
I am Eris in Toaru

The story is about an unsociable boy who accidentally fell into another world

Void_Creator666 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


July 14

In the hospital, in a hospital bed, the girl finally opened her blue eyes after 2 days. Taking a sitting position on the sofa, Eris rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned so that tears instantly appeared in her eyes. Turning her head several times, Eris realized her situation, she was in the hospital. This information gave Eris a headache, and she flopped back on the bed.

Looking at the ceiling, the silver-haired girl pondered:

– And how could I get to the hospital? Maybe someone found me in the park and thought I was sick and called an ambulance. But I think I'm missing something. So so so, you need to think something definitely happened, I'm sure. Oh! I remembered, someone woke me up in the park and... and...

hmm, and something happened. But who was it and what happened? –

– Arr, for the life of me, I don't remember! Eris cried out , holding her head –

Gradually, pulling her soft long hair, Eris calmed down and thought with a smile:

– It's good to have such hair, so soft and white as fluff –

Suddenly, the door to the ward opened and a seemingly ordinary doctor walked in. Slowly approaching the cot on which the girl lay, who had gone into her mental world.

– Um, young lady - the doctor coughed slightly to attract the attention of the girl on the bed.

Eris was tidying her hair, not thinking about anything, her head was completely empty. Suddenly, she heard the voice of a man in his 60s. Surprised that there was someone else in the room besides her, Eris turned her head in the direction of the voice and noticed an old doctor in a white coat.

Eris noticed something strange in the doctor's facial features. Eris looked more and more into the doctor's face and it was as if she was struck by lightning.

She said with a blank face, "Frog." –


– Frog! The girl exclaimed, pointing her finger at the doctor's face with a happy expression.

Yes, yes, a girl named Eris remembered everything: about her meeting with Misaka Mikota. About his "stealing" skills. About how she stole an important piece of clothing from a certain power plant. And finally, about the darkness, after using the skill.

Eris is not stupid. Although she did not know such subjects as Literature, History and Social Studies well in her previous life, she understood the exact sciences well. Remembering everything, Eris realized that Misaka had knocked her out with her lightning bolt.

The Doctor shrugged his shoulders at Eris' actions, because his face really looks a little like a frog.

– What's your name? The doctor calmly asked his patient, distracting Eris from her thoughts.

– Eris. I am Eris – the girl answered the frog's simple question.

Hearing the girl's name, the doctor, as a professional in his field, began to inform the patient about her situation: – Eris, you were brought to the hospital in a very serious condition, you were struck by lightning. Even with the technology of Akademcity, at best, after prolonged treatment, the sensitivity of the nervous system could worsen. In the worst case, you could lose your memories.


Hearing about her situation, Eris wanted to say something, but the doctor, after a pause, continued:

– When I put you in the operating room, I noticed that you were recovering very quickly. Your condition has improved before our eyes. After 2 days, you have almost completely recovered. –

At the frog's words, Eris tensed up and bad thoughts appeared in her head, because she is in Akademcity, in a place full of crazy scientists. With the help of Akademcity technologies, the hospital would be able to determine that she does not have an AIM.

Eris was sure that she was not an esper, because her body was the body of the Goddess of Fortune. So she thought she was using magic or divine power. And these concepts do not characterize an esper in any way.

Looking at the frightened little girl, the doctor smiled and decided to calm the girl down and said: "Don't worry, I don't care about your abilities. The main thing for me is that my patient is alive and well, that's all. –

Calming down a little, Eris asked the doctor about a lot of things.

After answering all the questions of the girl, the doctor quietly left the ward, and the girl lay down on the bed again and began to peer into the window next to her bed.

Eris received an answer to many questions. She found out that today is July 14, that she is in the seventh school district, which is focused on middle and high school institutions. Eris also found out that it was Misaka Mikoto who informed the ambulance about the incident, that Eris had lightning twice in broad daylight.

Admiring the view from the window, Eris, with a laughing face, thought about how a smart and elegant student of Tokiwadai middle School tells medical workers about how a certain girl is struck twice by lightning when there was not a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining brightly.

Sprawled out in the shape of a star on a white bad, Eris went into her own world.


– During my stay in this new and scary world, I met bandits, Misaka Mikota, Doctor Frog. Who else will I meet on my way? Will I get a job in Akademgorodok? So many interesting things, I'm so happy. –

– The meeting with Misaka was so unexpected that I probably behaved like a complete idiot. No! I was definitely a fool. Used an unknown skill on her. It could be some kind of dangerous skill and Misaka could be badly hurt. But she wasn't hurt. And she attacked me anyway and almost killed me, if it wasn't for my abilities, I probably would have died before I could have been brought to Dr. Frog. If an ordinary person were in my place, he would definitely die. –

"I don't think I'm mad at her, even though she almost killed me. But, I'm alive, so I think everything is fine. –

The end of the POV

– Alice! – the hostess called her system.

"Master, you didn't have to say my name out loud, but okay. Is there something you wanted to ask? – the system immediately replied

– I need to become stronger, I only ask you to use this or that skill. I don't even know what I'm really capable of. So Alice, you can tell me about my skills and help me become stronger! Eris said decisively.

At Eris' determination, Alice just smiled sweetly and said. – Fool! You're a complete fool! Of course I will be happy to help you! I was created to be with you and teach you so that you don't die in this world. –

– Thank you, Alice, I'm really grateful to you, if it wasn't for you, I would.... –

Before she could finish, the System interrupted Eris. – Don't, I know it myself. Let's start your training! –

"Master, you possess the body of a god! Even though you are mortal now, because your soul would be destroyed if you received the real divine body of the Goddess of Fortune, but you have limitless potential. –

– While the host was sleeping, the great me updated the status window, so now the host can see his characteristics and skills. –


[Name]: Eris

[Race]: Human

[Age]: 15

[Gender]: Female

[State]: Expectation, Happiness, Impatience


HP: 100

MP: 10,000

Strength: 7

Dexterity: 18

Defense: 6

Intelligence: 13

Magic: 0


[Absolute luck]

[Aspect of the Goddess of Fortune]



[Divine Punishment]

[Probability Manipulation] LvL (0/6)

[Theft] LvL (1/10)

[Escape] LvL (1/10)

[Buff] LvL (1/10)

[Enemy Detection] LvL (1/10)


Looking at the status window, Eris noticed that she had some skills of Chris, the mortal shell of the Goddess, and some skills of the main body of the Goddess of Luck. She was most interested in the skill [Probability Manipulation].

Eris was also very interested in magic. Therefore, with a twinkle in her eyes and impatience, she began to ask Alice questions. "Can I use magic?" How can I feel my strength? Need to sit in the lotus position? Do I need to read poems about tao? Or do I just have to imagine that everything is working out and everything will really work out? –

– Master, to feel mana, you need to meditate. For meditation, the host can be in any position, the main thing is that the host is comfortable! Think about the great, feel the energy in yourself, see in yourself what you have never seen! –

After instructions from the system. Eris, though with doubts in her heart, closed her eyes, lay down comfortably.

After 10 minutes, Eris was still lying on the bed without any changes.

After 20 hours, nothing has changed again




After 3 hours

At 17:00, a girl with silver hair was lying in the ward. At first glance, an ordinary person would think that an Unearthly beauty is sleeping, but an experienced magician would definitely say that a huge amount of gold-white mana circulates in an angelic beautiful girl.

Fortunately, outside the chamber, no one, not even the most powerful magician, could discover the hidden power hidden in Eris.

Suddenly, Eris's eyes opened, exuding a white-gold radiance, white flames with great energy played in her already golden eyes. Eris felt that she was surrounded by something cold and warm, soft and durable.

– Congratulations to the hostess on the discovery of mana! Now the master is able to use mana, but the master needs to learn how to control mana otherwise the master's body may suffer! –

Mentally nodding, accepting information from the system, Eris tries to control the outgoing flow. But despite the girl's attempts, the flow only became stronger from Eris' attempts, Eris began to experience small tingling, but then severe pain began. She felt her body burning from the inside out.

– Alice! How to stop it! Eris mumbled through the pain.

"Master, it's okay, there are many ways to gain control, and this is one of them. Unfortunately, you didn't manage to use the soft method, so you'll have to suffer a little. Heh). Good luck to you, master! – Alice said calmly to her nerdy mistress.

Eris's lungs began to melt, and her heart froze, while her brain began to icy faster, thereby causing a headache. Eris wanted to scream, but she couldn't feel her ligaments, she couldn't even move her mouth. Tears were pouring from her sky-golden eyes.

Eris was afraid, angry, and desperate. She just wanted to stop it all, but she didn't know how, and she still really wanted to get stronger, so she had to endure this inhuman pain.

After a while, which seemed like an eternity for Eris, white cracks began to appear on Eris, she was on the verge, her bed was flooded with a large amount of liquid. She was feverish, she was sweating, her insides seemed to be constantly deformed. Due to fatigue, Eris' consciousness drifted away, Eris lost consciousness.

July 14, 18:00

Eris was lying in a wet bed. She looked like she had run a marathon.

The medics did not come to her, because there were no abnormal phenomena on the cameras. On the cameras, people could not notice the wet bed and Eris looked completely normal in the images. Only a magician would be able to notice the strange phenomena happening to Eris: her cracked skin, her constantly changing aura and many other phenomena not visible to espers and ordinary people.

Abruptly, Eris jumped out of bed, breathing heavily, she swallowed air as if her lungs were completely empty.

Her heart was beating as if Eris had run a marathon. Her delicate hands were trembling, even though the pain had passed and the skin had returned to its normal state, and her magical flow had calmed down.

After catching her breath and finally calming down, Eris sat down on the bed and asked curiously: – Are there really magicians who are so leveling? –

— No. Master your case is special! Your mana carries a divine concept, so the process will definitely take place differently using this method. In addition to being able to control mana, the host also gained the ability to feel the concept of luck, that is, the host took the first small step in knowing herself as the Goddess of Fortune! –

- Hm... I don't feel anything. Alice, are you kidding me? Eris asked her beautiful system suspiciously.

– Of course not! Master, you're hurting me. How can I deceive you? I am your companion and helper! So don't you dare doubt me! Alice replied threateningly, pointing out her master's mistake.

– Master, you probably don't feel the result, as some time must pass, your body must rest from training. Even though your body doesn't hurt, you still can't feel mana and use your powers. It's like eating a lot of spicy food, and then complaining about the inability to taste food! – Alice added informatively.

Eris felt a little silly at Alice's words, but she still felt that Alice should have explained it in advance.

Finally Eris got up and decided to leave the ward and take a walk around the hospital, because Eris had never been to a hospital either in her previous life or in this one, she was also interested in how the hospital in Akademcity looks like. In her previous life, if Eris had gone to the hospital, Eris would never have left her room, because she would have been lazy, or she just didn't want to accidentally contact people, or she wasn't interested in walking around the hospital building at all. Before leaving, Eris, as an intelligent creature, did not forget to change into spare hospital clothes, which were in every room where patients were.

Walking around the building, Eris did not notice anything unusual.

"A hospital is like a hospital," Eris thought.

During the walk, Eris accidentally met a doctor-frog and, on his recommendation, she went for a final examination, which showed that her health was in perfect condition.

In the end, Eris asked the Frog to ask the cleaners or some medical workers to change her bed, because it was hot and she was sweating and because of this the bed got wet.

At Eris's request, Dr. Frog only nodded understandingly and said – I will inform the nurse. –

The Frog also said that Eris would be discharged tomorrow and she would be able to go home.

Returning to the ward, Eris thought that the doctor did not understand anything and thought that she had done things in bed. These thoughts made her a little angry, although there is some truth in this. While the bed was wet, Eris decided to sit on the visitor's chair next to the bed.

After 5 minutes, a beautiful nurse came to her, who changed the bed linen with an understanding, calm expression on her face and left. Eris didn't like the look on the nurse's face, because she felt that she was being underestimated and looked at as if she was a child who had done some little prank. Eris lay down on her clean crib with a sigh.

There was no sun outside the window. And the clock showed 22:00.

– It was a pretty hard day, but I kind of liked it – the heavenly beauty thought with a sweet and tired expression on her face and closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.