
I Am a Protegenitor Vampire

A teenage high school boy was preparing for an important exam that would define his future. when he was about to take the exam an unfortunate event causes his death. But due to an interference he is thrown into a completely different world where he would not be a human. He would be something superior to the human race, he will be a Vampire! but not any Vampire he would be the Progenitor of an entire race. He accompanies him on his adventures as he learns and delves deeper into his new abilities as well as a support system similar to the system of an old game. All while you begin to strengthen and create armies together with a great Nation.

RedNovel · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Unique Ability Vampirism

Oh, it looks like he fainted.

Having killed the enslaver and saved this elven girl I sat down to reflect while Fenrir sat next to me wagging his tail lazily.

Even at the idea that I have taken a valuable life, I don't feel sorry or anything like that, I thought he would cry or I was even melancholic but nope.

Nothing, absolutely none of that, I suppose it's because of ceasing to be a human or maybe it's because of the system.

To all this this elf is in very bad condition.

Her body was unbelievably thin and dirty with only a rag covering the top to her thighs, leaving her rather sexy legs on display.

What am I thinking at?

Let's put that aside and better see the state of her.

Name: None

Race: High Elf

Female gender

Mana Core Cultivation: Rank 1 (Middle Stage)

Vitality: 24/ 424

Mana: 2/702

Strength: 188

Dexterity: 190 (unable to use)

Magic: 137




[Fire arrow]

[Nature Magic]

[Ice Stakes]

[Killing Intent]

[Eye of Truth]

[Sword Art]

[Magic Perception]



(Pain Resistance)

(cold resistance)

(Hunger Resistance)

(Fire resistance)

(Fear Resistance)

(Resistance to piercing attacks)



The state of her without a doubt about her is a crazy thing.

Plus her Mana is absurdly large, I guess that's to be expected from an elf, but a high elf I've never heard of.

System who are the high elves?

[Answer. High elves are of a higher hierarchy than normal elves, they have better bodies and an absurdly large mana pool. Which increases as they get stronger]

I see....

So they come being a super elf or something.

Although why if he has that power.

Couldn't defend himself?

Using my analysis he analyzed her entire body until she reached the shackle where her neck was.

[Note: Slave Collar, this collar reduces all stats to almost non-existent leaving just enough to keep you alive but no chance to defend yourself. They will only follow orders from those in control]


Perhaps it will be some kind of contract where whoever owns it controls it.

Curious about this, I begin to search among the clothes of that man where after a few seconds I found him.

There were several sheets which had several things that were not important.

Using analysis I see the contract.

[Slavery contract: as long as the owner has this contract he can control the slaves under his absolute will without the possibility of disobeying an order]

Upon receiving this information I frown as I ask the system a question.

Naturally I ask him how I can cancel the contract and his answer is to simply destroy the contract or overwrite it.

Since I don't have that kind of ability, I opted for the first one and destroyed it into many pieces.


The moment after breaking the contract I see how the high elf's necklace is destroyed in several pieces, now being free.

Let's see...

Checking his condition, I notice that he is still too weak.

System Is there a way to heal his status completely?

[Affirmative. The user can use his unique Vampirism ability to turn the so-called high elf into a minion. By doing this the body will undergo a process of complete healing of the body and strengthening it]


I didn't know vampirism could do that..

Murmuring that, I began to approach the elf while I saw that her body was indeed too weak.

As much as I hate to have to take away her newfound freedom, I needed to do it for her to survive in this forest.

Once she wakes up she will decide if she wants to come with me or go her own way.

Raising her body a little, I open my mouth while my fangs become more visible and then I bite her neck beginning to inject my own blood.


[The Vampirism skill has taken effect successfully. You get a 100 point boost to all your stats]

Listening to the voice of the system I leave it in the background.

After about 20 seconds, it stopped biting her body where I observed with palpable surprise how her body, previously malnourished and skinny, began to emit reddish and black smoke.

Her injuries began to disappear without a trace of her existence, her body gained more flesh and muscle, in areas like her thighs, hips, arms, and breasts as well as her face that was healthier now. .

Without a doubt this transformation was incredible to see in person.

Even Fenrir who was silent saw this with eyes wide and bright in surprise.

When it was all over several minutes later I saw the elf's new appearance.

She this she had white-blonde hair, her face was beautiful and her expression of peace and calm would attract anyone.

Her body, before skinny, was now that of a beautiful and attractive woman with not too big or too small breasts, they were just perfect in my opinion.

She would say that her size would be between 85 to 90 Centimeters, firm thighs, long and slim legs.

Along with that a flawless and white skin with a healthy appearance.

All this caused me a certain sensation in my heart which began to beat strongly for this elf.

She's pretty!

I thought a little nervous but then coughed into my hand pushing those thoughts away.

Now I had to obtain the Mana core from the bear and then absorb her blood to fill up my reserves.

That battle against that leopard of flames put me in a serious condition although it would not be bad to eat bear meat for dinner.

And again I got distracted doing other things.


It was night and the moon was shining overhead while the soft breeze was perfect giving a nice feeling of peace.

All I know he hears is the sound of the fire consuming the wood and a soft hum of a melody.

This melody was being hummed by me while I take a piece of meat already ready and I give another bit to Fenrir who began to eat it calmly.

Right now I was close to a cave where I let the elf girl rest and finish recovering. Besides, now I have time to check my condition.


Name: Matthias

Race: Vampire

Title: Progenitor Vampire

Male gender

Rank 1 Mana Core Cultivation (Middle Stage)

Vitality: 1200/1200

Mana: 1040/1040

Strength: 300

Dexterity: 370

Magic: 199

(Unique Skills)

Unique Ability (System)

Unique Skill (Immortal Body)

Unique Ability (Blood Manipulation)

Unique Ability (Vampirism)

Race Skills

[Vitality Recovery Lv: 4]

[Blood Absorption Lv: 6]

[Perfect Vision Lv: 5]

[Revenge Lv: 1] (New)

[Minor Regeneration Lv: 5]

[Vampirism Lv: 1]


[Mana Manipulation Lv: 7]

[Blood Slash Lv: 8]

[Blood Tentacles Lv: 2]

[Vampire Aura Lv: 4]

[Blood Control Lv: 5]

[Hearing Enhancement Lv: 5]

[Sharp Throw Lv: 6]

[Accelerated Thinking Lv: 4]

[Berserker Lv: 1] (New)

[Dimensional Storage Lv: 1] (New)

[Acid Blood Lv: 1] (New)

[Killing Instinct Lv: 1] (New)

[Swamp Lv: 1]

[Magic Perception Lv: 3]

[Water Magic Lv: 1] (New)

[Hunter Lv: 1] (New)

[Fire Magic Lv:1] (New)

[Great Resistance Lv: 1] (New)


(Fire Resistance Lv: 2)

(Wind Resistance Lv: 1)

(Bleeding Resistance Lv: 3)

(Pain Resistance Lv: 3)

(Immunity to curses)

(Immunity to parasites)

(Depletion Resistance Lv: 2)

(Hunger Resistance: Lv 2)



Wow... After facing so many mid and upper stage enemies I got good skills.

I even got a skill that allows me to last longer in battle and that's great.

Although I wonder when I will reach the high stage of Rank 1, I say I know that I have been in this world for about a month but I want to strengthen myself.


Releasing a sigh, I look at the dark sky covered with stars.

Even in this situation I feel somehow calm now.


Fenrir yawns as he jumps onto my legs settling down before closing his eyes and sleeping.

But how lazy is my pet!

I guess tomorrow I'll make him fight a bunch of rabbits or something.

Giving a yawn I am equally tired so I finish eating the meat and put out the fire, then I enter the cave to sleep in a different corner from the girl.