
I am in love with the Demon Princess

She was everything I'd ever dreamed of in a woman - charming, sweet, and utterly mysterious. We spent hours talking, her laughter like wind chimes in the breeze, her intellect sharp and insightful. I was captivated, falling deeper into the abyss of her charm with every passing moment. But as the days turned into weeks, a subtle shift occurred. Her gaze, once warm and inviting, began to flicker with a chilling intensity. Her laughter, once light and carefree, grew tinged with a darker undercurrent. Whispers followed her, hushed and secretive, speaking of a power she held and a lineage she concealed. One moonlit night, under the watchful gaze of a full moon, she confessed her true identity. She was the Demon Princess, a being of ancient magic and forbidden power. My heart, once filled with love, is now pounded with a mixture of fear and fascination. The woman who had stolen my heart was also a creature of legend, a being of darkness and light, a contradiction that both terrified and enthralled me. This was no ordinary love story; it was a tale of forbidden desires and impossible choices, a journey into the depths of a love that defied all boundaries.

illorien · ファンタジー
78 Chs

That is one hell of a night.

Chapter 14

Ethan was seen walking right behind Katarine, and those who saw him beat multiple people with his fist were motionless and just stared at them as they went up toward the second floor. She was nearing her target when the sound of the police was heard. This propelled Katarine to stop and just stared at the Asian woman who was similarly doing the same while holding a glass of Burgendy.

And while the vagrants were dragging their fallen companion away, the Asian woman sadly continued in a different direction, and I simply moved toward Katarine, passing her. Although Katarine was relieved that the police were there, she also experienced remorse for not being able to assist her hired driver. The Asian woman had already left and had not returned. Her pulse raced as she attempted to make her way through the throng of people to safety when the VIP room burst open and a nude woman was seen racing out, intent on finding a safe exit while the man who was abusing her was after her.

The naked woman saw the stairs leading down and also heard the police sirens. She just ran toward that direction, where Katarine was located. located the woman reached Katarine's location and just instantly begged her for help, tears streaming down her face as she explained the situation in a panicked voice. Katarine, recognizing the urgency of the situation, quickly led the woman to safety and reassured her that she was now safe from harm. While Ethan saw the man wasn't about to let the woman go,

He knew the moment that woman talked, his social reputation would be permanently ruined and tarnished, so without any idea who the mask person was, the perpetuator assumed he was a nobody, adding that he was under the influence of illegal drugs and alcohol. Distorting his action, he pursued the woman he was raping and attempted to convince her to remain silent, promising her safety and protection. However, Katarine was able to lend a helping hand. The naked woman cried and pointed out that she and her four other hostess co-workers were forced to engage in sexual acts against their will by the same woman, who was just the fiancée of their true boss.

She pointed out that two of the women were even forced to swallow drugs so they wouldn't resist. Ethan heard this and rushed toward the VIP room. The man, who looked like he was high on drugs, was staggering towards Ethan, cursing at him, and demanding that they give the hostess back to him, as she was a payment for their services .

Ethan took him out with an uppercut in the face. The man fell to the ground, unconscious, As Ethan quickly went inside the room, he saw the two women were already dead. From a drug overdose, the man on top of their dead, cold bodies was unconscious, and the club VIP table was filled with bottles of luxury alcohol and illegal drugs in powder form. While the other two women were gasping for air as their mouths were already foaming because they had ingested too many drugs, the fifth one was bleeding and passed out lying on the sofa naked, as her face was severely beaten. The man who did this was very drugged and was still hitting her.

Ethan grabbed the man by the neck, and with a powerful force, he bashed the man into the floor. He was about to puch the man in the face when he heard a scream of the naked woman. Katarine was comforting. A man just came up and started slashing a knife at her. Ethan was a few meters from Katarine. He panicked and ran out of the VIP room. He just saw Katarine's clothing was filled with blood. This made him really mad.

He didn't even hesitate as he lunged towards the attacker, who was at the near edge of the second floor staircase. Ethan just struck the thug who was holding the knife while Katarine and the naked woman were sitting on the last staircase. He pinned him down and just bombarded the man face with strong punches until the thugs mouths bleed out and his face gets fractured , not feeling the two knife slice attacks from the assailant until passing out.

Ethan was hurt, but his concern was Katarine's safety. The police finally reached the place but to Ethan's dismay, the club manager was able to persuade the corrupt police officers to live and let them handle whatever issue was inside the Club Phantom, and because there were still many rich young men and women inside the club whose families have ties and direct connections to them, they just gave a weak salute and went back out and just left.

Katarine was not actually hurt; the blood on her clothing was not hers; it came from the naked woman who got slashed while she was being comforted near the staircase going down, the hostess trauma didn't help, as she panicked and got accidentally hit by the assailant who was actually targeting Katarine.

The sound that suddenly toned down and was left untended by the DJ soon returned to normal, as if nothing were wrong. Security guards finally appeared, and with a word, they just took the unconscious men and lifeless women as if they were objects and left. Ethan wanted to react, but the 2 inch deep stab and 4 inch long slice on his shoulders were now bleeding.

One guard came and took the wounded female hostess and just left. left, the woman was shivering in fear as she slowly left the viability of the second floor. Numerous busboys came and cleaned the place as the music stopped and the lights that were slightly dim were now all open,

The patrons who were inside just continued with their casual drinking. This made the driver, who was Ethan clench his fist and give out a heavy sign, Katarine stood beside him and thanked Ethan.

"thanks Ethan,"

"Huh, ma'am, what are you talking about?"

"Don't act coy with me; I know it's you since the very beginning."

"Your scent gave you away."

'My what? "

"Let's go. You are bleeding."


while this was happening Lush Coco was lying near garbage bin, unconscious and look like he was rob by the very guy he was flirting a few minutes ago, and lost all of his luxury items,


"why are so upset Ma'am?"

"Stop celling me Ma'am,"


"Please calm down."

"Fine , fine, lets just go back to the hotel"

"my purpose for coming here was pointless, either way it was a unpleasant," 

"my dear Allison, what the hell happened to you?"

As they walked down from the second floor, the rich and elite guests on the ground floor turned to look at them but quickly lost interest and returned to their conversations. Ethan's frustration grew as he realized these were not his kind of people. They were completely out of touch with reality, lost in their own little bubble of luxury and privilege. Everything was about them, and the situation that happened was just a little leisurely entertainment for them..

But the night was not done yet. Katarine and Ethan were at the center of the dance floor when the DJ started the music again and began to dim the light. And the club once again operated without a hitch. The music blasted a light dance to the tune; this was too much for Ethan to comprehend. The dancing light and ear-numbing sound were affecting his vision. Katarine walked unaffected, but she knew Ethan was having a hard time adjusting his senses.

And the wound on his side and upper shoulders was not helping him, so Katarine hesitantly grabbed his hand. The sensation she was feeling was incomprehensible; the moment she touched his skin, it was like swimming in a pool of electricity. Ethan's eyes widened in surprise as he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body, momentarily forgetting about the pain from his wounds. Katarine's touch seemed to have a calming effect on him, as if she had some kind of magical healing power. Sadly the remaining members serving the gang were still inside the club; the five loyal wealthy young men that contacted them seemed to leave without even getting a slap on the wrist. Corruption was evident in the city's justice system.

A suddenly thundering beat pulsated within the club as the music DJ instigated the patrons and VIP guests to join the rave dance. Ethan now understood why these people couldn't care less about what just happened a few moments ago, because they were all pumping up with the same drugs the five young men were using—everything alcohol and these drugs were flowing freely, and the atmosphere was charged with them. Ethan realized that these individuals were living in a world where consequences seemed nonexistent, fueled by substances that blurred their sense of reality. Katarine was feeling something but it has nothing to do with alcohol and drugs.

She was swirling in bliss and peace, her heart filled with love and gratitude for the present moment. She was in tune with the energy of the universe, feeling connected to everything around her in a way that transcended any substance-induced high.

This was because she was already kissing Ethan again in a trance-like state. 

" what is wrong with me, this again?"

" but I can stop my self, he is consuming me,"

"and this feels so good, "

"his mouth and tongue is , making me aroused ,"

"god! i am trembling in pleasure"

"No! not again.."

"my mind is going blank"

The gang members saw an opening to avenge their subleader and took it. As they dashed toward the two , intending to kill them, as soon as the knife touched Ethan Skin, his reaction speed was beyond human as the attacker was grabbed by the neck and was tossing away like a rag doll. Ethan's free hand was unconsciously moving as his other hand was holding Katarines face. The other two gang members went to hurt Katarine, but Ethan realized his other hand hugged Katarine and kicked the second gang, and with a smooth move he turned around and used the movement to strike the last gang member.,

Until everything turned south,

The next morning, Ethan woke up in an unfamiliar place. The bed was soft and comfortable, but his head was pounding with a dull ache. he noticed the room was dimly lit and unfamiliar, causing a wave of confusion to wash over him. Ethan quickly realized he was not alone; somebody was sleeping beside him, and the bed sheet cover was the only thing covering his naked body. Ethan slowly turned his head and saw Katarine was with him and was also naked. The room was filled with a scent of sandalwood and vanilla. Ethan's heart raced as he tried to piece together the events of the previous night, but his memory was hazy at best. He knew he needed to find out what had happened before Katherine woke up.

Katarine head was on his shoulder and was heavly sleeping, and her plump brest was touching his skin; even her hand was touching his erected shaft, sending a jolt of panic through him. Ethan carefully extricated himself from Katarine's grasp, trying not to wake her, and quickly searched the room for any clues that could explain their current situation. The sight of their scattered, rip, and burned clothes only added to his confusion.