
I Am an Evil Lord Yet, Why Are They Happy to Serve Under Me?

A young man, after remembering his past life memories, trying his best to become the most fearsome evil lord in history. This fanfiction is set in my original world, but MC will travel to an anime world per volume. To be warned, this story is not a Kingdom Building Fic. P.S. Typical Japanese LN name, yea? Thank you, Yvel Draws for the cover art! https://www.deviantart.com/yvel1342 Please take care of me!

Zimrence · アニメ·コミックス
139 Chs

An Emergency Signal From the Territory

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The dance with Yubel went pretty well. She carried herself like a proper noble like some bratty princess I know.

After the dance was finished, the five of us regrouped again near the dessert table.

"That was your first time dancing without an instructor right, Ulah? How are you so good?" Bright asked his fiance.

"Well… I had practice," the brat replied after glancing at me for a bit. Wait… that was her first time dancing without an instructor?

"I will be taking a break from dancing for a while. I am not used to tiresome things," Yubel sighed and sat down to eat the desserts.

"Then I will take Bright for a dance! Ulah can dance with Urien!" the saint bubbly said to the group.

"Me with that brat?!"

"Me with that monkey?!"

Both Ulah and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Moreover, can a saint be seen dancing with someone in public?" I asked.

"No, the church won't allow me to dance in public. That is if the person I am dancing with is a normal person. Ulah, please! Can you lend your fiance for a while? I am sure the church won't mind if that person is a hero," Beatrix begged the idiot. Well… what she said is also true. As a saint, all her actions would be limited by the church. Damn, I hate those stuck-ups so much.

"Hmm? Sure, go ahead," the princess just nodded her head and agreed.

"Thank you, Ulah! You are the best!" the saint started rubbing her cheek against the brat.

"Don't I have any say in this?" Bright starts acting like a typical harem protagonist.

"Give up, dude. You can't say no when the girls started acting like that," I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a look of pity. That guy still needs to learn the way of the harem protagonist.

The music started playing and Bright was dragged by the saint to dance. The saint is a head higher than the dude as she told us she is five years older than us. Ulah and I followed them into the dancing area.

"Don't ever think that I want to dance with you," the brat told me while the two of us prepared to dance.

"Don't worry, that is what I want to say to you," I glared at her.

During the whole dance, the two of us tried to step on each other's feet. As a result? Our momentum became faster than the song and we gained the spotlight during the dance.

After the dance, the four of us regrouped near the place where Yubel was sitting. Sitting together with her is a girl of our age with emerald hairs on her head.

"Oh! You guys are back!" Yubel greeted us.

"Yes, we are back, Yubel," I greeted back, followed by the rest. "And this is?"

"Oh! This is my best friend, Aretha Aisling," she introduced us to her best friend. So, she does have friends other than me! I thought she was a loner like me.

The girl immediately stands up shyly and introduces herself. "Hawawawa~ It… it is nice to meet all of you nanodesu! My name is Aretha Aisling nanodesu!" she bowed at us, which is a strange thing to do.

That bow right after the introduction is almost like she is Japanese. Is she the second reincarnator? It can't be. If she is a reincarnator, she won't act like this. And the way she talked and acted reminded me of someone from my previous life.

Flashback to Urien's previous life when he was 19 years old

"Owen-kun! Elle-chan! Over here!" my girlfriend and I turned around as I heard someone calling us from behind.

"Oh, Haa-chan! What are you doing here?" my girlfriend, Elle asked the one who arrived in front of us.

"How mean nanodesu! The two of you made me wait in the park for nearly 30 minutes," the girl in front of us puffed her cheeks.

"We are sorry, Haa-chan. It was because I woke up late after playing some games at night," I sheepishly apologized to her.

"You are forgiven, Owen-kun. Just don't do that next time, okay? I will be mad nanodesu," the girl lectured me after breathing in her breath. If you think that she is an airhead by the way she is talking, you are wrong. She is the brightest kid among the three of us.

Hiroto Hatsumi or Haa-chan as the two of us call her, is our best friend. Some might think that she will become the third wheel during the date of Elle and me, but no. She did not. We went on our date with Haa-chan nearly all the time.

"Owen-kun, I heard that you didn't turn in the assignments," she started looking at me with a glare. Oh boy. This won't end well.

"You see, Haa-chan? This is…," I tried to make excuses but…

"Owen-kun? Sit nanodesu," colors were lost in her eyes when she said that. And I did exactly what she told me to. I tried to ask my girlfriend for help but she turned her head away and started whistling. This traitor!

You see? Even when Haa-chan is in the same year as us, you don't want to get on her bad side. I mean, ever. It was a disaster when she got angry at us when Elle and I tried to skip the lecture and it is still traumatizing for us to this day.

Both Elle and I learned not to make Haa-chan angry the hard way.

Flashback end

That's right, she really reminded me of Haa-chan. I wonder what she is doing right now. Did she get to be a novelist like she always wanted to become? I miss her. She is both my annoying little sister and dependable big sister.

She even tried to change the university she was attending to come and look after me in the hospital like Elle. Only after all of us, Elle, my family, her family, and I stopped her did she give up on changing her university to the city where I was hospitalized. Even then, she visited me every season with the money she worked hard for by herself.

Damn, thinking about her made me miss my family and Elle back in the old world.

"Lord Gregorios? Lord Gregorios? Are you there nanodesu?" I saw Lady Aisling waving her hand in front of my eyes.

"I am sorry, Lady Aisling. It is just… I remembered something pleasant," I smiled a little.

"As you know, my name is Urien Gregorios. You can just call me Urien during our informal meetings," I added.

"Oh! Thank you nanodesu! You can also call me Aretha nanodesu!" she cheered up immediately. It seems she was afraid she did something wrong when I went silent after her introduction.

After our introduction, the six of us talked about something that all nobles would talk about. Something related to fancy stuff and new things released by the Gregory company. Yes, I gave Delfina most of the things I got from my <Multiverse Travels> to produce here in this world.

"Oh, right! Ulah's birthday is a month after Urien's right?" Beatrix asked the brat.

"Seriously? Talk about coincidence!" Bright also exclaimed. Dude… did you forget your own fiance's birthday?

"Hmm? That is correct. Why?" the brat tilted her head and asked back.

"I will ask permission from the old geezers from the church to have a dance with Urien! You will dance with me right, Urien?" the saint exclaimed. Wait, what?

"Wait, what?" Yubel exclaimed out loud what I was thinking.

"Yea, the way Urien and Ulah danced at that time was amazing!" Bright nodded his head.

Both the brat and I looked at each other in disgust. "Sure, just don't make those geezers go witch-hunting on me," I sighed and agreed to the saint's request.

Just as we were talking, Luna appeared near us and whispered into my ears.

"Excuse me, Master. Someone signaled an emergency signal back from the territory," she whispered.

"Is that so? Can you pick up and bring that person here? Oh, wait," I whispered back to Luna.

"Yubel. Is it okay for me to bring a person or two to this party?" I asked for permission from the organizer of this party.

"Hmm? Is it urgent? Sure, go ahead," she nodded.

"Thank you," I thanked her.

"As I was saying, Luna. Bring that person here and grab Yumil along the way," I told Luna. Why am I telling Luna to bring Yumil? Well, I am sure she wants to say congratulations to Yubel as she was the one who brought Yumil to me.

"As you wish, Master," and she immediately blinked after saying that.

I looked at the group. All of them aside from Yubel and Ulah were shocked by the display of Luna's magic. Wait… I wonder if using the magic without telling anyone beforehand is considered rude. Meh, Luna does it all the time. She won't be Luna if she doesn't do that.

"Urien, who is she?" Beatrix asked.

"Oh, she is my maid. You can call her Luna," I answered.

Hmm… I wonder why Aretha is looking at me strangely. As I thought. The way Luna acted can be considered rude, right?

3rd POV

After 5 minutes, Luna came back together with two girls. The first one is wearing maid clothes. She has a small smile on her face after seeing Urien and Yubel. That girl's name is Yumil. The second one is a former maid, now a knight-in-training. She has ivory-colored hair on her head with an eye of clear blue sky. Her name is Nerezza. Sister of the maid who makes the best desserts in the Gregorios' territory.

Nerezza looked stunned when she saw the group sitting in front of her. Three of the six people sitting there were her friends! The hero whom she respected, the saint whom she admired, and the blade dancer, now her lord whom she joked and laughed with. And there is Yumil who is standing beside her, a kind girl whom she swore to protect with her life. Noglastia hit her hard at the time.

"So, Nerezza. I heard that you pressed the emergency signal. May I know why?" Urien asked.

"Lady Aria asked me to call you back to the territory quickly, my lord," she replied.

"Aria did? What happened? She won't call me unless something important happens," Urien thought.

"Did she tell you why?" her lord asked.

"She told me that an important individual had arrived in the territory and asked for your presence," she replied with a shiver. She couldn't forget who that person was. That was the person whom she and her friend swore to defeat, the demon king.

"Can that person wait for twelve days?" Urien asked.

"I suppose so, my lord. Lady Cecilia is there to entertain that person," she replied.

"I see. Thank you for informing me about this. Tell Aria that I will be returning ASAP. And Luna? Please send her back and help Aria with everything she needs," Urien thanked her and sent her back together with Luna.

Urien's POV

"As you guys heard, I must return quickly. I am sorry for not staying until the party ends Yubel," I said goodbye to the gang and proceeded to go back to my territory. Too bad, I couldn't wait until Delfina arrived at the party.

"No worries, Urien. I will be seeing you at your birthday party," Yubel grinned.

"It was nice meeting you nanodesu," Aretha bowed her head.

"See you at Ulah's birthday party, Urien," Bright gave me a fistbump.

"And don't forget the dance!" Beatrix waved me goodbye.

And as for the brat, "Go and die," and glared at me.

"The same to you, brat," I replied.

Together with Yumil and Eugeo, I left the party early after saying goodbye to Lord and Madam Zestina and that blue-haired girl who was glaring at me. I mean, I don't know her but I guess she wants my attention as she kept glaring at me for the whole party.

When we got back to the inn, we were greeted with the girl Yumil and I picked up and is now clearly awake.


Author's Note;

My fever is still there but I want to release a certain chapter on a certain date so, I am pushing myself to do it. Please bear with me for a while. You can expect another chapter in the next 3 hours.

Thank you, Chino Kohei for the illustration of Nerezza in her teens. You rock!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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