

Following his parents' deaths in a horrific car accident, seventeen-year-old Ken is gifted—or cursed—with the capacity to see past the realm of the living. Once invisible, ghosts are now all around him, whispering in his head in an ethereal way. Ken, however, quickly learns that his newly discovered sight is more than just a curiosity because he has been selected to use an ancient power against a global threat. A malicious spirit without a name or form, The Void aims to sow chaos and destruction on a disastrous scale by embracing everyone in its black grasp. Ken must learn to control his unexpected powers, face the ghosts of his own past, and combat the darkness that surrounds him with the help of an enigmatic guardian. As light and darkness continue to clash, Ken learns that his destiny is inexorably tied to the fate of the entire world. Will he follow his calling and defeat The Void, or will he give in to the evil that has plagued humanity for ages?"

Zeke_Ezra · ファンタジー
16 Chs


Ken slipped out of the house, his heart racing with a mix of emotions. Excitement and anticipation warred with guilt and a hint of sadness. He knew he was leaving without a word, slipping away like a thief in the night. But he couldn't bear the thought of saying goodbye, of facing the tears and pleas of his aunt and uncle. It was too final, too permanent. He convinced himself that it was for the best, that it was the only way to keep them safe.


As he closed the door behind him, he felt a pang of regret. He knew he was leaving behind everything familiar, everything comforting. But he had to do this. He had to follow his destiny, no matter how scary and uncertain it was.


Ken took a deep breath, feeling the cool night air fill his lungs. He looked up at the stars, twinkling like diamonds in the sky. He felt a sense of wonder, of awe, at the vastness of the universe. And he felt small, insignificant, yet connected to something bigger than himself.


He began to walk, his feet carrying him away from the house, away from the life he knew. He walked through the quiet streets, the only sound being the soft crunch of gravel beneath his feet. He felt like a ghost, invisible and unnoticed.


But as he walked, his thoughts turned to those he left behind. His family, his friends, his loved ones. He knew they would worry, that they would search for him. But he couldn't stay. He had to do this.


The weight of his decision settled heavy on his shoulders. He knew he was taking a risk, that he was stepping into the unknown. But he also knew that he had to try, no matter where it led.

But his peace was short-lived. A low voice called out from the shadows, making Ken's heart skip a beat. "Hey, Ken."


He turned to face the Guardian, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. The Guardian's face was serious, her eyes gleaming with a knowing intensity.


"What are you doing here?" Ken asked, trying to sound casual despite the racing of his heart. He didn't want to reveal his true intentions, not yet.


The Guardian raised an eyebrow. "I could ask you the same thing," she replied, her voice low and smooth. "You're leaving without a word, Ken. That's not like you."


Ken shrugged, feeling a pang of guilt. "I didn't want to say goodbye," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked down at his feet, unable to meet the Guardian's gaze.


The Guardian nodded understandingly, her expression softening. "I know how you feel," she said. "But you have a journey to complete, Ken. You can't stay here forever. You have a destiny to fulfill."


Ken sighed, feeling a sense of resignation wash over him. He knew the Guardian was right. He had a path to follow, a journey to complete. But it was hard to leave behind everything he knew and loved.


"What do you mean?" Ken asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. "What journey? What destiny?"


The Guardian's expression turned serious once more. "You'll find out soon enough," she said. "But for now, let's just say that you have a crucial role to play in the fate of the world. And you can't play it if you stay here."

"I'd rather not play at all".

The Guardian's expression turned serious, her eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. "You need to go to the forbidden caves at Inanis," she said, her voice firm.


Ken's brow furrowed in confusion. "The forbidden caves?" he repeated. "What are you talking about? I've never heard of them."


The Guardian's gaze narrowed. "That's because they're forbidden, Ken. In your world it is unknown, and in our world few people know of their existence, and even fewer dare to venture there."


Ken's curiosity was piqued. "What's so special about them?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism.


The Guardian's expression turned grave. "The caves hold ancient secrets and dangers, Ken. You'll face trials that will test your courage, your wits, and your strength."


Ken's eyes widened in alarm. "Trials? What kind of trials? And what kind of dangers?"


The Guardian's voice was solemn. "I can't reveal too much, Ken. But know that the caves are treacherous, and many have entered but never returned. You'll face darkness, illusions, and creatures that will stop at nothing to keep you from succeeding."


Ken's heart raced with fear. "And you're sending me there? Alone? Without any idea what I'm up against?"


The Guardian's eyes gleamed with a fierce intensity. "You're the only one who can do this, Ken. You have a crucial role to play in the fate of the world. And I'll be guiding you, even if you can't see me."


"But what if I fail?" Ken asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


The Guardian's expression was unwavering. "I do hope you won't fail, Ken. For both our sakes."

Ken stood at the entrance of Inanis, his heart racing with anticipation and a hint of fear. He had heard stories about this place, about its beauty and its danger. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead.


"Remember, Ken, Inanis is a place of wonder and terror," the Guardian warned, her voice low and serious. "Stay focused and alert, and don't let the beauty of this place distract you from your mission."


"I will, Guardian," Ken replied, his voice firm. "I won't let you down."


As he entered, he was struck by the breathtaking atmosphere. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, and the sky was a deep shade of purple that seemed to pulse with an inner light. The ground beneath his feet was soft and spongy, like moss, and the trees seemed to lean in, as if listening to his every thought.


"By the gods," Ken breathed, his eyes wide with wonder. "This place is incredible."


"Yes, it is," the Guardian agreed. "But don't let its beauty fool you, Ken. Inanis is a dangerous place, full of dark magic and treacherous creatures. You must stay alert and focused if you hope to survive."

The journey was grueling, the path treacherous and unforgiving. Ken stumbled over roots and fallen branches, his heart racing with exhaustion and fear. The void's presence loomed over him, suffocating him with its dark energy. He had been walking for hours, the sun's descent casting a golden glow over the desolate landscape.


"I can't keep going," Ken thought, his mind clouded with doubt. "I'll never make it out alive."


"Ken, don't give in," the Guardian's voice whispered in his mind. "You're close. The forbidden caves are just ahead."


Ken's legs trembled beneath him, his body screaming for rest. But he knew he couldn't stop now. He thought about the Guardian's words, about the importance of his mission. He took a deep breath and forced himself to continue.


As he rounded a bend in the path, he stumbled upon a dark opening in the mountain. The entrance to the forbidden caves. Ken's heart raced with fear, but he steeled himself and stepped forward, entering the caves.


"I'm inside," Ken thought, his mind reaching out to the Guardian. "What now?"


"Find the heart of the caves," the Guardian replied. "But beware, the void's minions lurk in the shadows. You must be cautious."


Ken nodded to himself, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He knew what he had to do. He began to move deeper into the caves, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger.


As he made his way deeper into the caves, he was ambushed by a minion sent by the void. It was a dark and twisted creature, its eyes glowing with an evil light.


"Ah, Human," the minion sneered, its voice dripping with malice. "I have been waiting for you. You will never leave this place alive."


Ken's heart raced with fear, but he refused to back down. He knew that he had to defeat the minion if he wanted to survive. He thought back to his conversations with the Guardian, trying to remember any advice that might be useful in this situation.


"Guardian, I need your help," Ken thought, reaching out with his mind. "I've been ambushed by a minion. What do I do?"


"Ken, stay calm," the Guardian replied. "Assess the situation. What does the minion look like? What kind of powers does it have?"


Ken quickly took in the minion's appearance. It was tall and gaunt, with long fingers that ended in sharp claws. Its eyes glowed with an eerie green light, and it seemed to be surrounded by a dark aura.


"It's tall and gaunt, with sharp claws and glowing green eyes," Ken thought. "It seems to be surrounded by a dark aura."


"Ah, that sounds like Xarath," the Guardian replied. "He's powerful, but he has a weakness. He's vulnerable to light-based attacks. You have to use light-based attacks?"


Ken was taken aback. "But how? I've never tried it before. What if it doesn't work?"


"It's worth a try," the Guardian replied. "Just focus your energy and cast the spell. And remember, Ken, you're not just fighting for yourself. You're fighting for the fate of the world."


Ken took a deep breath and focused. He raised his hands, and a burst of light shot out, illuminating the dark cave. The minion let out a pained scream, covering its eyes with its claws.


"Now's your chance, Ken," the Guardian thought. "Attack while the minion is distracted."