

Following his parents' deaths in a horrific car accident, seventeen-year-old Ken is gifted—or cursed—with the capacity to see past the realm of the living. Once invisible, ghosts are now all around him, whispering in his head in an ethereal way. Ken, however, quickly learns that his newly discovered sight is more than just a curiosity because he has been selected to use an ancient power against a global threat. A malicious spirit without a name or form, The Void aims to sow chaos and destruction on a disastrous scale by embracing everyone in its black grasp. Ken must learn to control his unexpected powers, face the ghosts of his own past, and combat the darkness that surrounds him with the help of an enigmatic guardian. As light and darkness continue to clash, Ken learns that his destiny is inexorably tied to the fate of the entire world. Will he follow his calling and defeat The Void, or will he give in to the evil that has plagued humanity for ages?"

Zeke_Ezra · ファンタジー
16 Chs


Ken and Elara finally found a secluded spot to rest, a small clearing in the swamp where the dense foliage overhead provided some shelter from the elements. Ken slumped against a moss-covered rock, exhaustion seeping into his bones. He pulled out the tome of light, the ethereal book that had appeared to him after defeating the Swamp Basilisk, its pages glowing faintly in the dim light.


"Let's see what this has to say," Ken muttered, flipping open the tome. The pages turned of their own accord, settling on a new section. As he read, Elara hovered nearby, her eyes watchful and wary.


The text on the page was written in an elegant, flowing script:


"Your next task lies in Terras Vetiti, a land shrouded in mystery and dread. The inhabitants of this place vanished without a trace, leaving only echoes of their existence. It is here that the last chosen protector disappeared, swallowed by the darkness that threatens to consume all."


Ken's heart skipped a beat. "The last chosen protector?" he said aloud, glancing up at Elara. "What does this mean? There were others before me?"


Elara's expression tightened, and she floated closer, her form flickering slightly. "Yes, Ken. You are not the first to be chosen in the fight against the Void."


"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Ken demanded, anger and betrayal lacing his words. "How many others have there been? How many have died?"


Elara's gaze dropped, a rare look of sorrow crossing her face. "I wanted to protect you, Ken. I didn't want to burden you with the knowledge of those who came before you and failed."


Ken felt a surge of frustration. "I deserve to know the truth, Elara. How am I supposed to trust you if you keep secrets from me?"


Elara met his gaze, her eyes shimmering with an unspoken depth of emotion. "There have been many chosen, Ken. Each one believed they could stop the Void, but none succeeded. They all fought bravely, but the darkness proved too great."


Ken slumped back against the rock, the weight of her words pressing down on him. "So what makes you think I can do it? How am I any different from them?"


Elara's expression softened. "You are different, Ken. You possess a strength and a light within you that none of the others had. But more than that, you have the ability to learn from their mistakes, to grow stronger from their failures."


Ken's mind raced, doubts and fears swirling within him. "What if I can't do it, Elara? What if I end up like the others, consumed by the Void?"


Elara floated closer, her presence warm and reassuring. "You must believe in yourself, Ken. The path ahead will be difficult, but you have the potential to succeed where others have failed. Trust in your abilities and in the light that guides you."


Ken took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "Terras Vetiti... What do we know about it?"


Elara's eyes darkened. "Very little. It is a place of shadows and secrets, where the line between the living and the dead is blurred. Many have entered, but few have returned. It is said that the land itself is cursed, tainted by the Void's influence."


Ken nodded, determination hardening his resolve. "Then that's where we need to go. If the last protector disappeared there, maybe we can find some clue about what happened to them. Maybe we can learn how to defeat the Void."


Unbeknownst to Ken, deep within a dark abyss, in a castle shrouded in perpetual shadow, the Void brooded. It had learned of Ken's movements through one of its many minions, a creature of darkness that moved silently and unseen.


In the heart of the abyss, the Void's amorphous form writhed and pulsed with malevolent intent. Tendrils of shadow extended, wrapping around a kneeling minion who trembled in fear.


"My lord," the minion whispered, its voice shaking. "The boy, Ken, is still in the swamps of Galadria."


The Void's voice rumbled like distant thunder. "Good. His progress is slower than anticipated. This gives us an opportunity to strike. What have you observed?"


"The boy is determined but weary," the minion reported. "He travels with a spirit, but they are vulnerable. There are hunters in the forest who seek revenge against him. They failed before but still harbor a deep grudge."


A dark, chilling laugh emanated from the Void. "Perfect. Those hunters will serve our purpose well. Go to them. Convince them to set an ambush. They must ensure Ken does not leave the swamps alive."


The minion swallowed hard, fear evident in its eyes. "Yes, my lord. But the hunters... they fear your power. They might resist."


"Then make them understand the consequences of failure," the Void hissed, its form shifting ominously. "They have no choice but to comply. Go now, and do not return until the deed is done."


The minion bowed low, retreating from the presence of the Void. It navigated the labyrinthine tunnels leading out of the abyss, its mind racing with the task ahead.


When the minion emerged from the darkness, it found itself in the dense forest bordering the swamps. The air was thick with the scent of pine and decay, and the sound of distant wildlife echoed through the trees. Moving with practiced stealth, the minion sought out the hunters' camp.


The hunters were gathered around a campfire, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. They looked up as the minion approached, their expressions shifting from curiosity to fear.


"What do you want?" the leader of the hunters growled, his hand resting on the hilt of his dagger.


The minion bowed, showing respect. "I bring a message from my master, The Void."


The hunters exchanged uneasy glances, but the leader gestured for the minion to continue. "Speak."


"My master knows of your encounter with the boy, Ken," the minion said, its voice smooth and persuasive. "He knows you seek revenge for the way he humiliated you. My master offers you a chance to settle the score."


The leader of the hunters narrowed his eyes. "And what does your master want in return?"


"Simply this," the minion replied, a sly smile spreading across its face. "Set an ambush for Ken on the path he will take out of the swamps. Ensure he does not leave this place alive. In return, my master will grant you power and wealth beyond your wildest dreams."


The hunters murmured among themselves, clearly intrigued by the offer. The leader, however, remained skeptical. "And why should we trust The Void? How do we know this isn't a trap?"


The minion stepped closer, lowering its voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Because my master wants Ken dead as much as you do. He is a threat to both of us. Help us eliminate him, and you will be richly rewarded."


The leader of the hunters studied the minion for a long moment, weighing the offer. Finally, a wicked grin spread across his face. "Very well. We accept your master's terms. Ken will not leave the swamps alive."


The minion nodded, its own smile widening. "Excellent. You have made a wise choice. My master will be pleased."


As the minion turned to leave, it felt a surge of satisfaction. The plan was in motion, and soon, Ken would be out of the way. The Void's grip on the world would tighten, and darkness would reign supreme.


Back in the swamps, Ken and Elara continued their journey, unaware of the danger that awaited them. They trudged through the muck and mire, their eyes constantly scanning for threats. The swamps were a place of hidden perils, and they had learned to be cautious.


Ken was deep in thought, his mind replaying the information he had learned from the tome. The revelation that he was not the first chosen protector weighed heavily on him. He couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in his stomach.


As they reached a clearing, Elara paused, her ethereal form flickering slightly. "We should rest here for a moment," she suggested. "The path ahead will be treacherous, and we need to conserve our strength."


Ken nodded, dropping his pack and sitting down on a fallen log. He pulled out the tome of light, its pages still glowing with an otherworldly light. He read the words again, trying to find some sense of purpose and direction.


Elara watched him, her eyes filled with concern. "Ken, you must stay focused. The Void's minions will stop at nothing to prevent you from succeeding."


"I know," Ken replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "But it's hard not to feel overwhelmed. This quest... it's so much bigger than I ever imagined."


"You are stronger than you realize," Elara said softly. "And you are not alone in this fight. Remember that."


Ken looked up at her, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thanks, Elara."


As they rested, the hunters moved into position, setting up their ambush along the path they knew Ken would take. They hid in the shadows, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. The leader of the hunters tightened his grip on his dagger, a sinister smile spreading across his face.


"We'll have our revenge soon enough," he whispered to his men. "And we'll see just how strong this boy really is."

Any ideas towards the story progression? let me know and i'll be sure to listen.

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