
I am here for you Always

I was instructed to not tell him.... I don't understand why he isn't allowed to know. He has every right to know. I unfortunately have to listen to my father and Dumbledore on the matter. My name is Iris Elizabeth Snape and this is how Harry finds out he has a sister.

Mama_Wolfblood · ファンタジー
34 Chs


Chapter 3

Dawn came the warm blues and pinks reflected over the lake. This letting the young Gryffindor know it was time to set up shop. With a sigh Iris made her way to the seventh floor bathroom. Not to her surprise people were already lining up. As she passed people wished her a good morning and she politely nods. Fred and George were already waiting for her. The seductive smell of the Oak Amber washed over her. It smelled good a little too good on them. "Oi Iris stop staring we will turn into flames." One of them said bring Iris back to reality. "Oh right sorry boys just a effect from the body wash." She said covering up her rude behavior. With a flick of her wand shelves of difent cosmetics and ingredients were lining the room. She then opend the door students and staff shuffled in. Her lavender and Chamomile shampoo conditioner and body wash sold out in minutes. Her prediction with Ravenclaw was well placed. "Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for coming ,before you leave I would like you to come by the stalls." She said walking up to Fred and George. "Now there are three new spots in my inventory. One was my Lavender and Chamomile shampoo, Conditioner and body wash. But can I have a lady come up and take a wiff of these two strapping young men?" A first year from Hufflepuff came up and sniffed them. She blushes before backing away. "Well what do you think?" Iris asked the girl while Fred and George smirk. "They smell nice." She said shyly playing with her hair. "How about a member of the staff? Step on up don't be shy we are all friends. " Iris said and McGonagall stepped up and took a sniff of the two. The poor boys looked like they were ready to die. "On Fred it smells like fresh clipped grass and forest in the fall. While with George the smell of mountain air and with the forest after a fresh rain. I take it will smell different on any gentleman?" The transfiguration professor asked  looking at the young woman. "Exactly not everyone has the same genetic makeup. We all have something different this body wash will bring out that something in your man. If you don't have a man your brother or hell your father. Any man can where it as you can see it works. Now for the ladies can I have one of you gentleman come of and take a wiff of me?" Iris asked Harry and Draco stepped up. "Mind your place Potter. I am her intended so back off." Iris swots Draco on the back of the head. "I believe I said no to your father on that. " this made everyone chuckle and a look of relief came over Fred and George for some reason. Iris helped out her arm to Harry he took a sniff. "The smell of lavender and a spring rain fall." He said looking at the young woman. "A member of staff if you may?" She asked and Professor Quirrell took her hand kissed it before taking a wiff of her wrist. Iris cringed a bit at the man's approach. "A Meadow after a cool fall rain pares with the sent of a Lavender field in summer. A wonderful assault on the senses." He said dropping her arm seeing the looks the twins were giving him. "Like the Men's body wash the ladies has the same effect. Please put your order in writing so I may get them to you. Thank you for choosing Wayward Pines and have a wonderful day." She said Finnishing her morning sales. Fred and George helped her take the money to her father. "Sorry to bother you daddy. May I place my money with you till I can make it to Gringods?" She asked knowing full well she didn't have to ask. "Iris sweetheart you never have to ask you know where the safe is." He said still writing on a parchment paper. Iris walked over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you daddy." She said leading the boys back to the safe the boys turned around so she could open it. They left a few moments later. Snape though not liking how much of an independent woman his daughter is. Will always say how proud he is of her finding her way and making her own money. He never had to explain anything to her she was just gifted.

Harry pov

Sitting at the breakfast table with Ron the topic of conversation was the shop. That was till Dumbledore came in to speak. "I would like to wish you all a very good morning ,and thank you for being on time.  The seventh floor west wing is off limits to all students. Hogworts has been entrusted to house a special artifact. Also thank you to Miss Iris  Snape for her sizable donation to the school. 1,000 points to Gryffindor. " He said making the table cheer Iris blushing not expecting the recognition."Carry on and have a good day." He said before sitting with the teachers. I decided to go up to Iris. "Hello Iris um..." I studder she looked at me with a warm smile. "Hello Harry what can I do for you." She asked with a warm  voice. "I um... you ah....mmmm" I couldn't find the words to speak. "Oi look at this one Freddie. A first year trying to flirt with a third year." I believe George said making his brother laugh. "It's not like you gus flurt with me." She teased them. "Oh so you want us to start then?" They said in unison she shook her head. "Oh Merlin what have I done?" She laughed Before turning back to me  "Harry what are you trying to ask me?" She a asked I got cold feet and walked away. "Oh strike out better luck next time Potter." The twins yelled  I have to ask her when she is alone. I don't know when that will be. Those three are attached at the hip. I will figure it out  she knows something.

Iris pov

The day went by slowly all my worst subjects were first. But then Potions came and I was happy. "Hello students today you will be trying your hand at Confusing Concoction. The directions are on the board good luck." He said before going back ti reading. "This was easy work for me. I guess it pays having the potions master as your dad I did things slowly not to show off. Dad knew I didn't like showing up anyone. I however was still the first one done. "Hmmmm I expect nothing less from you. Your free to help the others if you wish." He said before walking around the room. I do my best but even with my help half the class failed. It was my free period so I walked Sybill Trelawney class room. "Ah I knew you were coming. Come sit dear let me see your hands." She said gently looking at them. "Hmmmm you my dear have a duble love line. The two are consistent meaning you will marry two men. You harbor a secret that hurts you but you fear what people will do. Mmmm you are to face many heartbrakes, but none will hurt more that the one you care for most. I see you having many children and a strong business." She said before smiling "we all have our trials Iris they are what makes us who we are. We take those lessons and pass them on. You my dear are stronger than you know and will believe." She said before her class shuffled in. "Well I'll be heading out then. Thanks Professor for your time." I said before walking out.