
I Am A Rishika

a/n: I'm submitting the story for wpc#253, I hope you can vote and show the series some love! When Samira of Honta break up her engagement with Prince Farhad of Akatara, she was practically disowned by her family and her whole village. But there was something more than meets the eye. Of the simmering tension between two kingdoms. A threat of monster invasion. The mysterious deaths of a king and a crown prince. Of unrequited loves and mutual distrusts. And one person who remembered her in each and every lives. Samira of Honta was a proud rishika of the royal court, navigating her place in this life, dreaming of a true independence and honor. From humble beginning, she was thrown right into the center of a power struggle. Her power coveted by many, but at the same time feared and need to be destroyed. Will the invisible hand finally reach her in this life? Will she manage to stay alive till the end?

Mahesa_Mara · ファンタジー
9 Chs


"I'm sorry for... this."

Samira scoffed. "Now you feel remorse?"

Her words were without venom, instead it was accompanied with a small self-deprecating smile. Samira was on the floor, picking up the broken pieces of the vase and dried flowers scattered by Ekram's previous outburst. Ekram smiled sheepishly and followed suit, taking the sharp pieces from Samira's hands and picked up the rest of the vase.

"So who is this from? Someone's already courting you?" he joked lightly.

"I wouldn't know, I was asleep for three days. Just a well wisher, I'm sure."

She didn't know the identity, but she's quite certain the person who sent her this was the same person who had saved her. While she has her own method to trace the sender, that person wished to keep their identity hidden so she will respect it. However curious she was.

"You had your share of visitors indeed."

"Onlookers, you mean. Aren't I a <fascinating> exhibit..."

Ekram coughed awkwardly. "You are. But you don't have to pay attention to those rumours."

"Oh, really..." They stood up and walked together to the door. "I wonder what new names they have invented for me. Let me guess; the Devil's Whore?"

"Samira!" The crown prince choked. "I... Well, I... I did try to soften that to 'Devil's Spawn'. Unfortunately that moniker didn't caught up with the masses."

She nodded solemnly while cradling the dried flowers in her arms.

"Figures. It wasn't as catchy." She paused.

"You're frowning... Just ignore them. Though I understand if you're angry."

"Angry? I'm not angry." She didn't realize she was frowning and her brows shot up in surprise. "No, I was just trying to think of a better name for myself. I was thinking maybe; the 'Devil's Bitch?' No, perhaps 'Akataran's Bitch'. Now that flows better. I like 'bitch', it rolls nicely and pack a punch. But it will remind people about Farhad and I again. It's getting old, so—"


Sometimes Ekram couldn't tell if Samira was genuinely enjoying herself or if she was being sarcastic. He knew she's a proud woman. However, she'd been hitched to the same wagon as Farhad ever since they're very young. Instead of admiration for being the only person able to rein in the unruly Farhad, Samira inspired jealousy and infamy.

No matter how accomplished she truly was, people still didn't view her in a kind light. Her acerbic nature also didn't help the cause. Samira had softened over the years, but maybe she was already used to the name calling and peoples' stares. Ekram thought perhaps to her those kinds of insult are impersonal and thus they didn't matter.

As long as people didn't insult her ability, Samira'd be fine. She took extreme pride on that.

Perhaps, because it was the only thing she was in control of.

"I'm glad that you're smiling again," said Ekram softly. "Tears doesn't suit you."

Samira snorted. "So you say, while your eyes are more swollen than me, Your Highness."

"I do look awful, don't I?" Ekram laughed.

"We both do." Samira smiled.

They stood in front of the door of the Healing Hall to say goodbye. Ekram had sent all the personnel away before, saying he'd like a private word with the rishika, so the hallway was deserted. But to Samira's annoyance, her foolish friend had also sent his personal guards away.

"Where are your guards?"

"I sent them away...? Uhm. Right, that wasn't... such a good decision..."


"I was wrong."

Samira clicked her tongue impatiently. "Test them and select the ones who're fully loyal to you, fire the rest. And always assume that you will be killed <at all times>."

"Yes, my lad—yes, Samira."

"Speaking of ladies," Samira scowled at that. "Also, always assume the worst. Even when you're bone deep in some women's—"

"Samira!" Ekram gasped, his face paled in terror.


"I. Am. Bethroted!" he hissed.


"Do you think so lowly of me??"

"What, you are a healthy man." Samira's eyes glanced downward for a moment, then back up as if in distaste. Then she shrugged. "You have... a dick. Men are at their weakest when they think with their dicks. I just want you to be careful."

Ekram was rightfully offended. Of course he's a man, but that look Samira gave—it was as if she had never considered him as the opposite sex before and had just now realized that Ekram was a full-fledged, red-blooded, adult man.

"Now give me that vase—" Samira reached out to take the broken vase pieces in Ekram's hold.

"No! Don't touch me!"


Did she hurt his feelings or something? Why was he acting like a maiden being harassed? She's the young maiden here and she's perfectly fine. Well, she's technically not a 'maiden' maiden, but still, she's the young innocent woman here. At least that was what's going on in Samira's mind.

She backed away with a hand held up.

"Alright. No need to be so touchy. I was just going to throw it away for you..." She said in a mild voice.

"I'll throw it away myself!"

"You can... Do you know where to?"

Ekram didn't. He's the crown prince, how would he know where the maids throw the waste? Humiliating is an understatement. He felt attacked. The crown prince avoided those big brown eyes, knowing perfectly well what kind of stares Samira shot at him.

Those were eyes that could put a wild Akataran prince to his knees without even saying a word. And Ekram too wasn't immune to them. Whatever remains of his dignity left would turn to dust once he met her eyes. Such vicious eyes. Did she take drops of poison into her eyes every night for them to be so deadly? Truly, she's a devil incarnate.

Wildly he searched for a way out across the courtyard in front of the Healing Hall. He cursed himself for warning everybody off the premises. But thankfully he saw a young maid crossing the courtyard, carrying a clay jar, probably running errand for other noble.

But in this palace who is nobler than he? They could wait. His need came first.

"You, maid! Come here at once."

The maid was surprised by the loud call. She recognized it was the crown prince himself calling and so she obeyed with haste. However, the maid looked terrified for a moment when she was nearing them. Samira also realized the reason of the maid's fear.

It was the maid who had ruined her ritual.

No wonder she looked as if she saw a ghost. Samira had threatened her with murder. Actually the maid was indeed very brave to still be working in the palace, Samira thought. She gave the maid a nod of approval inside her head. That maid had more backbone than this foolish prince she called a friend.

"Act normally, Ekram. Don't avoid my eyes. There's another person now," she told him quietly.

"I'm not avoiding your eyes."

"Fine, you were not." She's losing her patience.

Ekram sighed. He knew he was being childish and unreasonable. It was hard not to in front of someone he grew up with and who treated him casually in private. Samira was right in not seeing him as a man. No wonder she was also hesitant to be his official advisor. He hadn't given her enough reason to see a making of a king in him.

While he had foolishly asked her to plot revenge and war in his name.

He calmed and gathered himself together. The maid had arrived by their side and bowed deeply.

"Your Highness. This servant will obey your orders."

"Throw this away."

He simply gave the broken ceramic pieces to the maid, who had to caught all of the pieces with her shawl, before turning to face Samira straight in the eyes.

"You were right, Samira. I will take your words to heart and be more careful next time," he said in all seriousness. In front of his eyes, the figure of his closest friend had turned distant and official. Samira bowed to him deeply.

"This servant is humbled by your magnanimity. This kingdom is truly blessed by a crown prince who would receive his servant's advice with such an open heart and mind."

Ekram smiled bitterly. Samira always adopted this humble attitude towards him when they're in public. The fact that she acted natural when they were with Isvar Kaimana might mean that she trusted Kaimana's impartiality. Well, that old man really care of nothing else other than his work. Perhaps he could be one of the first person Ekram work on to be admitted into his faction.

He really had much work to do.

"Stand up. No need to be polite with me." He acted his part of a 'magnanimous' prince, as Samira called him. When he noticed she was still carefully cradling the dried flowers from before.

"You really do cherish that flower. Do you like it so much?"

It was surprising, actually. Samira was quite heartless when it comes to gifts. She had always refused jewels from Farhad, let alone any gifts from Ekram. She was only willing to receive amulets or any sacred artifacts. There were no place for sentimentality in Samira's psyche, it seemed.

How very out of character for her to handle mere dried flowers as if they were more precious than gold.

"I do." And she showed him a rare gentle smile. "It is very special to me."

Ho..? Did spring came early to the rishika's barren heart? Heavens, Farhad must not be allowed to know of this, Ekram thought. He gulped nervously.

"Very well. I shall keep it in mind. Then, I will take my leave, Samira. Take care of your person. You are still not well, no need to see me off too long. Go back inside."

"I will soon, Your Highness." She bowed her head slightly.

Ekram let her be and now really turned to leave. Then he noticed the maid was still there, standing still.

"You are still here?" He frowned a little, but he changed his mind. "Nevermind, this is good. You, serve Lady Samira well. See to her needs and not let her have to lift a single finger."

"Y-yes, Your Highness."

Satisfied, Ekram left.

Then Samira clicked her tongue as soon as his back was not seen anymore. That foolish Ekram, trying to act like a gentleman and treated her like some kind of weak damsel who can't take care of herself.

'I was the one who wipe your snot, you foolish prince.' She grumbled internally.

"M-my L-lady—"

"Oh, it's you again. I forgot."

The maid's stammering got her out of her internal admonishing. Heavens, this maid really has talent for being forgotten into the background. What a scary talent. If she was a spy or an assassin, it would be deadly. Samira scrutinized the maid from head to toe. Could she? Should she? Hmm...

"S-spare me! Spare me, my lady!!"

"Why are you prostrating at me?" Samira sighed. "I'm not going to kill you, child. Get up. What's your name?"

"S-shaviiii hiiii! Please, spare me, Lady Samira. I swear I know nothing. I hear nothing. I see nothing. Please don't curse me! I have three siblings and old—"

"Shut up, Shavi."

The maid choked into silence, but she's still shivering on the floor. Samira sighed again. Useless. She's too much of a coward, Samira thought. It would be too hard to train her. At least for the time being. Better to let this girl go now lest she soiled herself.

"As I said, Shavi. I am not going to kill you. And you don't have to serve me. You may go."

"B-but-t-t t-he crown p-prince—"

Samira's having a headache, an edge growing into her voice. "Do I have to repeat myself...."


That little maid ran away quickly from her sight. Samira sighed for the umpteenth time that day. The rishika looked down at the dried flowers in her arms.

"You really are the only good thing going for me recently..."

She plucked one stalk from the arrangement, took it to her lips and whispered a mantra on the petals. The flower swayed for a moment before its petals flew one by one as if taken by wind, then they turned into small sparrows in the air. The enchanted sparrows took flight into a certain direction but Samira didn't look where to.



The maid called Shavi was running as if her life depended on it. She care not of the broken ceramics jabbing at her through the shawls, nor that she had effectively disobeying the crown prince's direct orders. But Lady Samira was scarier than Batara Kala—no, Lady Samira could most likely be the incarnation of Batara Kala himself.

Shavi cried to the heavens, calling for the holiest of holy of Hyangs, asking what kind of bad luck star had fallen on her.

She was on her way to deliver a jar to Ma Chisi—curses, and she left the jar by the Healing Hall! She could not possibly went back to fetch it. Lady Samira would smite her into a living corpse on the spot!

Anyway, she—she was initially surprised but elated when she recognized it was the Crown Prince himself who called for her. A lowly maid like her, she wouldn't dare to dream of serving such a noble person like Crown Prince Ekram.

But then she saw the prince was with the infamous evil witch herself. Shavi was seriously going back to her village after her encounter with Lady Samira, but her family was poor and she was the breadwinner. She regretted her decision! She regretted having to witness such forbidden exchange she should not know about!

The Crown Prince and Lady Samira's eyes were red and swollen, as if they've both been crying. And the prince treated her so gently—did Shavi just witness a forbidden love?? The crown prince was engaged to another! To an Akataran princess no less!

Oh, oh no, she realized something else. Did Lady Samira dumped Prince Farhad of Akatara because she had set her eyes on a bigger fish? But, weren't Prince Farhad and Crown Prince Ekram best friends? How insidious! That evil witch played both princes at once?

What kind of enchantment did Lady Samira use to make two princes so smitten with her?!

"Ma Chisi! Ma Chisi!"

Shavi stumbled into the senior servant room in her haste. The older matron turned from her handiwork to see who's coming into her room.

"Chisi? What took you so long?" She was getting angry. "I've sent you to fetch the jar ages ago—"

"Ma Chisi! I need to tell you something important!"

"Hm? What is it child? Why are you running and why are you this pale?"

Yes. Ma Chisi was the Crown Prince's wet nurse. Ma Chisi would know what to do.

"Ma Chisi, I've witnessed something... Something dangerous."