
I Am Cured From Being Zombie

I used to be a Zombie, moving mindless corpse. but now i am cured and become a human. what should i do now? -_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-- thank you for reading this novel. it will be quite annoying at first but bear with it because there is a reason for everything. please leave comment and idea as this book will not be a good one without you in it.

Northsouth · ファンタジー
32 Chs

White Vs Black

- Catherina POV -

Alpha come out of the rubble with his body covered in glowing white clear magical energy. his face look angry, not annoyed like before.

Delta see Alpha and his make a wide sick grin.

"Rahahahahhahahahahah! "

with scary laugh Delta spread his magical energy around him and soon blast of black radiance spread out of his body, destroying everything around him.

i have to move back! these two crazy strong monster is about to destroy this facility.

then at the same time as i try to move back, both Alpha and Delta blinked toward each other.

yes i say blinked. in my eyes, they just stand on their side in a single flash and then even before i can process the image in my brain, both of them already stand face to face with fist and claw ready to hit one another.

what happen next blow myself away, right into a broken wall and almost bury me in rubble.

flashes of white and black, each with enough power to blow the other for half a mile away, enter my eyes.

i can see the ground got corroded and turned to particles. but somehow Alpha not affected by this. his body remain intact and safe. at least from Delta magical ability.

i will name it Aura of Destruction.

both of them trading blow for more than ten seconds. but it looks like not even one of them ever hit the target.



and then.


Delta got hit in the face. he is thrown away and hit a wall. but then his body got through the wall into another wall. and another. and another.

i can hear the sound of body hit the wall for multiple more time. silent and then another sound of body that hit a wall. and some more until the sound fade away to the distance.

damn Alpha how hard did you punch him?


looks like Alpha finally defeat Delta again. and throw him away one more time.

this Delta is dangerous beyond believe. humans never seen a zombie evolving this way.

have magic ability? inhuman body? devilish character? none of this ever happen before.

how could something like Delta ever exis-



Delta rushed over building. destroying everything in his path. in a single flash of synapsis thought, his right claw slash at Alpha body. a wide wound tore through his body. then his left claw come from below and smash into Alpha chin. sent him flying over the cloud in instance.



Delta roared to the sky. his Aura of Destruction spread wide and turn everything within five hundred meters around him into sand of particle.

i dashed away from Delta range of destruction by using my magical item Dash Shoes and immediately moved back outside of range.

why did i just use magic item now?

magic energy to activate the shoes is expensive and need special item to recharge. and for every recharge, i can only use this magic shoes twice.

but let's think about that later. i can't see Alpha at all. is he dead?