
I am a Villain.

Why do people become "Villains"? For what reason do they become the "demons" of society? Well, it's only to be explained here. Where the main character is a 'Villain'.

k1ngjr · ファンタジー
9 Chs


"The Land of Hero's" Yes. That's what this place seemed to be. It has high towers and skyscrapers reaching up to the sky and trying to surpass heights unseen before. Civilization has upgraded. We are, in fact, in the future. Technology has advanced to the needs of everyone as well as children. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was the first in all of mankind to create a "phone". A form of communication. But now, smartphones, tablets and all sorts of things have been introduced. As well as that, 'powers' suddenly came into existence. All children from the year 2051 were born with some sort of strange phenomenal power. Some were born with telekinesis, while others had powers of combustion: making things go on fire. Others had wind power to fly, as well as others being able to see the truth and lies between criminals. These powers were only to be thought of as a gift by some supernatural being . Some people believed this was caused by an omnipotent god as others thought it was science. But the cause was unknown. People didn't question where this power came from, they just accepted it.

The country is called Kondmo. This country is vastly overflowing with milk, honey and other necessities of life needed to survive. This means that despite the fact you are poor, you still have enough food to last a day. The trees are all thousands of years old and the landscape is beautiful. The plains are complemented by the overlooking view of the sun as it occasionally disappears into the horizon. But then, in 2032, humanity found a way to stop air pollution and C02 emissions so that the world wouldn't be ruined. This was all by using the 'endstone'. It was found in a stream of lava from a big volcano eruption, The volcano had destroyed itself, as well as its surrounding by exploding extravagantly. 11,999 died due to this attack. Although, it absorbed all sorts of emissions and radiance.This stone was discovered on 2th of August, 2032. It radiated an immense source of everlasting energy as well as flowing and expanding in its immeasurable power and speed. This stone came earlier than the powers, but people still believed it descended from the gods or any other supernatural being that ruled in supremacy; being the ruler of the universes.

Other countries such as England, China, America and Japan all united to create the 'World's Unity' in 2035 after some negotiations. This unification brought about peace between lands and allowed there to be a cease in war. But of course, this seemed to fail as in 2046, 'World War 3' began. The fall of humanity. It lasted 3 years. Each year between this time scale was a moment of sorrow. Other countries rebelled against the contract and decided to keep the 'End stone' for themselves. In the end, 'World's Unity' won and made peace with other countries in 2049. After 1 Year, the land of Kondmo was discovered by two potent people: "Kondo" and "Mo". They cultivated the lands and managed to create a sustainable source of gaining food and water. They were rewarded with a fraction of the endstone which powers the city as of today. In 2051, strangely they received the powers "World building" and "World Destruction". With these powers, they built the city of all: Kandrasche!

Currently, Judah and His family live in the countryside. They were placed in the area that was neglected the most. "Swamp".

This place once used to have an incomprehensible amount of food, water, and life. But, Kondo and Mo weren't focused on that area. They decided to place their attention on the middle of Kondmo and build the city of Kandrasche. No one knows how this great land came to be deserted and wasteful. Although, people believe that this land has some significance and there is something buried deep within. Although, World Unity rejected travellers from ever trying to dig in the land or do any sort of 'exploration'. So as a result, the people living there are seen as outcasts and are banned from society .

"Kondo" and "Mo" both passed away in 2061, causing a big mark on the world, as they left the world scarred. They lived a total of 85 and 87 years. To commemorate, and to show respect, a statue was built in the center of the city along with a 'replica' endstone to show that they received such an award. Currently, Judah and Mari are both now on their way to school whilst rushing.


"Hurry up Mari! we're gonna be late to the academy dumbass!" Judah says while hurryingly putting on his uniform.

Mari, while yawning, says: "Alright mushroom head, I'm coming!" he responds while scratching his belly.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" Judah shouting at mari.

"Seriously, you said it yourself that we're gonna be late so hurry up!" Mari shouts back.

"BOTH OF YOU GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" the mother shouts.

Both Judah and Mari: "Yes mom..."

"Make sure to have fun at school today okay kiddos?" the mother says while smiling and embracing them both in a hug.

All the 5 Kids: "Bye bye!! Make sure to get to school safely!"

Judah and Mari: "Sure thing!" they both shout while smiling.

"Hey Judah! Stop copying my words!"

"IT'S YOU WHO KEEPS COPYING ME!" Judah shouted back.

"HUH?! WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Mari shouts back.

On the road, they kept on doing their utterly useless and baseless dispute. They were shouting so loud to the point you could hear them all the way from the house even though they were at a fair distance away.

"Mom.. are those two gonna be alright?" Alice asks.

"Yes..." after a long pause:

"I hope..." she says, in embarrassment.

"YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE FAITH IN THEM HUH?!" Alice yells funningly.

"Tehee" the mother replies while winking.

All the 5 Kids: "DON'T 'TEEHEE' US DAMMIT!"

Everyone smiles and laughs in harmony while they see Judah and Mari walk off to their destination. Of course there's a city, but these children were born in the countryside; causing them to walk all the way down into the city and into the academy.

On the way there:

"In any case, I wonder what this academy is like." Judah says with some enthusiasm while holding the straps of his backpack. In his eyes, there seems to be some sort of sparkle to further emphasize his enthusiasm to go there.

"First time you showed any sort of interest for anything y'know." mari says worryingly while keeping a distance away from the sparkling fellow.

"Hey, I can sense the worry in your tone stupid." Judah says bluntly.

"HUH? YOU NOTICED?!" Mari says shocked.

Judah sighs.

"Well remember what mum said yesterday?"

"Yesterday?" Mari asks, oblivious.

Judah face palms and says:

"WHAT. SHE. SAID. ABOUT. THE. ACADEMY." Judah says in an obvious tone.

Mari finally remembering, says:

"OH YEAH! THE WAY TO GET THERE?!" Mari shouts.

Judah face palms again.

"Looks like I'll have to remind you!" he says, angrily.

"It goes something like this:"

Back to 3 days ago:


"Yes indeed my boys." she smiles.

"And guess which academy it is?" She said eagerly.

"Ehhhh but what even an academy? Is it some sort of training?" Mari says, throwing an obvious question out.



After a bit of dispute and the mother calming both the kids down, she begins to talk about the enrolment of the academy. She informs them of everything that's going on.

"Well, this academy will train you guys in all sorts of areas. Including your powers."

"Our powers? But mom, didn't you say we shouldn't use them?" mari says, worried.

Can't blame him. 2 years ago, when the boys began to awaken powers, Mari shot off some sort of beam that seemed to cause a hole in the house. He too, was unaware. But the mother, who tried to protect the children, received a very painful scar. It was placed on the left side on her neck. Over the years, it seemed to have faded away but the mark was still there.

{Anytime I see that scar… Mom. Are you really not angry with me?}

Back then, Mari weeped for a very long time. Judah would encourage him to stop being a crybaby and to start taking care of women. Judah forgot that he lectured Mari to take care of women, but Mari never forgot.

2 years ago from flashback time:

"You gotta learn how to take care of women y'know!" Judah says, angrily.

"I-I just accidentally, I didn't mean it." he says, whimpering.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Mari mummers, constantly.

Judah slaps the back of Mari's head to stop him from apologizing. His true motive was to encourage his brother as he was in a pitiful state.

"Hey dumbass!" Judah says bluntly.

"What did you call m-"

"We're the eldest. We don't have time to cry. Why? It's because we need to be strong. If the foundation is weak, there's nothing that the builders can do. So, heads up! If you're really strong, you'll stop crying like a little baby and take care of mom!" he says, while slapping Mari's back.

Mari looks up at Judah, coming to accept what he said. He smiles and says:

"Heh, with your looks it's impossible for YOU to take care of the ladies!" He says, while laughing and wiping his tears.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Judah says back.

"Now listen here you mari-turd!"

"GASP" Mari gasps, in shock.

"If I could choose to be born with good looks there'd be no such thing as good looking people! Therefore, you need people like me in order to-"

"There you go again with your negativity, don't pass on those depressing vibes to me you damn otaku!"

"I am NOT A OTA-!!!" Judah shouts back.

Judah's mouth is being covered by tape in order to prevent his wide mass speech, this was done by Mari as he wants no part of it. He'd rather just sleep.

"You little!!!" Judah muffles while tearing the tape off of his mouth.

"Wait. Why do I feel a sense of deja vu?" Judah questions.

Judah approaches the house, while scratching his head. Mari looking up to Judah appreciates his encouragement, him too walking inside the house to apologize to the mother.

{Thanks Judah. I'll be strong so I can protect my family too!}

Mari then smiles, walks into the house to take care of the mother.

Back to first flashback:

{Nah.. I know you've forgiven me mom!}

Mari smiles at mom. Of course, she just thinks he ate too much sugar and is in a happy mood. Or maybe bipolar as at first he was sad, but now he's suddenly smiling.

"Anyways, they'll teach you everything you need to know so make sure you listen up!" the mother repeats.

"Yeah, yeah mom. Just tell us already which academy you enrolled us in!" Judah says, wanting to know eagerly.

"TOWR academy!"

Instantly Judah's and Mari's jaw drops. To be fair, despite the fact that Mari was kind of stupid and didn't know much about schools or education, TOWR academy was one of the most famous academies there are. In that place, people of high status such as 'rich' and 'wealthy' people enrol their kids there. Being even near the school is classified as a blessing as it's rumored you'll be guaranteed a good life.

Also, TOWR stands for: "The ones who rule."

"MOM?! WHAT DID YOU DO?" Alice shouts worried.

The mother who is unsettled says: "Wh- what do you mean?" she says putting up a forced smile.

"Did you indulge in some sort of… shady business?!" Alice says worried.


"Teehee" alice responds.


30 minutes later.

{In any case, these kids look worried.. I wonder what's wrong..? Did I do something bad? What if they didn't like the present?}

The mother couldn't relax and was worried. She was afraid her children would be upset due to the fact she didn't get hamburger steak for them. Rather, they got a 'boring' education. On the other hand, they were so happy and overjoyed they couldn't know what to say. Judah and Mari both leaping on their mother:

"THANK YOU MOM!!" they shouts, while crying.

She becomes shocked as she realizes they accepted the gift.

"Th-ank.. You mom…. For giving us the chance… to go… school!" they both say while crying. They both can't bring out words correctly as they're snot is falling down from their noses, causing them to constantly sniff.

The mother, who now understands the situation, also beings to cry a little and with a big smile says:

"You're welcome!"

"But mom, I heard that only rich people can get into the academy. So how did we manage to..."

"Well it's a funny story actually!"

"Hm?" all the kids say, wondering what this story could be.

"As I was coming down the hill to get food two weeks ago, I found someone passed out on the way here! It was snowing and chilly so they would have got frostbite! So I welcomed them into our home and gave them some tea to drink!"

2 weeks ago:

"Thank you ma'am for saving my life!" the man says while smiling.

"It's no problem! I saw you on the road so I thought you would die!" she responds in a cheerful manner.

"I must give you some sort of compensation, madam. Would you like money?"

"Money? What for?" she says with a slight tone of annoyance.

"I-I mean well this place is a mess.. Just look at the-"

She gives him an intensive glare.

"This is our home with our children. I hope you won't mock our home. I'm sorry that I can't provide better hospitality, but when you're done you can leave!" she says, angrily.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I I'M SORRY MAN!" he says, while doing dogeza.

(Dogeza is an element of traditional Japanese etiquette which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself while touching one's head to the floor. It is used to show deference to a person of higher status, as a deep apology or to express the desire for a favor from said person.)

"You can stop doing that, it's making me uncomfortable…." she says, disgusted by the way he's doing it. From her perspective, he's not even doing it correctly. He was supposedly doing dogeza at first, but now he's doing a handstand, which seemed to annoy her even more.


"Mmmm" Megan, mumbles as she sleeps, signalling she'll wake up soon.

The mother approaching her comes to say:

"I'm sorry my little girl… Please go back to sleep.. Everything's alright." she whispers in Megan's ears, making her sleep once more.

"You have kids huh? Are they all yours?"

"Of course! Oh wait don't tell me you're gonna try to take them away from me..." she says while holding a stick towards him.

"But, they're adopted. I can't tell if they'd ever want to know their real mothers or fathers, I'm just filling in for them." she says bitterly.

"Biological or nonbiological. The woman who feeds you, clothes you and takes care of you, without a doubt is a mother." he responds with a faint smile.

"And if i were in their position, i'd take you over my real parents in a heartbeat."

"Why's that?" she asks curiously.

"It's because no parent can call themselves 'mother' or 'father' if they abandon their children." he says, finishing.

"Anyways, they really are good looking kids."

The mother raises the stick against him once again.

"Relax~~~ I'm not gonna take them away from you!"

A sudden spark comes to his mind.

"I know how I'm gonna compensate you for saving my life!"

"If it's money, please get out." she says bluntly.

"So cold~~ yet I kinda like it ehehe..." he says, disgustingly.

The Mother too is disgusted by that behaviour and once again raises the stick up for defence.

"Relax~~~ I'm not gonna bite!"

She hisses in response.

"Anyways, how old are your oldest kids?" he questions.

"They're both 12, going 13 next week." she says.

"Both of them? Are their birthdays one same day?" he asks.

"Yeah, because I don't actually know the day they were born. But of course, I decided by putting their birthdays on the same day, I can manage to get their fates to be linked." she responds.

"Fate huh? Well anyways, I have a proposition. How about, for saving my life, I'll enroll both of them into my school. No strings attached."

"S-school?! What school do you own?"

"Which do I own? How did you know I owned a school?"

"Well, you said 'my school' so I thought that maybe you owned it." she responds.

"Well anyways, which school do you own? I've been wanting to get my children into some sort of education. But I can't find any that are cheap."

"TOWR academy." he says bluntly.

"HUH?!" she shouts back.