
Temptations, Temptations, Go Away!

With Lilith in the lead, the group went towards the fifth floor and sat around the usual sofa and coffee table in the middle. As usual, food was already prepared for them, while the teapot and tea leaves were ready to be used to brew a fresh batch.

For a few minutes, while Michelle, whose turn came up for the brewing job, was preparing tea for them, the rest started talking about the details that they wanted to share with each other.

"But before that, can I ask something?" Althea turned to Ein, just before he was about to start reporting on their travels. "What's with that familiar-looking hammer you've got?"

Ein turned to where Althea was pointing and saw the hammer that hadn't left his hands since taking hold of it. "This one? It's a long story, actually, but the short version is that I can't let go of it no matter how I try, so here it is."