
I am Absolute

This fanfic is absolutely for fun, also I am an absolute beginner when it comes to writing, do expect a lot of grammar mistakes and spelling, If you see one, tell me and I'm going to correct it. Oh, and I'm going to add crossover anime characters from popular animes and they may or may not have a big role in the future so if you don't like those kinds of fanfic this is not for you. Also, This fanfic will be a slow pace compared to any Classroom of the elite fanfics out there. So, please keep that in mind. Synopsis: Adam is an "ordinary" young man who loves nothing but games and anime. Especially the anime called classroom of the elite. He loves the philosophy of the school of anime where the students compete with each other for a greater future. And now having a deal with the devil. he was given a chance to reborn in that world and compete with the original characters but with a cost. I don't own any of the characters in this fanfic other than the MC. all credits to their respective creators.

Reincarnator113 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Ayanokoji And Horikita

"Alright, know that we have a class representatives we should discuss what we have learned, Correct me If I am wrong, it said that the points that they gave us on the first day of the month are based on our class points. And to increase that class points they based that with our talents and behavior, with this information, I think our next course of action should be behaving and see it from there,"

The first thing I should do is put them in the right direction by giving hints based on the "evidence" I gather from the documents. But it's not that hard if just pay attention and analyze it carefully.

"Kirusu-Kun, what do you mean by 'our talents and behavior'?" Ichinose asked me. That's probably the question everybody has right now.

"I don't know either, their information is just too vague, My guess is that they probably have some kind of way to determine that," I replied

"Way?" Miyamoto asked

"An examination maybe? that's the only thing I can think of that a school will do," Yukinoshita said her guess.

'Bingo' I smile.

"Yeah, I think so too,"


Everyone voices their agreement with that deduction of hers.

'Things are going according to plan. Now with the last touch...'

"I don't know how are they going to determine our talents but with behavior, It will be easy, we just have to behave and everything will be good. I think," I said vaguely at the end. I don't want them to be suspicious about me knowing too much detail.

"Just like kirusu-Kun said we just have to behave and see it from there, for now, let just explore the facilities that this school has to offer," Ichinose dismissed the class and everyone goes on their way.

"Good work Kirusu-Kin" Ichinose approach me with her signature smile of hers.

"Ah, no need to thank me Ichinose-san, I'm just saying what I understand from the document they give us," I replied with a smile.

"You really are smart Kirusu-Kun"

"Not really, I'm just good at seeing things below the surface"

"Then we were right about choosing you as the other representative, your skill will be useful for our class" She smiled happily.

'I will never get tired of looking at her smile even though we just meet it's something that will make my life more interesting' I thought to myself while saving this picture in my mind.

We joke around for a bit and exploring the facilities. I found the theater and I must say, that thing is Huge, We also found the karaokes, cafes, movie theater(I found out that the movie theater and theater is different based on the LN I thought they are talking the same thing) and convenience stores.

'Now, if my memory is still working they should be talking right now...'

"Ichinose, you go first I'll check the convenience store," I said to Ichinose.

"Oh, Can I come too?"

"How could I refuse? let's go,"

She nods and we went to the store.

'Looks like they still here'

I know that my action is a bit hypocritical since I want to avoid trouble so much but can you blame me? he's my Idol in my previous life, you feel me? if not for the mission I would love to become a friend with Ayanokoji. With that in mind, we approach them.

"Hey, you guys are from Class1-D right?" I asked with a smile.

"Hm, yes we are," ayanakoji replied with his usual monotone voice.

His companion just stared at us, although I don't mind being stared at by a beautiful woman. This girl's stare is quite scary if I say so myself. she's Suzune Horikita the girl I met on the bus earlier.

'She's probably suspicious about us but whatever, she's not my purpose for coming here' I glance at her for a bit then return my gaze to Ayanakoji.

"We're the representative of class 1-B, Adam Kirusu, this cute girl with me is Honami Ichinose,"

I introduced ourselves to them. oh, Ichinose's blushing, so cute.

"Class representatives? I never heard about this,"

Horikita replied with suspicion.

"Oh that, we just nominate our own since having one will come in handy in the future," Ichinose join in our conversation.

"Anyway, have you guys notice the free necessities over there," I pointed at the corner of the store. It has free daily necessities like toilet paper, toothbrushes, and bandages.

"Hmm? How do you know that Kirusu-Kun? we just got here?" Ichinose tilt her head and asked me.

'Cute, Wait! did she just blow my cover?! damn it Honami, you traitor!' I called her by her first name and shouted in my mind.

"oh that, I know notice that the moment I enter the store, it's weird don't you think?" I respond without changing my expression and I change the subject before they notice something.

"Yeah that is a bit weird, If they are giving us 100,000 points every month, why would they have free necessities," she replied, putting her fingers on her chin and thinking about something.

"Anyway, why are saying this to us?" Horikita replied by suspicion again.

"Hmm, I just found that it's weird and we want your opinion about it, you don't have an answer if that will make you uncomfortable," I said while glancing at Ayanakoji.

"What about you, Uhm..." I said to him while acting I don't know him.

"Kiyotaka Ayanokoji from class 1-D,"

"Right, do you have any idea?" I asked, testing him.

'If he's the ayanokoji I know, he would shake his head and replied he has no idea' I anticipating his next reply.

"*Shaking his head* I have no clue,"

'As expected, he really loved to stay lowkey'

"That's too bad, Anyway, thank you for taking some of your time to answer our curiosity and I hope you guys enjoy your date," I said while ignoring the deadpan stare I received.

'Sorry Ayanakoji, you'll suffer the wrath of that woman for me' I said to myself, apologizing and hoping for him to survive the calamity that was about to come his way. Before we exit the store I found another person I know, he's tall with red hair, Black eyes, with an intimidating aura around him, his Ken Sudo one of the future 3-Idiots of class 1-D.

"Why did you ask them that Kirusu-Kun?"

"Oh that, I did that to gather information about our enemies in the future,"


"Yep, they will be formidable enemies in the future so keep them in mind, ok? Miss class representative," I wink at her at the end.

"Hm, so let's do our best, Mr. Class Representative," she nods, I can see the determination in her eyes.

We talk for a while before heading to the dorms, and I must say, this dorm really is huge. we went to the reception desk and receive our keycard for our room.

'Huh? is fate playing with me?' I smirk while looking at the number "402"(Ayanakoji's room number is 401).

"hmm? Is something funny" Ichinose asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing, let's go" I shake my head.

We split since the dorm for the boys and girls is split between floors. Opening the door to my room. This room will be my home for 3 years.

'So this will be my room for 3 years huh' I hopped into my bed and closed my eyes. I'm not tired, far from it. I was excited, too excited. These 3 years with be the best years of my life in this world. I'm sure of it. With that in my mind, I stayed in my bed and wait for the day to end.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have a nife day.

Reincarnator113creators' thoughts