

Following his parents' deaths in a horrific car accident, seventeen-year-old Ken is gifted—or cursed—with the capacity to see past the realm of the living. Once invisible, ghosts are now all around him, whispering in his head in an ethereal way. Ken, however, quickly learns that his newly discovered sight is more than just a curiosity because he has been selected to use an ancient power against a global threat. A malicious spirit without a name or form, The Void aims to sow chaos and destruction on a disastrous scale by embracing everyone in its black grasp. Ken must learn to control his unexpected powers, face the ghosts of his own past, and combat the darkness that surrounds him with the help of an enigmatic guardian. As light and darkness continue to clash, Ken learns that his destiny is inexorably tied to the fate of the entire world. Will he follow his calling and defeat The Void, or will he give in to the evil that has plagued humanity for ages?"

Zeke_Ezra · ファンタジー
16 Chs


The journey to the Swamps of Galadria was long and arduous, the landscape shifting from rocky terrain to dense forests and finally to the marshy, mist-covered swamps. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the wetlands. As they walked, Ken couldn't help but feel a growing curiosity about the guardian who had guided him so far.


She moved with a grace that seemed otherworldly, her light illuminating their path. Despite their time together, Ken realized he knew very little about her. The silence between them grew heavy, and he decided to break it.


"I've been thinking," Ken began, glancing at her. "We've been through a lot together, but I don't even know your name. Or anything about you, really."


The guardian's glow dimmed slightly, and she hesitated. "My name," she said softly, "is Elara."


Ken repeated the name to himself, letting it roll off his tongue. It felt ancient, full of weight and history. "Elara," he said, testing the sound. "That's a beautiful name. But there's more to you, isn't there? How did you come to be a guardian spirit?"


Elara's expression tightened, her gaze fixed on the path ahead. "It's... a long story, Ken. One filled with mistakes and regret."


Ken's curiosity only grew. "What kind of mistakes?" he probed gently. "You can trust me, Elara."


She shook her head, her light flickering with unease. "It's not something I can easily share. I... made choices that led me to this existence. Choices that haunt me."


Ken frowned, sensing there was more she wasn't telling him. "But what happened? What choices?"


Elara stopped walking, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "Ken, there are certain things you don't need to know. Not yet, at least."


Ken felt a surge of frustration. "But I want to understand! How can I trust you completely if I don't know your story?"


Elara's light flared, reflecting her inner turmoil. "Please, Ken. Trust that I am here to help you. That's all you need to know for now."


Their argument had taken a toll on their focus, and as they walked, they found themselves disoriented, the landscape becoming unfamiliar. Ken's frustration boiled over. "Great, now we're lost!"


Elara's light dimmed, her voice soothing but firm. "Calm down, Ken. We can find our way. This place is deceptive, but with patience, we'll get back on track."


Ken took a deep breath, trying to quell his anger. He knew she was right, but the lack of answers gnawed at him. "Fine. Let's just figure out where we are."


They retraced their steps, the tension between them gradually easing as they worked together to navigate the confusing terrain. Eventually, they found a familiar landmark, and Elara turned to Ken, her expression softening.


"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I know this isn't easy for you. There are things in my past that are painful to remember. But trust that when the time is right, I will share them with you."


Ken sighed, the edge of his frustration dulling. "I just want to understand. But I'll wait. Tell me when you're ready."


They continued their journey in a more companionable silence, the argument settling into an uneasy truce. As they walked, Ken's thoughts drifted to his Aunt and Uncle. He had left without a word, driven by a sense of duty and the need to confront 'The Void.' The thought of how his sudden departure must have affected them weighed heavily on his mind.


He remembered the nights spent with them, the warmth and love they had given him. He wondered how they were coping, if they were worried or searching for him. The realization that he had left them behind in his quest for answers filled him with a sense of guilt.


Elara noticed his silence and the shift in his mood. "What are you thinking about, Ken?" she asked gently.


"My Aunt and Uncle," he admitted. "I left without telling them anything. They must be worried sick."


Elara's expression softened with empathy. "They must care about you a great deal."


"They do," Ken said, his voice tinged with regret. "They took me in when I had nowhere else to go. And now, I've just... disappeared."


Elara reached out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You're doing this for a greater good, Ken. Sometimes, the path we choose requires sacrifices. But know that your efforts are not in vain."


Ken nodded, though the guilt remained. "I just hope they can forgive me."


Elara's eyes held a deep understanding. "In time, they will. And when this is all over, you'll have the chance to explain everything to them."


Ken took comfort in her words, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He would face the trials ahead, not just for himself, but for those he had left behind. He would become the beacon of light the world needed, and he would return to his family with the knowledge that he had made a difference.


The path ahead became increasingly treacherous. The ground grew soggier, their boots sinking into the mud with every step. Dense fog rolled in, obscuring their view and making it difficult to navigate. Ken felt a growing sense of unease as they ventured deeper into the swamps.


"Elara," Ken said, breaking the silence. "Are we on the right path? It feels like we're just wandering in circles."


Elara's glow dimmed slightly, a sign of her own uncertainty. "The swamps can be disorienting. But the Tome of Light's directions are clear. We just need to stay focused."


Ken nodded, though doubt gnawed at him. They continued onward, their progress slow and laborious. Every now and then, Ken thought he saw movement in the shadows, the flicker of something dark and malevolent lurking just out of sight.


Their argument from earlier still lingered in Ken's mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that Elara was hiding something significant, something that might affect their mission. As they trudged through the mire, he decided to try again.


"Elara," he began cautiously. "I know you said there are things I don't need to know, but if there's something that could help us, shouldn't I know it?"


Elara sighed, her light flickering. "Ken, I've made mistakes—grave mistakes. They led to my current state. But dwelling on the past won't help us now. Focus on the task at hand."


Ken clenched his fists, frustration bubbling up once more. "But what if those mistakes come back to haunt us? How can I trust you completely if I don't know what you're hiding?"


Elara stopped, turning to face him. Her expression was pained, a mix of sorrow and resolve. "Because you have to. Because without trust, we have nothing. And because some truths are too painful to share."


Ken stared at her, his anger simmering. "Fine. But don't expect me to just forget about this."


Elara's light flared briefly, then dimmed. "I don't. But please, let's focus on finding our way."


They resumed their trek, the tension between them palpable. The fog thickened, reducing visibility to mere feet. Ken felt like they were moving in circles, every twisted tree and murky pool looking the same. His frustration grew with each step, his patience wearing thin.


Hours seemed to pass with no end in sight. The oppressive silence of the swamps weighed heavily on them, broken only by the occasional croak of a distant frog or the rustle of unseen creatures. Ken's mind wandered back to his Aunt and Uncle. He imagined them sitting by the fire, worried and wondering where he was. The thought of their worry gnawed at him, adding to his burden.


He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He needed to focus on the present, on finding their way. But the weight of his decisions, the uncertainty of their path, and the secrets Elara held all pressed down on him.


"Elara," he said finally, unable to keep the frustration from his voice. "We need to stop and figure this out. We're lost."


Elara paused, her light flickering uncertainly. "You're right. We should try to find higher ground, get a better view of our surroundings."


They altered their course, searching for any elevation in the swampy landscape. The ground became even more treacherous, and more than once, Ken found himself sinking knee-deep in muck. Each time, Elara's light guided him out, but the effort was draining.


After what felt like an eternity, they stumbled upon a small rise, a patch of relatively dry ground surrounded by the swamp. They climbed to the top, but the thick fog still obscured their view.


Ken sat down heavily, his body aching from the effort. "This isn't working. We need a better plan."


Elara remained standing, her light dimmed with exhaustion. "I know. The swamps are more treacherous than I anticipated."


Ken's frustration boiled over. "You think? We're lost, with no idea where we're going, and you still won't tell me everything I need to know!"


Elara's eyes flashed with an emotion Ken couldn't quite read. "Ken, there are things that—"


"Things I don't need to know, yeah, you've said that. But how am I supposed to trust you if you keep hiding things from me?" Ken's voice rose, echoing through the mist.


Elara's light flared brightly for a moment, then dimmed. "Ken, trust is a two-way street. I need you to believe that I'm guiding you to the best of my ability."


Ken stared at her, his anger and frustration warring with his need to believe her. "Fine. But if we're going to get through this, we need to start working together. Completely."


Elara nodded slowly. "Agreed. Let's rest here for a bit, then we'll try to find our way again."


Ken lay back on the damp ground, staring up at the swirling fog. His mind raced with thoughts of his Aunt and Uncle, of Elara's secrets, and of the challenges ahead. He knew that the road would only get harder, but he also knew that he couldn't do it alone.


As he drifted into a restless sleep, Ken hoped that when he awoke, they would find their way. The journey to the Swamps of Galadria was only the beginning, and he had to be ready for whatever came next.


The night was long and filled with uneasy dreams. Ken saw flashes of his Aunt and Uncle, their faces etched with worry. He saw Elara, her light dim and flickering, her eyes filled with sorrow. And he saw the Swamp Basilisk, its eyes glowing with malice, waiting for him in the depths of the swamp.


When he awoke, the fog was still thick, and the landscape was as confusing as ever. Elara stood nearby, her light steady but dim, a sign of her own exhaustion.


"We should get moving," she said quietly. "The sooner we find our way, the better."


Ken nodded, rising to his feet. The argument from the night before still lingered, but he pushed it aside. They had a mission, and they needed to focus on that. Together, they set off once more into the mist, their path uncertain but their resolve unwavering. The journey ahead would be long and fraught with danger, but Ken was determined to see it through. He would face whatever trials awaited him, and he would emerge victorious.