
I Am An AFK Lord

DrVolt · アクション
4 Chs

Stone Age

"Hello, Hydral, I need a moment of your time to talk about something." I spoke, walking up to Hyndral who was laying on the ground.

He turned around to look at me, and I saw he was a little unhappy with our current conditions, I couldn't blame him.

"Yes, my lord?"

"What do you think about your ability to make stone tools? If we had tools, we could gather wood and I could make more buildings for us, have proper beds to lay on. I would also be able to procure other amenities... Like toilets..." at the mention of a toilet Hyndral shot up from the ground.

"SIR, LEAVE IT TO ME, I WILL HAVE YOU STONE AXES AND PICKAXES BY THE END OF TOMORROW!" He then sprinted off before I could say anything else.


Our situation was truly depressing... However with that business handled, I left and began to scout the area again. I needed to find other resources, and learn about our surroundings. If we could find a quarry, that would be amazing, or a mine in the side of a mountain.

As I walked around, I learned that we were definitely in a good position. The river was only five minutes away from our position, and we were in a part of the forest that was open enough to create a few houses in.

I saw there were mountains about thirty minutes away, however I saw there were some creatures that seemed to be guarding the mountain base. They were the type of fantasy creatures I would read about: goblins.

I wasn't sure where they were living, but to be able to afford the manpower to have armed guards at the entrance to the cave, I think they had a sizable population. I left and marked the area in my mind. I made my way around the edge of the forest, and I came across another group of goblins. They were all workers, chipping away at stone and carrying it off. I then followed a footpath and it led me to the Goblin camp.

It had high wooden fences, with a working wooden gate, and sentry towers. There were goblins with bows and arrows in the towers. I took one last look, before leaving, to avoid being detected. There were at least 100 goblins who lived here... This would become a battle of resources eventually, so I had to prepare my camp for that inevitability.

As I approached my camp, I was drenched in sweat. I quickly pulled a stick off a tree branch, and began drawing in the dirt near my house. I marked the landmarks I saw, along with the location of the Goblin camp. I went to the river, and washed my body off quickly. The sweat mixed with the lack of toilet paper really made it difficult to wear my pants.

I would exchange wood I earned tonight for new clothes... I couldn't live like this, and I wouldn't make my subjects live like this. I then waited until Leonard came back with food for the night. He had crafted himself a few traps, and while yesterday he didn't catch anything, today he came back with several hares.

I brought back the people who were grinding exp today, and had Nadia begin cooking rabbit stew. I also noticed that Matthew, and Evangeline had both successfully reached level 2 and unlocked their classes. Currently Evangeline didn't have the proper weapons, so she was only a knight who could fight with their fists. Her body had definitely put on muscle through the past day, and you could see the definition of her arms.

Matthew was in a similar state, he must have worked really hard to have been able to reach level 2 in half a day. He had an incredibly tranquil air about him now, and he was doing even better as a leader the moment he came back. He began organizing the events of the day, deciding what was important to report to me, and then went about making sure everyone's needs were met.

I told everyone of the things I found today, and we began to plan our next move. Hyndral had come back with several large stones he found alongside the river, and would sharpen them tomorrow. Evangeline and Matthew both spoke to Hybdral on the possibilities of making swords for the two of them. Hyndral said he could, however they would need to procure stones large enough for it.

After dinner, I explained how I would be able to get us better amenities, however for the time being I was going to focus on getting us new clothes, and some toiletries to clean ourselves with. Hygiene would be pivotal in maintaining good health. They all nodded their heads, and headed towards their sleeping spots.

"Nadia... Sleep in Evangeline's house tonight. Hyndral and Rychter you're with me, Leonard you're with Matthew. I don't want us sleeping outside anymore.m, not with the threat of goblins existing." They all nodded their heads and went to the houses they were told. Sleeping on the wooden floors was definitely better than sleeping outside.

I lay down on my bed, and immediately went to bed. No one would be training during the night, because of security risks. Those who were training would be unable to react to their surroundings, and I didn't want anyone being hurt while training when it can wait until the next day.

I was woken up the next day, to a series of surprising notifications.

[You have gained wood x125.]

[You have gained stone x150.]

[You have gained Summoning Stone x3.]

[You have gained chicken x5.]

I was ecstatic for several reasons. I had gained a lot of wood and stone, and I was able to get five chickens. Now if you don't know, chickens lay eggs, yes? Well, having that constant supply of chicken eggs will be enough to build a surplus of food, or diversify our meals. If we can get some wheat we can make bread. I felt like heaven was smiling down upon me today.

I immediately bought new clothes for myself and my group, spending 35 wood to trade for the sets of cloth clothing. I came out of my house, and built more houses with the wood I received last night. Nadia and Rychter were the recipients of the two houses I built, since they were the next two people who joined me. I then spoke to Rychter, telling him about the chickens. He was very excited, and began to put together a chicken coop with some wood I had given him. I realized I was able to pull the wood from my inventory, and it was just a sizable piece of wood that could be used for many things by hand. I gave one piece to Hyndral, so he could make the handles for the tools with wood, making it easier on the user's hands.

I then headed to the summoning pool, I directly tossed all three stones in, since I didn't see why that wouldn't work. After the bright light ended, I indeed saw three more people standing in the pool. I told them they would go report to Matthew for now. I now had less worries about people because we had found to watch over the camp, meaning I could go and gather more resources.

Which is what I did. I set people to grind exp, and then I myself feel asleep.