

Following his parents' deaths in a horrific car accident, seventeen-year-old Ken is gifted—or cursed—with the capacity to see past the realm of the living. Once invisible, ghosts are now all around him, whispering in his head in an ethereal way. Ken, however, quickly learns that his newly discovered sight is more than just a curiosity because he has been selected to use an ancient power against a global threat. A malicious spirit without a name or form, The Void aims to sow chaos and destruction on a disastrous scale by embracing everyone in its black grasp. Ken must learn to control his unexpected powers, face the ghosts of his own past, and combat the darkness that surrounds him with the help of an enigmatic guardian. As light and darkness continue to clash, Ken learns that his destiny is inexorably tied to the fate of the entire world. Will he follow his calling and defeat The Void, or will he give in to the evil that has plagued humanity for ages?"

Zeke_Ezra · ファンタジー
16 Chs


Ken stood at the ready, his light sword pulsing with a fierce glow. The hunters circled him, their eyes glinting with malicious intent. The swamp seemed to hold its breath, the dense foliage and murky waters a backdrop to the impending clash.


The leader, knife in hand, made the first move. He lunged at Ken with surprising speed, aiming for a quick strike. Ken sidestepped, his light sword flashing as he parried the attack. The clash of metal against the ethereal light rang out, echoing through the swamp.


Ken's reflexes, honed by days of practice, kicked in. He spun, delivering a swift counterattack that forced the leader to retreat. The other hunters seized the opportunity to close in, their weapons drawn. Ken found himself surrounded, outnumbered but not outmatched.


"Remember your training, Ken," Elara's voice urged in his mind. "Stay focused. Use the light."


Ken took a deep breath, centering himself. He called upon his newfound abilities, channeling the light within him. The swamp around him seemed to brighten, the shadows retreating in the face of his power.


One of the hunters lunged at him with a spear. Ken's light sword intercepted the weapon, shattering it into splinters. He followed up with a swift kick, sending the hunter sprawling to the ground. Another hunter, wielding a club, swung at him from behind. Ken ducked, the club whooshing over his head, and countered with a blinding slash of light that disarmed his attacker.


The leader watched, his eyes narrowing as he gauged Ken's strength. He barked orders to the remaining hunters, coordinating their attacks. They rushed at Ken in unison, forcing him to defend from all sides. Ken's light sword danced in his hands, a blur of radiant energy as he parried, blocked, and struck back.


Despite his skill, the sheer number of attackers began to wear on him. He felt a blade graze his arm, the pain sharp and immediate. He retaliated with a burst of light that knocked the offending hunter back, but he knew he couldn't keep this up forever.


"You can do this, Ken," Elara encouraged. "Believe in yourself."


Ken gritted his teeth, pushing through the pain. He reached deep within, summoning a surge of light that erupted from his sword. The hunters recoiled, momentarily blinded by the brilliance. Seizing the advantage, Ken launched a series of precise strikes, disarming and incapacitating his foes one by one.


As the battle wore on, Ken's resolve began to waver. He had never taken a human life before, and the thought of killing these hunters, despite their malevolent intentions, gnawed at his conscience. His attacks became more defensive, aimed at subduing rather than killing.


The leader noticed Ken's hesitation and exploited it. He rallied the remaining hunters, pushing them to attack with renewed ferocity. Ken's light sword clashed with their weapons, the force of the impacts sending vibrations through his arms. He could feel his energy waning, his movements slowing.


One of the hunters managed to land a blow on Ken's side, the pain searing through him. He stumbled back, his light sword flickering as his concentration faltered. The leader advanced, a triumphant sneer on his face.


"What's the matter, boy?" he taunted. "Losing your nerve?"


Ken's mind raced, the inner conflict raging within him. He didn't want to kill these men, but he couldn't let them win either. He had to find a way to end this without crossing the line he had set for himself.


"Elara," he called out in his mind, "I don't know if I can do this."


"You have the strength, Ken," Elara replied. "Trust in yourself and in the light. You can defeat them"


Ken took a deep breath, centering himself once more. He raised his light sword, the glow intensifying as he focused on his goal. With a powerful sweep, he unleashed a wave of light that knocked the hunters back, disarming them in the process. The weapons clattered to the ground, and the hunters staggered, dazed and disoriented.


The leader, however, remained defiant. He glared at Ken, his expression filled with venom. "You think you've won?" he spat. "You're nothing but a coward."


Ken met his gaze, his resolve firm. "I'm not a killer," he said quietly.


The leader's eyes flashed with rage. "You won't get another chance," he snarled. "Kill him!"


The hunters, regaining their senses, rushed at Ken once more. He braced himself, his light sword ready. He was determined to end the fight without taking a life. He moved with precision, using his light sword to block and parry their attacks, disarming them with calculated strikes.


One by one, the hunters fell, unable to match Ken's skill and determination. The leader, seeing his men defeated, launched a desperate attack. He lunged at Ken, his knife aimed at Ken's heart. Ken sidestepped, bringing his light sword down in a powerful arc that disarmed the leader, sending the knife flying into the swamp.


The leader fell to his knees, panting and defeated. Ken stood over him, his light sword glowing brightly. "It's over," he said, his voice steady.


The leader glared up at him, hatred burning in his eyes. "You're weak," he hissed. "You should have killed us when you had the chance."


Ken's grip tightened on his light sword, the inner conflict flaring once more. He knew the leader was right; sparing them could be a mistake. But he couldn't bring himself to cross that line. He deactivated his light sword, the glow fading as he turned away.


"Get out of here," he said, his voice cold. "And don't come after me again."


The leader scrambled to his feet, his expression a mix of anger and disbelief. "This isn't over," he spat. "You'll regret this, boy."


Ken ignored him, walking away with the Basilisk's head in tow. Elara's presence beside him was a comforting reassurance, but he couldn't shake the nagging doubt that he had made a terrible mistake.


As he moved through the swamp, the hunters regrouped behind him. The leader, seething with fury, whispered to his men. "We're not done yet," he vowed. "We'll take him down, no matter what it takes."


Ken's senses were on high alert, every rustle and whisper heightening his awareness. He knew the hunters wouldn't give up easily. He had to stay vigilant, ready for their next move.


The swamp seemed to close in around him, the thick foliage and murky waters a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked within.


Ken trudged through the dense swamp, his mind a whirl of conflicting emotions. Elara's presence beside him, usually a comforting guide, now seemed tense and troubled. She had been uncharacteristically silent since they had left the hunters behind, but Ken knew an argument was brewing.


Finally, Elara broke the silence. "Ken, we need to talk about what happened back there."


Ken sighed, sensing the disapproval in her tone. "I know what you're going to say, Elara."


"Do you?" she retorted sharply. "Because it seems to me that you don't understand the gravity of your actions."


Ken stopped and turned to face her. "I couldn't kill them, Elara. They were human, just like me. I couldn't cross that line."


Elara's eyes flashed with frustration. "You think sparing them makes you noble? That it keeps your hands clean? Ken, those men had no intention of showing you mercy. They would have killed you without hesitation."


"I know," Ken admitted, his voice strained. "But if I had killed them, how would that make me any different from them?"


Elara stepped closer, her ethereal form radiating intensity. "Self-defense is not the same as murder. You weren't killing for the sake of killing; you were protecting yourself. There's a crucial difference, and you need to understand that."


Ken shook his head, his resolve wavering. "I don't want to become someone who takes lives, Elara. If I start justifying it now, where does it end?"


Elara's expression softened, though her voice remained firm. "Ken, showing mercy is a virtue, but there are times when it can be a dangerous luxury. Those hunters—they had no remorse, no second thoughts. Their eyes were filled with malice. Sparing them wasn't an act of kindness; it was a gamble with your life."


Ken looked away, the weight of her words sinking in. "I can't help but feel that there must be another way," he murmured.


Elara sighed, her frustration giving way to a more tender concern. "Ken, I admire your desire to find another way. But in this world, sometimes there are no perfect choices. Sometimes, you have to choose the lesser of two evils."


Ken's shoulders slumped, the inner conflict tearing at him. "I just... I don't want to lose myself in this fight. I don't want to become something I'm not."


Elara placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I understand, Ken. Truly, I do. But you have to be realistic. These men won't stop. They see your mercy as weakness, and they will exploit it."


Ken nodded slowly, the realization settling in. "So, what do I do now? How do I move forward?"


Elara looked into his eyes, her gaze steady and unwavering. "You learn from this. You understand that sometimes, mercy isn't enough. You must be prepared to do what is necessary to survive and to protect those you care about."


Ken took a deep breath, the resolve in him solidifying. "I just hope I made the right choice."


Elara's expression was unreadable. "Only time will tell. But remember, Ken, strength is not just in power, but in wisdom. Learn from this, and be ready for whatever comes next."


As they continued their journey, Ken couldn't shake the feeling that he would soon face the consequences of his decision. Elara's words echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of the harsh realities of the world he was now a part of.