didn't hear the satisfying squelch that the human's flesh would make normally upon the impact of an energy round.

Suddenly, Punisher appeared out of the smoke with his knife drawn out. The man blindsided, cutting its gun-holding arm off with a clean slash before stabbing the alien in the gun.

"What?" Frank asked with a smirk as the alien whimpered in pain. Frank broke the alien's kneecap causing it to screech in pain, falling to the ground as he pulled out his knife. The alien grabbed towards its rifle but wasn't able to as the Punisher stepped on its hand pinning it to the ground. The aliens recoiled as the crazed war veteran shoved a shorty into its mouth. He smirked as the smoke cleared out around him.


(A/N: Suprise Sidney~~~)




She-Hulk held Susan and Wraith close to her chest with one hand around their waist as she scaled the exterior of a building to slow down her fall. Her fingers dug into the concrete, leaving gashes into the walls as she finally stalled her descent.

"What?" She asked as she saw the look Susan was giving her, her face mushed between her large breasts. "I'm not doing that superhero landing."

"Why not?" Wraith asked.

"Because that would imply that I am a hero, but being a hero is for millionaires, narcissists, and for some odd reason, adult orphans." Jennifer joked as Susan just deadpanned. "What?"

"That was trash." Susan said flatly. "Like actual water trash. Absolute garbage."

"Ouch." She-Hulk winced as Wraith shook her head but then she heard Ghost's voice over the Comm.

"She-Hulk put the big fish out." She heard him say as she looked up to see the battered behemoth rage downwards.

"Roger." She said as Susan hopped off along with Wraith. Just as they were about to land, Susan's hand lit up and she created a platform made out of energy to slow their fall by using them as stairs.

"All the best." Susan said looking up with a wink as Wraith nodded in her direction. She-Hulk responded with a grin as the two ladies scattered to help civilians escape the warzone.

"It's time." She muttered to herself bending her knees, preparing to jump as she timed to strike the Leviathan. The bracelet around her hand glowed as she grinned. "Now!"


She-Hulk jumped, the wall breaking apart due to the force as she launched herself into the air towards the alien behemoth. She punched her hand together as the bracelet's shifted transforming into gauntlets that matched her outfit as she approached the monster. The gauntlet glowed as she raised her hands above her.



The gauntlet released kinetic energy deposited in it as She-Hulk brought her hands down onto the mangled maw of the Leviathan.

Her attack hit the monster with such force that it pulverized its entire facial cavity and with the added damage of the kinetic energy released, its entire frontal anatomy was blown into bits.

"Rahhhh!" She roared landing on the ground, as she rushed towards a horde of Chitauri.

Leaping ahead, she landed between the horde, their shots bouncing off her skin harmlessly as she grabbed one by its face and squished it mush. She then used the dead alien like a bat, grabbing it by its leg and swung it around whacking its brethren with its corpse until what left of it was its leg.

She raised her leg and stomped on the ground creating a crater and then she dug her fingers into the cracks and pulled out a huge boulder. She smirked as she saw an incoming flying flock of Chitauri and buckled her legs.

"Eat this, ugly!"

Spinning around she released it as the piece of rock catapulted tearing through the swarm of chariots causing them to explode.


She smirked dusting her hand as she looked at their handiwork until she heard a metallic clank behind her. She raised an eyebrow and turned around to see Iron Man with his faceplate lifted as he stared at her in a daze.

"You... You are a Hulk." He muttered as Jennifer shrugged.

"I guess I am." She replied and then smirked clenching her hand as she saw more enemies approach them.

"Just not yours."


The boulder, now smaller due to explosive abuse was then caught by two strands of web as Ghost-Spider spun it around and then smashed it onto a Chitauri golem who was rampaging through the city.

(A/N: I made the Chitauri Golem up since there weren't many enemy varieties. It's basically an alien orc.)

"Jen needs to be careful where she throws these things at." She quipped to herself. "She almost flattened my favorite shawarma joint."

Landing on the ground, she cartwheeled ahead avoiding getting her head chopped off by a giant axe.

Turning around she smirked behind her mask as she saw four Chitauri Elites rushing towards her with various weapons; namely a giant axe, a giant sword, a spear, and a rifle.

"Grrrrrrr!" The four creatures snarled at her while Ghost-Spider just cracked her knuckles formulating a plan in her head as they hissed at her.

"Come at me, bro."

She said as they rushed her brandishing their weapons. She flipped over the first one avoiding getting split in half and she webbed its axe to the ground before landed behind the first Elite. Pulling her hand back, she landed a devastating blow to its leg breaking it in half as it collapsed down to a knee.

She leaned back, avoiding a spear strike that would have impaled her. Instead, she grabbed the alien's extended hand and spun halfway overpowering it and impaling the Axe Elite through the back of its head killing it.

She then hit the sword elite in the gut making it double over as she climbed onto its shoulder and wrapped a web line around its neck and began to choke it.

"Choke me like you hate me but you love me-" She began to taunt the Elite in a sing-songy tone but was forced to jump back away from the trashing elite as her Spider-Sense blared, warning her of the incoming danger.

She braced her knees and flipped back just in time as a blade sailed below her head missing her by a hair's breadth. She saw her own reflection in the blade before it sailed past her and cleaved off the head of the Spear Elite.

"Awww... you don't love me?" She whined mid-air as she landed back on her feet. She webbed the Sword Elite from its feet and up to its head, turning it into a web cacoon and then leaned aside as a huge ray of laser flew past her and hit the cocooned alien in the back, exploding it into bits.

"Phew~ Thank you for making my job easier." Ghost-Spider said bowing towards the last remaining alien, the rifleman, just in time as it fired another shot missing her. Straightening herself she smirked behind her mask as she looked at it. "For aliens with a hivemind intelligence you guys sure are bad at coordination, aren't you?"


The alien hissed yet again preparing to fire at her but just as it was about to fire, Ghost-Spider flicked her wrist as she webbed the muzzle of the gun, closing it shut with an enforced explosive web and smirked. The web glowed red as the alien released the trigger as the gun exploded in the alien's hand killing it.

"Ah, few down, more to go." She quipped to herself as she looked up as more and more Leviathan poured out of the portal. Her eyes then turned towards the stark tower where an injured Thor was blasted out of a window to the ground below.

She narrowed her eyes, accelerating her vision as she looked to see Loki looking down at the battered Thor with a smug face. She frowned as she noticed the magic swirling around Loki and was a bit taken back as Loki turned his head to look down in her direction as if sensing her gaze on him.

He flashed her a vicious grin as she just clenched her fist looking back in the direction of the AfterLife HQ.

"Come on, Pete. What are you planning?"


The Avengers grouped up together as a battered Thor landed shakily. He had recovered a bit after absorbing some lightning to nourish himself but for some reason, the wound made on his stomach by Loki wouldn't heal.

"Thor! What happened upstairs?!" Captain America asked running towards Thor like others as Ghost finished off a Chitauri by blowing its head off and turned to look at them with a calculating gaze.

"The p-power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor heaved out leaning against a totaled car as he raised his hand signaling Cap to not worry about his wounds. "And Loki... He is different. He is much more powerful than I remember him being."

"Thor is right." Iron Man said over the Comms. "Loki is not as powerless and he made us think he was. But thats for later, we gotta deal with these guys first."

Thor was about to say something but stopped as he spotted someone who he hadn't seen before.

"Who... Who is this man?" He asked as Captain America looked over his shoulder and frowned to himself.

He himself didn't have the right answers, this 'Ghost' was just like him but better in every way, physically and tactically. If Captain America was an old-school super soldier then Ghost was the new-school super soldier and apparently he wasn't the only one.

"Think of us as allies." Another man said as he landed behind Ghost. Like Ghost, he had a skull imprint on his armor as well, but across his chest. This man was the infamous Punisher, Frank Castle. "For now."

A man he knew well from the SHEILD's threat monitoring records. Rogers had no idea just why or how he was here and just where he popped out from. It was clear that there was something big behind these enhanced newcomers and from Tony's report, there was even a female Hulk wrecking havoc on the enemy numbers.

This world had just doubled on him with its strangeness and Roger knew he didn't have the mental capacity to figure out just what was going on today so he decided it was best to tuck it into the back of his brain for now. He will have to discuss with Nick Fury about this matter at a later appointment.

Surely the SHIELD must have an effective way of dealing with them.


"Well, we could use all the help we can get." Thor said with a nod, snapping Rogers out of his thoughts. "I have unfinished business with Loki."

"Oh yeah?" Hawkeye said as he prepared some arrows. "Get in line."

"Save it." Captain resumed his command as he gathered his thoughts. "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us to-"

He stopped mid-sentence as he saw Banner arrive on a motorbike. Cap and the others walked over to him except for Ghost and Punisher who exchanged some words as Invisible Woman, Wraith, Ghost-Spider and Deadpool joined them.

"Wazzup, Ghostface?" Deadpool joked as Ghost turned to look at him as Frank rolled his eyes. "What? You didn't get the reference-"

"Now's not the time for reference-" Frank began but was cut short by Ghost who nodded at Wade.

"I've seen Scream, it's a good watch." Ghost said as Wade giggled. "But that was a decade ago."

"Awww, let's watch it together then!" Wade suggested as Ghost nodded.

"But later." Ghost said as he constructed a few guns using the coffin and tossed them towards Punisher and Deadpool. "We will keep the perimeter tight. Deadpool and Punisher you are with me. We will spread out and deal with the aliens in the building and tunnels while Ghost-Spider, Wraith, and Invisible Woman escort the rescued hostages to safety."

"What about She-Hulk?" Susan asked as Ghost looked at the explosions in the distance.

"She is fine, let her be." Ghost said. "Let her and the Avengers deal with the heavy hitting until Peter decides to make his move."

"I wonder when is that going to be." Susan sighed shaking her head with a smile.

"It's going to be soon." Deadpool said suddenly gaining everyone's attention as he looked at the portal with a wide grin behind his mask.

"And it's going to be beautiful."


"So, this all seems horrible." Banner said dismounting the motorbike as he surveyed the damaged surrounding.

"We've seen worse." Natasha shrugged as Banner gave her an apologetic look.

"Sorry." He said as Natasha waved him off.

"It's fine." She said looking back towards the AfterLife HQ in wonder. "Shit happens."

"Stark, we got him." Cap said into his earpiece as Iron Man responded.


"Just like you said." Captain America nodded.

"Then tell him to suit up." Iron Man said as he flew around a corner and towards the group. Following him closely, was a rampaging Leviathan. "I'm bringing the party to you."

Iron Man drew the creature low and it skimmed towards the road as Banner turned around and began to walk away, towards the Leviathan.

"Doctor Banner now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Cap said calling for Banner who looked back over his shoulder.

"That's my secret, Cap." Banner said flashing him a small smirk as his eyes turned green.

"I'm always angry."

On cue Banner transformed into the Hulk and punched the Leviathan in the maw, smashing it into the ground.

"Hold On!" Iron Man excamiled, blasting a missile at the creature and it exploded. Barton ditched over the bridge, while Thor stood his ground taking the blast as Cap shielded Natasha. Ghost simply crouched as the coffin on his back shifted, transforming into a cannon that repelled the Leviathan debris away.

The rest of the Chitauri grouped up roaring at them as Loki looked down from the tower.

"Send the rest." He muttered as the Avengers looked up to see more and more Leviathans and hundreds of warriors pour out of the portal.

"Call it, Captain." Tony said Ghost and the rest watched Captain America give out orders.

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash." Cap said as Barton turned towards Iron Man.

"Wanna give me a lift?" Barton asked as Tony nodded.

"Right. Better clench up, Legolas." Iron Man said grabbing onto Barton and flying him up to the top of a building, then flew off to survey the perimeter.

"Thor! You gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow 'em down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up." Cap ordered as Thor swung Mjolnir, flying off to the sky while Cap turned towards Natasha. "You and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk!-"

Hulk turned around to face Cap, who pointed at him.


Hulk grinned and then leaped off, taking out dozens of warriors that were on the sides of the buildings -- grabbing, smashing, and throwing them around as Cap turned towards Ghost and his team.

"You know what to do." Ghost said as Punisher nodded pumping his new shotgun. "Get moving."

"Wait!" Captain America called out as the ladies rushed off leaving behind the men who looked at the man. "What are you doing-"

"The same as you." Frank replied in his gruff voice as he ducked under to avoid a wild stab at his back as Deadpool raised his gun and blew the Chitauri's face off. "Working."

"But I haven't given the orders-"

"Eh, we already have ours." Deadpool said as he pointed at Ghost.

"I thought you said we were allies-"

"We said we are, for now." Ghost responded as he turned around, his gun over his shoulder.


"But we didn't say anything about co-operation." Ghost responded looking over his shoulder as Thor's lightning crackled in the distance reflecting on his mask's surface. "Did we?"

Captain America stood there baffled as the three-man rushed in different directions to rescue hostages and eliminate the Chitauri that had taken refuge in buildings and tunnels.

"It's alright captain." Natasha said, internally smirking as she realized Peter was going to arrive really soon.


Fury was at his command center watching the news footage his eyes looked at the approaching Hill with a suspicious gaze, still pondering over her patched-up state.

Just what technology did AfterLife come up with that gave such fantastic medical results? Was their technological advancements only in the medical field or was there more to it?

These were the questions that were constantly swirling in his mind even though there was a literal war going on in New York. He couldn't imagine just how much SHIELD would benefit if they managed to get their hands on AfterLife's technology and they were in dire need of it. He would have to look more into this later. He needed to get his hands on it-"

"Fury, sir." Nick was finally pulled out of his head as Maria called out for him. "The council is on."

She said as Fury took in a deep breath, frowning.


Natasha looked over her shoulder as aliens were thrown out of a building's window, dead as Deadpool rampaged through the complex with a maniacal efficiency.

She shook her head, concentrating as she went town on the aliens, fighting like a warrior even though she was trained to be a spy. Just as she was about to punch a downed Chitauri, she was thrown into a car. A Chitauri warrior was about to attack her but Natasha used her Widow's Bite on it, shocking him down as she reached for its gun.

Shooting it in the back with its own gun, she spun the rifle around taking two more out before, and quickly turned on her heels as she heard someone land behind her. She quickly aimed but relaxed as it was just Cap. She sighed standing down as she leaned against a car.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." She stated the obvious gauging his reaction as the man out of time nodded.

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." He replied as Natasha internally rolled her eyes.

'Should have known. The man's just out of the ice.' She thought to herself before she offered some insight. "Well, maybe it's not about guns."

"You wanna get up there? You're gonna need a ride." Captain stated as she nodded glancing up, seeing a Chitauri craft fly past her as she made her way over to the other side of the overpass.

"I got a ride. I could use a boost though." She responded as Cap gave her a look.

"You sure about this?" He asked readying his Sheild in front of him as Natasha nodded. A bit nervous, but on the surface she looked calm and ready.

(A/N: Sorry, I couldn't help myself from dropping bombs cause I keep on forgetting-ugh!)

"Yeah, it's gonna be fun." She said as she ran at Rogers, who used his shield to boost her up. Cap looked up as she grabbed onto a passing Chitauri vehicle but his eyes widened in horror as another Chitauri Vehicle crashed into it which resulted in an explosion.

"Natasha!" He screamed out but nodded in relief as Ghost-Spider emerged through the smoke, Natasha in her hands.

"You are so not doing that ever again." He muttered to himself as he turned around and saw Ghost, blast a Chitauri out of the 14th-floor window of a building and aim his rifle before firing, taking out two Chariots with a single hit. Ghost looked down and spotted Captain and they both shared a look before Ghost stepped back disappearing into the building.

"I don't know why, but that skull mask just pisses me off." Cap sighed grumbling to himself.


"Ya know, if you wanted to ride me, you could have just asked." Ghost-Spider said as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively as Black Widow just rolled her eyes.

"I would have asked but I'm not sure if my teammate would have appreciated our intimacy." Natasha retorted as Ghost-Spider giggled.

"I'm sure Peter would appreciate it." Ghost-Spider joked as Natasha laughed as well.

"Well then, let's give him a show later." Natasha suggested as Ghost-Spider grinned landing on top of the Stark Tower.

"We'll see." She said stepping back towards the edge as she performed a backflip, before flashing her a mock salute. "Later~"

Natasha shook her head with a smile seeing Ghost-Spider swing away as she turned and saw a passed out and a bit wounded Erik Selvig near the machine.


"Director Fury. The council has made a decision." The Councilwoman said to Fury who was talking with the World Security Council over his command center frowning with visible anger.

"I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it." Fury bit back as the council shared a look.

"Director, you're closer than any of our subs, you scramble that jet-"

Hill who was watching, began to breathe heavily in panic as Fury cut the councilman off yet again.

"That is the island of Manhattan, Councilman." Fury emphasized his point as the Council was beginning to get fed up with how difficult Nick was being. "Until I'm certain my team can't hold it, I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population."

"If we don't hold them in the air, we lose everything." The Councilman argued back as Fury walked towards the prompt.

"If I send that bird out, we already have." Fury said in a final tone as he hung up on them.


Loki who was on the balcony sensed some movement above and spotted Natasha. He raised his scepter intending to kill her but was forced to stop as the Hulk leaped at him out of nowhere. The Hulk grabbed him and threw him through the window of the penthouse causing Loki to drop his scepter.

Hulk roared and rushed at Loki, who got up to his feet.

"Stop you, dull creature." Loki hissed as Hulk hissed back at him. "You are not worthy enough to touch a God-"

"Ahhhhh!" The Hulk just charged at Loki pulling his fist back and lashed out a devastating punch that shattered all of the glasses in the room as well as cracked most of the surface but Hulk was surprised as not only was Loki still okay, but he had managed to block his punch. Loki looked up his face trembling with anger as his eyes glowed with unbridled power.

"I said..." Loki began as he pulled his hand back. "Do not touch me you Vermin!"


Loki hit Hulk in the face sending him to his knees. Loki hit Hulk twice harder than Thor had ever did and it hurt Hulk causing him to bleed from his nose.

Hulk snarled looking at the blood on his hand while Loki just smirked.

"You will all fall before me." Loki said as he rushed towards Hulk who did the same only this time Hulk applied more force blasting Loki through the wall out of the Stark Tower as he too jumped after the supposed 'God'.


Natasha walked toward the Tesseract as Selvig woke up, free from Loki's control.

"The scepter." Selvig wheezed out as Natasha turned and walked over to Selvig.

"Doctor." She said kneeling near him as Selvig mumbled out.

"Loki's scepter, the energy- the Tesseract can't fight." Selvig fumbled with this words, trying to make sense as Natasha stared at him. "You can't protect against yourself."

"It's alright, Doctor. You didn't know what you were doing." Natasha said trying to calm the man down a bit but Selvig shook his head.

"Well, actually I think I did." Selvig said as Natasha gave him a look. "I... I built in a safety to cut the power source."

"Loki's scepter." Natasha realized.

"It may be able to close the portal." He said looking down towards the balcony as the Scepter glowed.

"And I'm looking right at it."


Hulk and Loki continued to fight across the city with Loki going head to head with the Hulk. Hulk was throwing punches, the kiddy gloves off a long ago and Loki responded him with combat magic to through Hulk off and countered him with equally devastating punches as he moved between Hulk's blindspot using his newly acquired teleportation magic.

"Loki!" The Hulk roared growing angrier as Loki just smirked before his face froze as he sensed something. That was enough for Hulk who broke through his Magic Shield and punched him in the face, which sent Loki flying back.

Growling to himself, Loki rolled correcting himself as he dug his fingers into the ground to slow the speed. He spat out a bit of blood as he raised his hands as Hulk lept towards him. Loki casted a blinding spell, obscuring Hulk's vision before leaning back avoiding his wild Smash.

He then raised his hands and casted a spell of Lethargy as Hulk felt his strength being sucked off by something.

The effects of the spell would be temporary, especially against someone like Hulk, and Loki knew this so he needed to make this count.

"Now!" Loki said as more and more Chitauri crafts gathered and opened fire on the weakened Hulk.

The Hulk hissed and roared in pain as the aliens pinned him taking advantage of his vulnerability, while Loki smirked relishing Hulk's pain before he turned his attention towards the tower and snarled.

"That wench." He hissed as he teleported away leaving the Chitauri to finish off the Hulk.


"Seven-alpha-one-one confirmed. We're go for takeoff."

Hill who was nervously fiddling with her thumb noticed something off over her command center as she hear a voice over the Comms.

"SIR, WE HAVE A BIRD IN MOTION!" She yelled in urgency as Fury quickly rushed out of the bridge.

"Anyone on the deck we have a rogue bird. We need to shut it down!" Fury said into his earpiece as he weaved through the passages "Repeat, takeoff is not authorized!"

Fury ran onto the deck with a missile launcher and fired it, taking the plane out but was ill prepared as a second jet took off. Fury clenched his teeth pulling his gun out but it was too late. Fury walked inside closing the door to the deck.

"Stark, you hear me? You have a missile headed straight up for the city." He said into his earpiece as he heard Iron Man grunt in pain.

"How long?" He asked as Fury frowned looking down at his watch.

"Three minutes. Max. Stay load can wipe out mid-town." Fury said as the line was cut off by Stark. Fury entered the bridge and looked at the screen where they were tracking the nuke-armed jet.

"God help us all."

Well, that was something coming from a raging atheist.


Natasha had retrieved Loki's scepter while Selvig was setting up his equipment as he pointed to the device.

"Right at the crown!" He instructed as Natasha began to push the spear through the barrier surrounding the cube with a bit of difficulty.

"I can close it. Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down!" Natasha called out into her earpiece as Steve instantly reacted.

"Do it!"

"No, wait." Tony interjected as Natasha pulled the spear back.

"Stark, these things are still coming!" Steve urged but Tony had different ideas.

"I got a nuke coming in." Natasha heard Tony and almost froze up.

"What the fuck are they thinking..." She muttered to herself as Tony added.

"It's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it." Tony said as Natasha looked up in realization.

"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip." Steve said gently in a warning tone as Tony hummed.

"Save the rest for the turn J." Tony said as the line was then cut off.


"Sir, shall I try Miss Potts?" Jarvis asked as Tony nodded after a bit as he guided the missile, his whole attention fixated on the portal not paying attention to his falling energy levels.

"Might as well." He replied as Jarvis dialed for Pepper.


A plane was slowly flying through the sky over an ocean and inside was Pepper Potts, Tony's fiancé who was watching the news with her assistants, unaware of her vibrating phone.


"Streets in New York City have become a battleground. The army is here trying to contain the violence but clearly, they are outmatched. We have news that Tony Stark's Iron Man has grabbed ahold of the nuke that was launched at Manhattan Island-"

Helen Cho turned the news on her tablet off, worried as she turned over to Peter who looked at her.

"Is it time now?" She asked almost begging him to step in as Peter raised an eyebrow but smiled as he looked back ahead.

"Yes, it is." Peter smirked as he grabbed his shirt and tore it off as a Rorschach poured out of his pores and in an instant it began to cover him. Helen stepped back, with a smile on her face as she rubbed her legs together trying to quench her excitement as Peter transformed. He braced his legs crouching as a black-red magic circle appeared below him.

"It's time to dance."


In an instant, he was blown upwards and towards the Stark Tower. Helen grabbed her skirt, the wind brushing against her skin as she looked at the disappearing form of Spider-Man before she turned to her earpiece

"Helen to Command, Arsenal is a go." She said, smiling.

"Deploy the SPARTANs"


Natasha like everyone else watched a streak of fire in the distance as the missile was approaching the tower. She gripped the Scepter, ready to shut the machine but suddenly she felt chills run down her spine as she felt someone behind her.

She quickly spun on her heels and stabbed using the Scepter but Loki caught it between his finger and used his other hand to slap Natasha off the rooftop and onto the balcony below.

Loki snarled twirling the Scepter as he prepared to kill a terrified Selvig who had already been backed into a corner. Just as he was about to kill him, he saw the streak of fire and he felt a bad premonition settle upon him. This was bad news. He raised his hand ready to blast whatever contraption the humans had prepared for him but alas,

That would not be needed.


"Ahhhh!" Natasha groaned as she fell onto her back, breaking God-knows-how-many bones. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she crawled towards the stairs trying to help herself up even in this broken condition as she reached for her earpiece.

"A-Anyone! Can you h-hear me?!" She managed to wheeze out as blood spilled from the corners of her mouth.

"Natasha?! What happened?!" Steve asked.

"L-Loki... He jumped me." Natasha said as she looked up to see the missile along with Iron Man headed straight for the tower. "He has the Scepter!"

"Shit! Wait-I'll be there!"

"No wait, I will." She heard Thor over the Comms as Tony interjected.

"Relax, I'll handle it once I put this missile in the sky hole-" The line was suddenly cut off as Natasha felt her heart drop.

"S-Stark...?" She asked softly as besides her heart, the Iron Man who had lost all of its power in his suit began to fall as everyone who was watching looked on with absolute despair as the realization suddenly dawned on them.

The missile was going to crash and it was going to level the entirety of New York.

"Dear God." Natasha muttered to herself shakily standing as the missile was speeding right in her direction. Natasha felt her body turn numb with fear as she fell onto her knees.

There was no stopping it.

"Peter..." She called out shutting her eyes as tears began to leak out of them.

Just as the missile was going to crash into her she suddenly heard a thud.

"You called?" She heard a familiar distorted demonic voice as her head snapped upwards in disbelief and she wasn't hallucinating.

Standing in front of her, was the black-red menace that had Terrorised the world with his actions. Undefeated and Undisputed, in front of her was the man of her dreams. He was none other than-

"S-Spider-Man." She muttered out smiling through her tears as Spider-Man looked over his shoulders.

"Your one and only." His mask shifted resembling into what looked like a smile as he turned back to look ahead raising his hand. "But first..."

Time seemed to have slowed down for everyone as they weren't able to tear their eyes off the spectacle that was about to happen. As soon as the missile touched Spider-Man's extended finger a black magic circle appeared between the point. The missile pulsed expanding, exploding releasing a huge blast of wind that created a shockwave but none of that fire or heat expanded outwards as Spider-Man shrinked it. He kept compressing until it just a tiny bright white marble of energy which he grabbed and it disappeared.

Spider-Man smirked as all the working billboards of New York turned on with his crest on them.

"Dear sheep of New York." Spider-Man said, his voice reverberating through the city as he smirked towards Loki who was glaring at him. "You are being rescued."

"Kindly... Do not resist."


Alternative Titles:

- Call Me Ghost

- Creed Makes 'Em Bleed

- Peter 'Last Minute' Parker


Hello, hope you have been doing well. I'm well now, had a fever past four days. I'm considerably well now so I managed to finish this chapter. Took me a while since it is almost 8k words and I had to write most of it with little reference.

I hope Peter's entry is as grandiose as I have pictured in my head and it isn't that sucky lol. Next chap is going to be a huge massacre and a big, BIG mini-boss and Boss battle. Stay tuned for that.

Anyways, let's talk pop culture. So, I watched Cyberpunk 2077: Edgerunners Ep1 and it's fantastic so far. The opening was just a chef's kiss, Great art style and I knew that letting Japan have creative control is the best decision a studio can make. Secondly, I also watched RWBY: Ice Queendom and it's good so far. Jaune and Pyrrha are my fav characters btw. I got into RWBY after I discovered a fanfiction here on WN around Jaune Arc. Sadly, the author passed away and the book was never finished. Also, I started reading isekai manga again and boy am I bustling with useless ideas lol.

Alright well, that's all and I'll see you in the next one.

P.S.: Started listening to 80s, and 90s music and I'm way more into its sci-fi aesthetic. It's a huge wonder to me that 80s and 90s sci-fi looked more futuristic than what we have now. Movies, music videos, manga, tv-shows whatever it may be. Food for thought.

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