
I am his little devil

Azure Raven’s dream was to become a professional doctor. And her dream, however, was dashed when her father collapsed due to heart failure. Since their house was only a loan, they moved out of the city to a suburb. She doesn’t have any choice but to postpone her studies and to find work. She worked three jobs in the suburbs because the wages were lower. Her other job needs her to be dressed like a man for a reason. To provide expenses for her family and medicine for her father, she accepted the offer from her friends, Darren and Bob, to join in every drinking contest and have an additional income. When she was working at the pier, checking for cargo from a shipment, she accidentally bumped into a man. She didn't know from the beginning that he was her boss. Her boss's good looks captivated her. When her boss discovers her other activities aside from working on the pier, her boss challenges Azure to a duel and offers her a large sum of money if she can defeat him. Unfortunately, the game didn't end well. Azure’s father’s physician rushed them to have an urgent surgery for a heart transplant. But they hadn't found a heart donor, and her savings weren't enough to cover the surgery expenses. She had no choice but to accept an invitation from a neighbor to work as a singer in another country. In the other country where she worked, she met her boss, and she learnt the real identity of her boss.

Akuma_Chang · 都市
4 Chs

CAPTER 1 - Life Changes

On a beautiful day, while walking down the street, I imagined my future. "Dr. Azure Raven, please proceed to the E.R.." That is my dream after I graduate from college and get a degree.

So I went to take an entrance exam for my college. I was overjoyed because I had worked hard for the past week and was confident that I would pass and be accepted to the university of my choice. What I didn't know is that behind my excitement, there's a tremendous challenge that I will face in the future. My family did not inform me about what had happened to my father because I was in the midst of the most important event of my life, my exams.

When I returned to our house, I only saw my young twin siblings sobbing. I panicked about why they were crying. I asked them what had happened and where our mother was now. My twin siblings told me about what happened to our father, and our mother is now in the hospital.

When I found out what had happened to my father and that we were in a huge financial bind because of the hospital bill and my father needed surgery, I was forced to drop out of school and help with my family's expenses because my siblings were still young. My parents objected, but they didn't have a choice, and they agreed I work as well.

Since our house was still on loan and we couldn't pay for it now, it forced us to move out to a suburb.

After we had settled into the suburb, and bought a small house, I started looking for a job. I believe that, even though I have a job, it is insufficient because it is not a full-time job and the salary in the suburbs is very low. And the medicine for my father was expensive. Fortunately, after walking around every day, I was able to find two more jobs. However, in one of my jobs, I had to dress like a man because the company where I'd applied only hired men, and it was there that I met my new friends, Darren and Bob.

I became a more practical girl when my father's physician asked us to rush the surgery for my father, but we couldn't find a heart donor yet, and the surgery was very expensive. I worked every day, but my savings were insufficient to cover the cost of the surgery. And here's my story, beginning with why I love money.

Three months later, it was such a beautiful day! I was preparing food early in the morning for my family.

"Azu, Darren is looking for you!" I dashed out of the kitchen to see who was yelling so early in the morning. "Azu! Azu! Azu!" He keeps calling me.

"Bob, shut up! You will wake my siblings up with your noise! You know they're still sleeping now!" I shouted at him.

"Sorry, Azu, but Darren is looking for you." He informed while he panting.

When I heard Darren was looking for me, my eyes lit up because it meant I could make a lot of money later.

"What did Darren tell you about the time?" I asked him.

"He said before sunset you must already at the Pirate Bar."

"OK, I'll be there! I'm in good condition now, anyway! Hehehe!" I smirked and patted Bob's back. And he yelled at me, "Geez! You become crazy when there's money involved! Stop patting my back so hard! You're going to lose my lungs!"

"Hahaha! I didn't know you still had lungs!" I laughed out loud at him.

"Back off, Azu! Anyway, I have to go! See you later!" Bob left me immediately. I returned to the kitchen to finish cooking and deliver food to the hospital for my father later.

Before going to work, I dropped by the hospital for my father's meal.

"Fathers, here's your breakfast to eat now and take your medicine when you're done." When I looked at my father's appearance, he had dropped his weight a lot. I feel sorry for him. I can't take him yet for surgery. My father held my hand and said, "Azure, I'm sorry, because I am so sick and useless now, you forced yourself to go to three jobs. "I am a terrible father to you." My father lowered his head because he felt ashamed of himself. I caressed his back and responded to him, "Father, you don't have to be ashamed. I am a member of this family. I can't bear to see my mother work for herself as well. And when you were healthy, you always worked for us. Please don't blame yourself for it. We are one. Let's hold on together to overcome this situation. I believe we can do it." My father nodded, and he hugged me and he stated, "We are so lucky to have a daughter like you."

After my father finished his meal, I said goodbye to him because I still had to work. I also reminded him that my mother and siblings would be paying him a visit later.

When I finished cleaning my employer's house, I went home straight to my house to prepare for my other work. My mother and siblings were about to go to the hospital, too. "Azure, will you come with us to the hospital?" My mother asked me, but I rejected her invitation and I told her I still had work to do after I changed my clothes. My mother was worried about me because I didn't have any time to rest because of my work. "Be safe when going to work at a late time, Azure. You are still a girl, even though you dress like a man. She continued. "OK, mom. "Don't worry, Darren and Bob will send me later." I informed her to stop worrying about me. My mother and siblings went off to the hospital, and I finished changing my clothes too.

Darren was calling me to ask where I am. And I responded to him, "I'm on my way." In a few minutes, I arrived at the Pirate Bar.

"Azu! Do you wish to die? You're about twenty minutes late!" He smacked me in the head.

"Geez! Don't hit me, Darren! Even I'm like this, I'm still a lady!" I blinked my eyes several times to joke with him.

"Lady my ass! You didn't act like one! Hurry, we'll go inside. Bob already inside!" He's roaring like a tiger. I followed him with my lips pouting, and he saw it.

"If you don't stop doing it like that, I will pull your lips and throw them to the dogs!"

"Yeah, whatever! You won't get a girlfriend. You're always harsh toward a lady like me!"

"I don't care! You're not a lady, anyway!"

After arguing with Darren, we got inside the bar. All the contestants were sitting in their chairs already.

"You're all ready to knock out this time? Haha! My tummy is ready to take you all down!" I bluffed to them and gave them the thumbs down.

"Anyway, what are our drinks for today's competitions?" I asked. And the server responded with vodka, gin, whiskey, etc..

I have been doing this contest since I met Darren and Bob, so my tolerance for alcohol has become much higher. Whereas I didn't get drunk easily.

To begin the competition, we sat in chairs around a large round table. In a few minutes, I knocked out many of the contestants! "I'm going to be a winner again tonight. Hehehe!" I giggled and drank the last vodka to win. After the competition ended, everyone inside the bar was murmuring and praising me.

"Azure won again!"

"He's really a monster of liquor!"

I got tipsy because of the different alcohol I drank and did some crazy actions again. "Hahaha hahaha! This is my night of triumph! All the handsome men come to me. Allow this aunty to cuddle you! Hahahahaha!" I laughed and screamed inside the bar.

"When he's drunk, he goes insane again! He will teased all men again! Let's back off!" Every man inside the bar was panicking because I laughed and chased them.

Everybody thinks that I'm a boy! They mistook me for a gay person when I got drunk and chased after them.

After Darren got the prize from the cashier, he rebuked me.

Since Darren and Bob knew I was a girl, they pulled me out of the bar to go home.

"Azu, I will give the money to you tomorrow. You won a big prize today, but it's not safe if you keep it in your current situation." Darren informed me while he carried me.

"Oh! Do you like to kiss this aunty, handsome? Hahaha!" Darren frowned at me because of what I said! "Hey drunk master, do you want your uncle to push you off the cliff?" He squeezed my face so hard, and he made a remark about me. And I clicked my tongue.

"You're here at your house now. Rest well, Azu! Darren and Bob dropped me off, and I called Darren back to remind him about the money. "Handsome, please send the money tomorrow, early in the morning. I need to buy food for my family." Darren came back to approach me. He touched my face and said, "Do you really think I am handsome? Do you want a kiss from this handsome? I am stunned and I can't utter any words. Our faces were one inch apart from each other.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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