
I Am Apollo, The Blinding Light, And The Incandescent Sun

A boy without family love and health, but who in death found himself in a new world like Apollo, a world where Gods, angels, youkai, vampires, and supernatural creatures roam freely throughout the world. In a world where several mythologies meet, Apollo blazes a new path in his ascension. Warning! There will be three chapters per week, plus English is not my native language. Tags: Accelerated Growth, Anime, Harem, Crossover, Incest, Mythology, Obsessive Love, Yandere

ExtraZ7 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Chapter 5 - Family

(Apollo POV)

I was standing next to my sister.

By the way, she had her hands behind her back as she swayed her body from side to side with a smile on her lips.

And behind us was our mother, with her left hand on Artemis's shoulder and her right hand on my shoulder.

Next to us was a beautiful table, which you would imagine only an art god could carve smooth lines into something as simple as a table.

Oops! I think that's exactly what I did.

Even though it was just a table, I was proud of it.

And on my table was a feast made by my mother with the help of Artemis.

I hadn't been much help with the food issue as I was focused on bathing my lyre in my divine power.

But I had completed the first lyre in this world, which thanks to my divine power, lost that wild appearance.

Speaking of wild appearance, my sister who couldn't wait any longer raised her head, being illuminated by the moonlight.

"Mom, will they be long?" Artemis, who wasn't a big fan of waiting in silence, couldn't help but ask our mother.

Leto moves her hand from her shoulder to her beautiful silver hair, stroking it.

"No, but they're already coming, Artemis."

Upon hearing our mother's words, Artemis shakes her head and looks ahead with a smile on her pink lips.

The reason we were standing around like we were in a TV advert for a perfect family was simply because we were waiting for our mother's guests to arrive.

I still have no idea who these guests are.

But I was sure that one of them was not my father, as it is easier for one of them to be Gandalf than Zeus.

Cutting through my train of thought, a divine power is felt before us.

And on the ground a wheat-colored golden circle forms, spreading even more divine power into the air.

The next moment there was a faint yellowish glow and the next moment two figures stood in the circle releasing their divine powers into the air.

My eyes naturally go to a beautiful mature woman with long wavy honey hair and orange eyes.

On her body, she wore a long light pink dress and a golden belt around her waist, which did not hide her abundant assets.

She was very beautiful, but she also possessed a large amount of divine power, far exceeding that of my mother, and mine.

And next to this woman was a little girl who looked to be 14 years old, being a few inches taller than me.

This girl had long golden hair that went down to her ass, and her eyes were a beautiful shade of royal blue.

Matched with her blue eyes, she wore a long purple dress.

Although I had considerably more divine power than this girl, she still possessed a fair amount that even equaled that of my sister beside me.

As I thought about this, I felt my body being pulled along with my sister's while at the same time I heard a soft and gentle voice.

"Ahh~, they're cute, Leto." The mature woman said, as she buried our faces in her bulging breasts.

Along with the softness, a scent that resembled the countryside or nature was transmitted from this mature woman's body.


I could hear my sister complaining, as she was being suffocated with me on the two mountains of Everest, I could even feel a peak of those two mountains.

As we were being (happily) crushed, I heard a jovial voice coming from the mature woman's side.

"Mom, you're bothering them." The voice was beautiful and melodious.

Along with that voice (unfortunately) we are dropped and placed gently on the ground.

Artemis, who seemed bothered by being grabbed, quickly returns to her innocently happy face.

Meanwhile, I just silently thanked life for this opportunity to witness and feel the glory of heaven.

"Hehehe! Sorry, but I kind of couldn't resist the cuteness of you two." The mature woman says, with a sympathetic look.

"Fufufu! You're still the same, Demeter." My mother said, with a slight smile on the corner of her lips.

(Image Demeter)

Hearing that name come from my mother's lips, a surprised expression forms on my face.


So this is the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, fertility, and sacred law* being one of Zeus's older sisters, which makes her my aunt.

(A/N: *Sacred law is basically religious law that includes ethical and moral codes taught by religious traditions.)

"I'll take that as a compliment." Demeter gracefully placed her hand over her mouth to hide her beautiful smile.

The two women looked at each other for a moment, but in the next instant, they smiled at each other.

Leto and Demeter seem to get along very well, considering they were both lovers of Zeus.

But I wasn't at all surprised that my mother got along with Demeter, since, according to her, Demeter was one of the few Goddesses who somehow helped her escape from Python.

Thinking about this, I feel one of my mother's hands on my shoulder.

"As you can see, these two are my beloved children, the charming girl is Artemis and the enchanting boy is Phoebus Apollo."

"Ufufu! They really are beautiful and cute. Nice to meet you, young Artemis and young Apollo, my name is Demeter, the Goddess of Harvest, basically I'm your aunt."

Artemis, being a very lively girl, raises her hand with a smile on her lips.

"Nice to meet you, aunt."

I see a smile forming on Demeter's lips, who doesn't seem to mind being called an aunt.

I take a step forward and say politely:

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Aunt Demeter." I said, with a polite smile.

"Fufu! Even though they are twin gods, their personalities are completely opposite, that just makes them even cuter." Demeter moved her hands, ruffling our hair.

Removing her hand from our hair, Demeter places it on her daughter's shoulder, moving her forward.

"This is my little girl, her name is Persephone."

I wasn't too surprised, because if Demeter was here, you could conclude that this girl was Persephone, the goddess of spring, grains, and nature.

"Hello." She said, a single sentence with a slight smile on her lips as if it were the beginning of spring.

"Hellooo." Artemis greets Persephone enthusiastically.

"Nice to meet you, Persephone." I greeted her, a little more moderately than my sister.

Persephone with a slight smile, looked at me placing her finger near her lips, her mannerism was like that of a maiden.

Now that I think about it, wouldn't this maiden be my half-sister? Since Zeus is her father too.

In fact, what I'll have most in life are half-siblings.

Really, my father is a man who doesn't know how to keep his things inside his pants.

I thought with a smile as Persephone and my sister talked, and every now and then the maiden glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.

••• ••• •••

After half an hour there was Artemis, Persephone and I talking in one corner while the two beautiful mature goddesses were doing the same thing in another corner, but it seemed like the conversation in that area was more important.

Although I said we were talking, I left that role more to my sister, who was a social butterfly.

From the few words I exchanged with Persephone, it was clear that she had a more modest way of speaking, but she also sometimes let a provocative and sarcastic tone leave her lips.

"Which of you two is the older one?" Persephone asked.

"I'm the big sister." Artemis said with pride puffing out her chest.

"What a coincidence!" Persephone touched her fingertips together with a smile on her lips.

Hearing her words, I grimaced, as I couldn't remember Persephone having a younger brother in Greek mythology.

"Coincidence? You also have a younger brother?" Artemis asked, interestingly.

"Yes, I have two younger siblings." A mischievous smile formed on Persephone's lips as she held up two fingers.

Her smile made me understand where this girl was going

"Who?" But Artemis who was naturally a little slow to understand this kind of thing, just asked Persephone with a curious expression

"Artemis and Apollo. Especially Apollo, since he's my cute little brother." Her mischievous smile widened even more.

I rolled my eyes, realizing by the smile that she was just teasing us.

I turned around thinking I would see my sister pouting.

But what I saw made me freeze a little.

My sister's face was completely emotionless, with strands of her long white hair falling over her face accentuating her blue eyes that looked coldly at Persephone.

Artemis walked over to Persephone, who was still smiling, and... hugged her, placing her lips right next to her right ear.

"If you say that "MY" baby brother is your cute little brother one more time, I will hunt you down and throw your carcass to the beasts." Artemis's voice was colder than the moon that illuminated the earth.

Persephone looked at me with a slight smile and the next moment she turned her eyes to my sister.

"Don't worry, it was just a joke."'

"Tehehehe! Don't make that kind of joke anymore, I was already thinking about killing her, because I'm not very good with that kind of joke that involves my brother." Artemis broke away from the hug and said with a smile as she fixed her hair.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"I'm heading towards our mother, baby brother." Artemis turned around, stopped next to me, and gave a smile, but the next moment she continued walking toward Leto.

I just nodded at my sister as I watched her walk over to Leto.

"Wow! Twin Gods are scary." Persephone said, moving her fingertips away from each other, still with a smile on her face.

Don't look at me like that, even for me what just happened is news, although for some reason I don't find it strange.

"But for someone who teased my sister, you seem quite happy." I said, looking critically at her.

"I was just curious what her reaction would be, I have to admit it was surprising." There was a hint of curiosity and amusement in her words.

Worst of all, it seemed like she meant no harm but just wanted to have fun with the situation.

"Just be careful not to do it again."

"I will take your words into consideration, Mr. Sun." She said putting her hand behind her back.

I ignored her slight sarcasm along with that strange nickname and looked into her eyes.

"What's he like?" I asked her suddenly.

"You'll have to be more specific, Mr. Sun."

"What's our father like?" I admit I was curious about Zeus.

Persephone put her finger on her chin, looking like my question wasn't easy to answer by the look on her face.

"Hmm! To be honest, I couldn't say exactly, the times I've seen him can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

The only thing I can say for sure is that he is strong in a way that is impossible to measure."

Her words were vague, but before I could ask any more questions, I felt a divine power behind us.

"It seems the other goddesses have arrived." She said walking past me with her hands behind her back.

"So, Mr. Sun, let's say hello." Persephone said, with a slight smile.

"Are you really going to go through with this Mr. Sun business?"

"Hmmm, sure." The beautiful smile on her lips was mischievous.

I feel like part of my imagination has just been broken, I never would have thought this would be Persephone's personality. But I have to admit that I didn't dislike it, on the contrary, it was almost as if her personality was a springtime freshness.

With that thought I turn around only to see my mother looking at a goddess with black hair.

Leto's gaze was complicated, while that of the black-haired goddess was embarrassing.

And next to that goddess was a girl with stoic eyes who instantly caught my attention.