
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · ファンタジー
65 Chs


"You've arrived." He soon heard the woman's voice from behind the chair. Elric's eyes widened in bewilderment. She said it with a European accent! He was also familiar with this voice, because it was someone that he knew from his time!

"Jane?" Elric gasped. With the mention of her name, "Jane" turned around and met Elric's gaze. Holding a quarter-filled wine glass, Jane was beautiful beyond belief, someone that would beat even the women of the world pageants in his time. Her face had the features of femininity despite having a perfect jawline that exudes masculinity, paired with Her light blue eyes that exudes a deep impression to those who gazes at it. Her long lustrous black hair cascaded down Her smooth neck and slender shoulders. Paired with Her black silk maxi dress and a pearl necklace, and with all the impression that he got from this room, She projected an aura of elegance and power.

"It seems that you did something that I forbid you to do." She smiled with Her deep blue eyes staring teasingly at the befuddled man. "What are you doing here? Why and how are you here?" Elric didn't even hear Her first sentence as he was too shocked to be on Her presence.

"You performed the magic that was at the end of the Tome of Ashan." Seeing that Elric did not respond to Her previous statement, Jane once more spoke, but now with a serious and dominant tone. This time, Elric did acknowledge it, seeing how his face contorted into nervousness.

"You did, right? Even though I strictly forbid you not to?" She continued with a smile that did not reach her ears while swirling the wine on Her hand. "Is that why I was brought here? To Earth's past? To the period before the flood? Am I right?" He questioned. In response, She only looked at him with a look that seemed to say 'Isn't it obvious?'

"How can I come back to my original timeline? Am I still alive there?" Elric asked pleadingly, striding towards Her with urgency. Still, it wasn't long before he was stopped by what seemed like an invisible barrier. Without waiting or his reaction, Jane said to him, "I'm impressed that you still want to go back to your mortal life despite being already this powerful in this life. No mortal would have the thought nor the pride to do so." She approved of his character, "Unfortunately, you can't."

Elric's eyes widened, "What? Why?" Elric exclaimed. "Because you're not in your Earth anymore." She cackled, the grin on Her mouth now reaching Her ears, amused by his reaction.

"What do you mean I'm not in my Earth? That's preposterous!" Elric shouted at Her in anger. As soon as he did so, his body violently flew backwards, hitting the walls so hard yet not causing a single dent on it.

She stood up from Her seat, placing down the wine glass on Her hand, and walked towards him with a confident stride. "You dare to shout in front of your God?"

Elric exerted his strength to stand up yet only managed to lay on his knees. Looking up, he saw Her eyes staring at him as the vastness of the universe unravels before his very eyes. He saw the creation of stars, planets, parallels, and many more. With the load of information pouring down on him, Elric convulsed before falling face down, fainting because of the exertion of his mind.

When he woke up, he discovered that he was still in the same carpet where he lost his consciousness, with his bare body exposed because of the impact that burned his clothes. Looking up, he saw what he initially saw when he entered the room; Jane sitting on Her chair comfortably while still exuding a strong pressure to those around her. She was looking down on him while sipping her wine.

"W-Who are you, really?" Elric asked weakly, looking at Jane as if he was seeing a monster. "How silly, you truly are. I already told you." She replied with a confident tone.

Elric recalled what She said before he fainted, "You're the Almighty? The one that we were worshipping all this time? God is a woman?" He said, still with an unbelieving tone as he stood up.

She swirled the wine on her hand, letting it release a fruity yet alcoholic aroma, "I am the Almighty, but not the one you were worshipping before this whole conundrum." She answered while flailing her hand, but it just made Elric question more. "What do you mean? You're the Almighty but you're not who we were worshipping? Then, is that God a false one?"

As soon as he said that, thunders rumbled and the seas raged, which was sensed by the two. "Oh, no, no. You shouldn't say things like that lightly." She wagged Her index finger at him and clicked her tongue, "The judgement has just passed which means that the divinity's presence is much stronger than before. Existence can be quite a bootlicker whenever that happens; they would do all that it takes to erase someone so… blasphemous." She chuckled.

"Then, the Almighty that we were worshipping was real, but it's not you who claims to be the Almighty? Then, are you the liar?" Elric blurted, which irked a glare from Jane. "Do you really have a death wish, cursing your God like that?" She coldly spat, at which he immediately bowed down and apologized.

"You're just confusing me, that's all!" Elric breathed out in exasperation. "You need not know anything more, mortal." Jane told him the hard and cold truth.

"Beings such as us aren't meant to be understood by lowly beings like you. It is beyond your comprehension and your capability to know anything about us that would satisfy your mind that is trained to follow logical thinking." She proclaimed.

"The only thing that you need to know is that you are being punished for your conduct." She declared with her eyes glaring straight at him, "You have been told to never dabble your hands in that forbidden art, yet your humane curiosity still got the better of you, which means that you have no proper conduct, no laws that bind you, which guarantees that you will only be a rogue Magus if you were to be allowed back."