
I am Jose (Football)

---MTL alert--- Under the huge pressure of relegation, the team actually invited a rookie coach to direct the game! However, the result was unexpected! Yes, it is him. He looks like a rookie but has a mind to see the future. He plays with the whole world In football, turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain, accumulate strength bit by bit, rely on strength to fight, and finally achieve the glory of Mallorca. God is the greatest, and under God, it is me! I am Jose!

Alexxz · セレブリティ
101 Chs

Chapter 31 Hat Trick

Chapter 31 Hat Trick

"Mallorca completed the overtake... This goal happened in the sixth minute after the start of the second half. During this period, they played quite well! Although Monaco scored in the opening minute, but the next During this period of time, they had the upper hand, beat Monaco helplessly, and scored two goals in a row using two set kicks! But the current score of 2-1 lead is not safe for Mallorca, Even if they finally win the game with this score, they will face stronger pressure in the away game."

"Even so, Mallorca's performance is amazing enough...Monaco is the current leader in Ligue 1, and Mallorca has just got rid of the bottom position in La Liga. It is already difficult to take the lead. It's not easy... But maybe we don't need to be so surprised, because Mallorca had achieved exciting results in the European Cup Winners' Cup last season. In the final of the Cup Winners Cup, although Cooper is no longer in Mallorca this season, the newly appointed Jose seems to have regained the tradition for them. After consecutive victories in the league, Mallorca also played in the UEFA Cup. Bringing back their style from last season!"

Puel frowned, watching the restarted game on the field-now he is in a dilemma, continue to strengthen the defense? Mallorca's unreasonable offensive tactics of dribbling the ball directly to break through and draw fouls is almost the natural enemy of Monaco's defense. The two central defenders are both brave, and the midfielder is not strong enough. Continuing to defend can only be more and more exhausted. .

However, if the attack is pressed, Mallorca may take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack, so that Monaco's defense will face the opponent's quick counterattack, which is also a very headache-only the performance of the first half, Eto'o has already let Puel knows the personal ability of the opponent's black striker...

However, at this time, he had no choice.

"Press up! Attack and score as many goals as possible!" Puel stood up and shouted loudly from the sidelines.

Jose sat firmly in his seat, without looking at Puel, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

So far, all the opponent's reactions have been within his predictions.

Calmly, he made a gesture to Natal beside him. Natal nodded knowingly, stood up and walked to the sidelines, and then made a retracting gesture to the inside.

After this gesture was seen by the Mallorca players, they nodded in understanding, and then the entire Mallorca tactics immediately changed drastically!

Collective recycling!

The five or six old guys in the backcourt began to return to the 30-meter zone with their old arms and legs and began to defend, while the attackers in the frontcourt also retreated deeper, except for one high and one fast, two forwards in the middle Outside the circle, even Stankovic and Ibagaza began to retreat deeply, strengthening the defense of the two wings...

This kind of earth-shaking change compared with before made Puel dumbfounded for a moment.

Almost in an instant, Mallorca changed from a team of idiots who wanted to stick bayonets deep into the opponent's heart no matter how many times they were stabbed, into a team that was "manly and manly" no matter what you shouted outside. , if you can't say it, you won't come out" a tortoise-shaped team...

And it is obvious that Mallorca before was just a half-baked team, but now Mallorca is a seasoned turtle-shaped team that has been tested for years...

At this moment, no matter how dull Puel was, he knew that he had been fooled—it turned out that Mallorca was still the Steel Division led by Cooper who used defensive counterattacks to attack all over Europe!

But now, even if Puel found out, so what? Now, he is also riding a tiger!

With Mallorca's current defensive ability, even if they only win 2-1 at home, they may be able to defend a 0-0 away game! With the team's renewed appearance after the start of the defensive counterattack, Puel has no doubts that they can do this!

He can only hope now that the team's offense can score goals, and try to get a draw with goals in the away game, so that he can win after returning home!

However, Mallorca's defense is surprisingly solid-this is Cooper's greatest asset to Mallorca, at least at this stage.

Nadal and Nino keep a close eye on Monaco's two forwards, Simeone and Pourshaw, Nino against Pourshaw, Nadal against Simeone, old against old, young against young, Soler and Ngonga protect the penalty area , to prevent Gallardo's back row from plugging in, and after Stankovic retreated, Olesola was able to deal with Giuly with ease-he didn't need to completely block Giuly, he just needed to keep Giuly from cutting inside. Opportunity is enough. With Olesola's experience and ability to block positions, it is not difficult to do this.

Monaco attacked with all their strength for seven or eight minutes, but failed to create any substantial chances to score. However, at this time, Mallorca's counterattack became more and more sharp!

In the 67th minute, Ngonga intercepted Gallardo's pass in the backcourt, and then immediately made a long pass!

Tristan once again overwhelmed Marquez and gave the ball to Eto'o, and then rushed forward at high speed. Marquez gritted his teeth and chased Tristan hard.

After catching the ball, Eto'o used his technique and speed to torture Christan Val. Compared with Marquez, who had been dazzled by anger, Christian Vale still maintained a calm mind. Constantly being thrown away by Eto'o using speed, but still closely following Eto'o, preventing him from having a single-handed breakthrough.

Kankan broke through the 30-meter zone with the ball, and Eto'o was also a little annoyed by this black defender with good physical fitness-after receiving a yellow card, Christan Val obviously calmed down a lot. He no longer participates in the defense in a way that is easy to get rid of, but keeps sticking to Eto'o, not seeking merit but seeking nothing.

Facing such an opponent who hardly made mistakes, Eto'o had nothing to do. After turning around to control the ball, he saw that he had no chance to directly break through, and looked up to see that Tristan just passed the horse by sprinting. Quess shook off a little, immediately lifted his foot, and passed the ball in front of Tristan.

Tristan catches up to the ball with a sprint, and then swings his right foot against the ball!

After entangled with Tristan all the way just now, the anger in Marquis' heart became more and more intense, and he was at a disadvantage in several physical contacts with Tristan, which made the Mexicans really unable to vent their depressed feeling...

At this time, Tristan swung his right foot in the stands, Marquis didn't care about anything, rushed over from the side and rear, and then bumped into Tristan with a shoulder before Tristan shot!

Tristan, who swung his right foot and was about to shoot, didn't prevent this at all. If he collided with Marquis, Tristan, who is about the same height as Marquis but has a stronger physique, would not be afraid at all. Collided with Marquis, but at this time the center of gravity was unstable and he was only standing on one foot. After being hit by Marquis like this, Tristan immediately flew out to the side with unsteady feet, staggered, fell to the ground...

At that moment, the boiling stands became extremely quiet!

"Hell, this foul is too bad!"

Jose was the first to jump up from the coach's bench, waving his arms and roaring loudly, and immediately there were loud abuse and boos from the stands!

Mallorca's substitute players all rushed out and yelled at the field, and on the field, players from both sides rushed to the scene of the accident!

The whistle in the referee's mouth kept ringing, and he rushed to the scene of the accident immediately, but obviously, what he worried about did not come true, even though most of the Mallorca players rushed over immediately, but Instead of looking for trouble with Marquis, they gathered around and loudly criticized Marquis, and how is Tristan's current situation...

Seeing that the bad situation did not form a gang fight between the two sides, the referee was relieved. He waved and called Marquez over, then took out a yellow card in front of his eyes, and then took out a red card. Two yellows turned into one red, and he was off. !

There is no doubt about this penalty. Tristan can already shoot without defense, and there is only Barthez in front of him. It is not an exaggeration to show a red card for this kind of foul. The debate now is whether it was a penalty or a free kick...

"It's a penalty, Diego fell into the penalty area!" Ngonga said to the referee.

"Free kick, the place of the foul is outside the penalty area!" Monaco's captain Jiuli said to the referee.

The fans in the stands began to shout "Penalty kick! Penalty kick! Penalty kick!" to put pressure on the referee, but the Slovakian referee remained calm and pointed to the top of the penalty area—a free kick !

There was a sigh from the stands, and the Mallorca fans were a little disappointed, but Jose just shrugged his shoulders—the place of the foul was indeed outside the penalty area, and it was correct not to award a penalty kick. Besides, even if there were disputes, The opponent has already sent off one person. From various perspectives, the referee will not award a penalty kick in such a controversial situation.

There is still a long time before the end of the game, and now Mallorca has an absolute advantage, expanding the score is just a matter of luck!

Regarding this point, what Jose believes is "I do everything I can, as for luck, it's not something I can control..."

In the end, Stankovic failed to hit the free kick. The distance was too close and it was very difficult...

After one player was missing in Monaco, the situation immediately reversed again!

Puel replaced the veteran Simeone in the frontcourt with a substitute central defender. The pressure on Mallorca's defense was greatly reduced, and Ngonga was able to devote himself to the offense. It became Soler and Nadal, so that Ngonga could concentrate on organizing the offense, and when he devoted himself to the offense, Mallorca's offensive power increased geometrically!

What's more, even though Marquis suffered repeatedly in front of Tristan before, he was able to control Tristan's performance to a large extent. Now that he is off the field, the new central defender who plays is no matter in terms of height or strength. Shang Du was far from being Tristan's opponent, and was instantly humiliated by Tristan's abuse.

In the 72nd minute, Ngonga made a direct pass from the midfielder, Tristan overpowered the opponent's central defender to ferry the header, and Eto'o quickly inserted it, single-handedly!

After receiving a pass from Tristan in the penalty area, Eto'o was about to shoot, but was thrown to the ground by Barthez who attacked quickly. Amid the uproar in the stands, the referee's whistle sounded sharply again stand up!

Puel covered his face. Barthez's foul in the penalty area, in addition to giving the opponent a penalty, may also receive a red card...

But maybe the referee saw that Monaco had received too many cards, so he softened his heart a bit. He just showed Barthez a yellow card and then warned him a few words.

Barthez nodded obediently, turned around and left without arguing - he had already made a lot of money without getting a red card...

Jose shook his head. Sometimes the referee's sympathy is overwhelming... But as long as the penalty is scored, the game is almost meaningless.

Stankovic once again stood in front of the penalty spot. This penalty was recommended by everyone to take the penalty. With this goal, he completed his first hat-trick in Mallorca. For Stan It was the best birthday present for Kovic!

Although he escaped the fate of being sent off by a red card, Barthez still failed to save the penalty. Stankovic calmly scored the ball into the lower right corner, 3 to 1, and Mallorca expanded its lead!

"Oh oh oh oh! Goal! Juvan Stankovic! The Yugoslavs scored the third goal of the game, a hat-trick! This is Stankovic's first since joining Mallorca five years ago A hat-trick, although it was three set kicks, was a rare experience and outstanding performance for this veteran midfielder! Relying on his own performance, Stankovic gave himself the best birthday Gift! Three to one, Mallorca extended their lead at home, which gave them the upper hand in the two rounds!"