

The Peace talk between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi fell apart because of Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and Second Raikage died, and the Second Hokage got seriously Injurt and had to flee with his team. The person Transmigratted Shimura Danzō's Body already knew about plot and realized that Senond Hokage is going to pick Konoha's next leader. On the battlefield, Senju Tobirama scanned the crowd and asked, "Who's brave enough to stay and hold off while we escape?" [SUPERCHOICE System lalallaalala... activated] [Choice 1: Pause briefly, give up the Hokage Position to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and let events unfold; reward: Master-level Wind Style skills] [Choice 2:Go for the Hokage position and block Sarutobi Hiruzen's path; reward: Access to the dormant Uzumaki clan] Shimura Danzō said, "Sensei! You and other's Go ! I'll hold them off even if it costs me my life!"

AR_LEGEND · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

NPC'S Everywhere & training Tsunade & Poor Monkey

Hope you enjoy this

if have seen many comment regarding length of Chapter's so from now on length of Chapter will depend on power stones for example if i got 10 stones-(500 words extra like that in each 10 power stone you guys will get 500 words extra).

As promised (2750 words so Enjoy)!

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The next day, Shimura Danzō left the Hokage building after dealing with Hokage duties. Since Sarutobi Hiruzen and others helped him with many tasks the previous day, he didn't have much to do today.

Also, not everyone in Konoha is dead, so not all matters need to be handled by Danzō. If he did everything,

what would the other ninjas do.....?

Today, Danzō decided to visit the Senju clan's Compound for some time. He hadn't forgotten Sensei's last wish: to teach Tsunade and make her a good ninja.

Initially, Danzō thought to refuse, but Tsunade's future potential was too hard to ignore. Plus, Uzumaki Mito supported him, and getting closer to the Senju clan seemed like a good idea in this era .

He also wanted to return his Sensei's weapon, Flying Thunder Sword to the Senju clan. Although the sword was valuable, Danzō wasn't that interested in it and thought returning it .

"Lord Hokage, why are you here?" a familiar voice called out to Danzō. He turned and saw the same Senju clan member who had guided him to Mito before. 

"hmm,now Think of this He look and Act like NPC's" thought danzo.

"I have some of Sensei's belongings to return. I was busy before and forgot. Now I'm here to give them back," Danzō replied.

"I see. Please go ahead, Lord Hokage. You should remember the way," the Senju member said, relaxing a bit.

"Sure, I remember. By the way, what's your name?" Danzō asked as the Senju member started to leave.

"Senju Bob," he replied.

For a moment, Danzō was taken aback by the name. Seeing his shocked expression, Bob became tense and started sweating. He remembered Mito's order that the Senju clan must not make enemies with the Hokage.

"lord... lord.. Hokage-sama, is there anything else?"BoB stammered, trying to stay calm, but his fear was obvious.

"Holy Hagoromo's Shit ! he is real NPC "thought danzo while being Shocked

"No, nothing else. You can go," Danzō said, realizing his reaction and quickly waving him off.

Bob senju sighed in relief and hurried left .

"People sure have interesting names in this world," Danzō thought to himself, shaking off his surprise as he headed towards Mito's place.


When Danzō arrived at the courtyard, he saw Mito sitting there. Not far away, a little blonde girl, Tsunade, was sitting cross-legged on a rock with her eyes closed.

Mito was surprised to see Danzō and stood up quickly. "Third Hokage, why are you here?"

"Lady Mito, please just call me Danzō. " he said with a wry smile.

"Alright, Danzō," Mito agreed, looking apologetic but satisfied.

"I'm here to return the Sensei's sword," Danzō said,while taking out Flying Thunder God Sword.

The sword crackled with golden lightning, filled with familiar chakra of Senju Tobirama.

"Flying thunder sword..." Mito murmured, looking at the sword.

After a long pause, Mito said, "You should keep this sword. Tobirama appointed you as Hokage, so its okay to inherit it and keep Tobirama Legacy Alive so. Don't refuse!"

Her tone was firm, leaving Danzō no choice but to accept. "Alright," he said, reluctantly taking the sword back.

"Since you're here, let Tsunade meet you," Mito suggested.

As if on cue, Tsunade opened her eyes, full of curiosity. "Are you Danzō that Second Grandpa mentioned?" she asked.(she was told by mito)

As soon as Tsunade spoke, the room went silent.

 Danzō looked a bit embarrassed, staring at the little Tsunade in front of him, unsure of what to do. Uzumaki Mito seemed a mix of amused and annoyed. She reached out and Bonked Tsunade on the head.

"Ouch! That hurts, Grandma! Why did you do that?" Tsunade whined, holding her forehead in pain, her eyes tearing up.

Uzumaki Mito didn't hold back at all. She glared at Tsunade. "Be serious. From now on, Danzō will be your Sensei!"

Tsunade pouted, rubbing her forehead. "Why should he be my teacher? Is he better than Second Grandpa?"

She looked away, making while Pouting . In her mind, only her grandmother and Second Grandpa could teach her anything Important

Uzumaki Mito looked at Danzō, signaling him to prove himself. After all, Tsunade had been taught by the best and was quite talented. A little arrogance was expected. Danzō needed to earn her respect.

"Oh? I might not be as great as your Second Grandpa, but I'm more than enough to teach you, little girl," Shimura Danzō teased, smiling.

Tsunade put her hands on her hips, smiling smugly. "If you can use Second Grandpa's Flying Thunder God technique, I'll call you Sensei"

 Mito frowned. The Flying Thunder God technique was Tobirama's signature move, known for its difficulty and lethal effectiveness. Very few could master it, and many had failed trying.

"Tsunade, you..." Uzumaki Mito started, but Shimura Danzō stopped her with a look.

[Here is the Choice .....what are you waiting for ]

"Wtf With this system"thought Danzo

[Option 1: Refuse Tsunade's challenge and not accept her as a student; reward: Learn Mount Myōboku Sage Art.]

[Option 2: Accept Tsunade's challenge and take her as a student; reward: Level one Flying Thunder God proficiency and a trace of Ashura's original chakra .]

"Well, this is a nice " Shimura Danzō thought, Happy with the rewards.

"Okay, I accept your challenge," he said, smiling at Tsunade. "After that , call me Sensei!"

Uzumaki Mito's eyes widened in surprise. Could Danzō really know the Flying Thunder God jutsu?

Tsunade was skeptical. "You're bluffing.....! There's no way you know Second Grandpa's technique."

But Danzō just smiled . "Watch closely, little girl."

He pulled out a kunai and marked it with the Flying Thunder God seal. With a swift throw, the kunai shot into the sky .

Flying Thunder God Technique!

In an instant, Shimura Danzō vanished from sight. A moment later, he reappeared high above, then gracefully descended.

Both Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade were stunned. Uzumaki Mito sensed the space tremor, confirming the authenticity of the technique. Tsunade, wide-eyed and speechless, couldn't believe her eyes.

Kunai landed in front of Tsunade. Before she could react, she felt herself being lifted.

"How's that, little girl?" Shimura Danzō's voice was soft in her ear, making her face turn bright red.

"Put me down, waah ..!" Tsunade struggled, embarrassed and angry.

"Not until you call me Sensei," Shimura Danzō teased.

Tsunade struggled for several minutes but couldn't break free. Finally, she relented, albeit grudgingly. "Sensei....hmph" she mumbled, her face red with frustration.

Uzumaki Mito watched, smiling warmly. Danzō had earned Tsunade's respect, and she was pleased with the outcome.

"Thank Hagoromo it worked. It's a good thing that sensei told us how it worked," thought Danzo.

Time skipoooo!

"Tsunade, if you not train properly, then don't blame me if I said that to Mito-sama," Danzō said with a slight smile.

Tsunade pouted in response. "Hmph! you Always threaten me with Grandma."

"And I've already learned everything you taught me, so I don't need to practice more," she grumbled.

As a princess of the Senju Clan, Tsunade had been learned many advanced Jutsu from an early age, trained by Senju Tobirama and Uzumaki Mito. This gave her a sense of impatience and arrogance, feeling she was beyond her peers.

"Oh? Is that so," Danzō replied. "If you can take this bell from my hand, I won't be your Sensei anymore. But if I win, you have to listen to me and follow my training."

He shook the bell in his hand, a playful challenge in his eyes.

Tsunade scoffed. "As if I don't know you'll use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu."

"I won't use it this time. Just my speed," Danzō assured her.

Tsunade's eyes lit up with determination. "Fine, but no cheating!"

"Of course. I'm the Third Hokage. I wouldn't cheat a kid.....I guess," Danzō said, laughing as he shook the bell again.

"Got you!" Tsunade thought, her spirit ignited.

"The rules are simple. Use everything you've got to grab the bell. Remember, you must have the Intent to 'Kill me; otherwise, you won't get it."

Danzō's tone turned serious, surprising Tsunade. She quickly nodded in response.

"Let's begin!" As soon as Danzō finished speaking, a kunai shot towards his face.

"Not bad, kid," he said, deflecting the kunai with his own.

"Water Style: Water stream!" Tsunade's jutsu was swift, sending a wave of water crashing towards Danzō as she leaped into the attack.

Danzō countered with an Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall, blocking the wave.

"The bell is mine!" Tsunade shouted, launching herself at Danzō with a powerful punch. He dodged, letting her fist hit the ground with a loud crack.

" Chakra Enhanced Strength? Seems like something she learned from Senju Hashirama," Danzō mused, watching the ground fracture under Tsunade's strength.

Tsunade glared at him. "Coward! Stop dodging if you're so tough and third Hokage!"

"I'm just trying not to hurt you," Danzō said, tying the bell to his waist, his tone mocking her slightly.

"You ...!" Tsunade fumed, charging at him again.

Danzō sighed "She's too hot-headed. This temper could be her downfall in battle."

Engaging in close combat, Danzō easily avoided her attacks. Despite Tsunade's strength, her strikes were uncoordinated, full of openings he could use in favour.

"Damn, he's strong," Tsunade thought, growing more frustrated as her attacks failed.

"It's time to end this," Danzō announced suddenly, confusing Tsunade.

In a flash, he was behind her, a kunai pressed to her neck. "How did he...?" she thought, shocked at his speed.

"Little Tsunade, how are you?" Danzō teased, his face close to hers.

"I lost," Tsunade admitted, deflated. She had believed their strengths were close, but his speed was beyond her.

"Tsunade, you need to control your temper. Getting angry easily is dangerous. A calm mind is essential. Think ahead, plan your moves," Danzō advised gently.

Tsunade was taken aback. She had expected him to mock her, not offerGuidence because she did not got out of senju clan.

"That's all for today. Remember, stay calm. Only then will you succeed," Danzō said, ruffling her hair before walking away.

This time, Tsunade didn't resist. Instead, she felt a new respect for Danzō.

Some time later...

Hoe....i mean Hokage Office..

At this time, Danzō was Currently working on the files on his desk.

There weren't many files, so Danzō found it easy to handle them without any trouble.

"It's pleasant,haah.. such a life."

 Danzō had never felt so relaxed.

"hmm...hey, is this information about the Uchiha clan?"

Shimura Danzō looked at the Folder file on his desk, then picked it up and murmured.

This document seemed to be left by his Sensei, and it probably recorded everything about the Uchiha clan.

Driven by curiosity, Shimura Danzō opened the top secret document.

"The owners of the Mangekyō Sharingan's in Uchiha clan?"


how the fuck....There are ten people!"

Danzō couldn't sit still, looking at the information in this document with a shocked expression.

There were detailed records of those Uchiha ninjas who had Mangekyō Sharingan, even his Uchiha Kagami was among them.

He Now remember which he forgot that the era he was living in was not long after the end of Ninja War I, and this was the period when the Uchiha clan was at its peak.

Geniuses were plentiful, and the number of strong Shinobi who survived the Sengoku era was too Much... to count.

This was simply a huge time bomb for the village, and it couldn't be solved at all!

"Uchiha Kagami's older sister,Naori Uchiha?"

Shimura Danzō frowned.

He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember who it was.

[Naori Uchiha, Creator of Izanami]

About Naori Uchiha:

Naori Uchiha is undoubtedly a great ninja. While most of her clan members were consumed by the desire for power and fought each other, she was able to overcome that urge. To save her companions, she didn't hesitate to sacrifice her own eyes. It's a pity that this shinobi's ninja like her choose to stay low-key; otherwise, she could have made as big an impact on the ninja world as the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara.


"Damn, this Era Uchiha's turned out to be so Strong."

 Danzō gasped suddenly.

He realized why it seemed so familiar; it was the creator of Izanami.

"It looks like the Uchiha clan is about to start fighting among themselves, probably for the position of clan leader. Otherwise, why would they be using techniques like Izanagi so often?"

Shimura Danzō muttered to himself.

He was sure this taht currently that Uchiha clan is stronges had ever been, and they could take over the whole village if they wanted.

With six Mangekyō Sharingan users, no matter how weak they were alone, they would become as strong as Kage-level ninja. That's the scary thing about the Uchiha red eyes.

However, in this infighting, most of the Uchiha with Mangekyō Sharingan would die, leaving only a few.

One was Uchiha Kagami, another was the one who was subjected to Izanami, and the last one was Uchiha Naori who used Izanami.

"I'm really interested in this Uchiha Naori."

Danzō put the document away in a drawer.

Judging from the photos, Uchiha Naori looked just as stunning as Mito uzumaki, very similar to Uzuki Yūgao decades later, with purple hair.

"I just need to find a chance to get in touch with her. Even though she's an Uchiha, the current Uchiha clan can still be useful."

A small plan suddenly came to Shimura Danzō's mind.

Boom, boom, boom.

While Shimura Danzō was thinking about how to contact the Uchiha clan, there was a knock on the door of the Hokage's office.

 Danzō had to put his thoughts away for now.

"Please come in."


The door opened, and an old acquaintance came into view.

"Sarutobi, why are you here?"

Shimura Danzō was a bit surprised to see Hiruzen.

Shouldn't Hiruzen be resting at home? Why come to his Hokage office now?

"Danzo, I don't think the Anbu can be left alone for a day. Recently, Anbu's discipline has been Slacking, and someone needs to fix it."

"Anbu is the last line of defense for the village. Don't you think it would be better to have a capable person in charge?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said With seriousness


His eyes were full of concern, and he sounded like he was really worried about the village.

But only he could talk so directly to Danzō; it would be really awkward for someone else.

Danzō laughed when he heard this.

He had thought of many ways Hiruzen might find to give some power in political matter's, but he didn't expect taht it will be tooo direct.

Although it was implied, it was completely clear.

"You're right. I've been dealing with documents recently, and I don't have time to clean up Anbu."

 Danzō nodded slightly in agreement with Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

"Yes, and there have been some problems with Konoha's barrier recently. Anbu didn't find out and report it in time to fix it."

"If I hadn't discovered it early, there might have been some spy's in Konoha Village."

Hiruzen nodded immediately in agreement.

But it wasn't hard to see the smile and proud look in his eyes.

"As for the candidate for Anbu's new captain, I already have someone in mind, and I will definitely not disappoint you, Sarutobi."

Shimura Danzō stood up and patted Sarutobi Hiruzen, giving him a look "thks bro ".

"Danzo...you...I didn't expect you to trust me so much!"

Tears welled up in Hiruzen's eyes.

He didn't expect everything to go so smoothly. He thought Danzo would refuse, but Danzō agreed so readily.

Sure enough, he deserved to be a "his best friend."

"What do you think of Homura? He has a lot of courage, a cool head, and he was the captain of the Anbu branch. I think he is a good candidate."

In an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen's excited expression, ready to accept Danzō's appriciation, froze.


Mitokado Homura???"