

This story is about a 14 years old boy who has a pet dpg name Braveo and lives in the mountains with his grandpa and little sister and for more read and find out. It may be a male leading but it can be read by all weither you are male, female, young or old.

Suman_Thapa_6554 · 歴史
3 Chs

3: FIRST DAY IN SCHOOL after vacation

While going on the way to the school they meet their friend Ashika the same girl that they met in the morning. After meeting her all of them go to gether to the school. To reach to the school they had go down on a narrow road on their foot and reach to the next hill. On the way to school their was a river flowing from the mountains formed by the melted snow and to cross that river there was a hanging bridge over the river. And after walking for about one and half hour they finally reached to their destination.

The school was on a small plain land at the edge of the hill. It was not a big school but it was the only school on that area. Many childrens came from different villages to study there.

After reaching school they meet to their friends and start to do the talks that every students do after meeting their friends after a long vacation.

After a while the bell rings and all the student enter to their class and after a sometime teacher enters the class and everybody in the class become silent and greet her. Teacher asks them,"how are you all students and how was your vacation". Everybody reply positively. After few talks she starts to teach them by saying,"lets start the lesson".

In the after at the break time all of them start to eat lunch and the boys start to play a game name (Chunni) like the dodge ball game just the difference is a bundle of rubber or something like that is thrown instead of ball and their is only ground boundry no line and anyone who gets the hand on the bundle first can throw the it to opponents by standing on the same place.

In that Ayush plays very well in dodging catching and hitting the bundle as he is fast and fit than others but there was also a player who was giving him toff compitation and while playing that boy says to Ayush,"long time no see, you are fit as always" Ayush also replies,"oh thanks and same for you Senchi".

Senchi says," Lets then show how much you have grown" and throws the band at Ayush at a high speed, its speed was so much that Ayush barely dodged it and by seeing that throw Ayush also compliments him," oh you have also grown strong" and before he could complete his sentence and a lound voice is heard, it was the voice of the Ashika with her friends at first they donot get the clue why they were shouting but after some time they notice and realize that due to their game these girls got hit by the band so Ayush imediately starts to tell them that it was thrown by Senchi so he has no hand in it and by listening it Senchi starts to sout on him," donot try to put that mistakes on my head, both of we were playing" and when both of them start to sout on each other for the mistake the girls start to get more and more angry and sout at a level that both of them start to beg them for forgiveness.

In next scene we can see that school time is over and all the students are heading for their home.

And we see that Ayush is also heading home with his friends Zetra and Ashika and while going he says Sinchi,"Bye Sinchi, today was quite fun see you tomorrow" by listening it Sinchi replies,"don't talk about it" and starts to go from there and Ayush also heads for his home with his friends.

After some time we can see that he has reached his home and when he reach his home his pet dog 'Brevo' comes running towards him and barks happly and he also becomes happy by seeing him and after him little sister also comes to welcome him and after her grandpa also comes and all of them happily go inside the house.