
I am a Player with only one Unique Skill

I have only one Unique Skill

Kuriyama_Novel · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Dream Come True Part-2

We are trapped in the game, 'Anewland', which I played for 7 years. When a player started the game he would be assigned with a common class. From there you have to upgrade your class and fame to gain more advantage than others. But a deep surprise struck me when I opened my status window.

'Name: Han Hyeon-Jin

Level: 1

Status: A player who saw the future

Strength: 20, Agility: 20, Dexterity: 20, Defense: 20, Luck: 20.

Skills: None

Class: Sight-seer(Level-??)'

Every player has a level-up system like video games. You would complete a quest or kill a mob, you level up. You would acquire a skill, your class would level up and you can use more of your classes trait. That's how it should be but the sight-seer class is quite unique.

In the game, sight-seer was a difficult class to obtain. All of the npcs would even risk their lifes just to gain this class. The higher-ups in the game waste many of their resources just to catch a glimpse of this class.

I was quite satisfied for getting this class. Cause I also couldn't get it in my previous attemps. Without this class you could still finish the game. It's not of a big deal, but, for right now it's a great asset.

"Ok ok," called out the angel. "You have inspected your class but it's time for the point distribution and skill selection." As she said that another message popped up.

'You have obtained 10 points. Please distribute the point carefully. The points you distribute to yourself wouldn't reset.' which was a big fat lie.

"Distribute your points accordingly, I suggest. As you can see, a mistake will make you suffer greatly."

As for point distribution, tank class would benefit from defence, assassin class would benefit from agility, mage class would benefit from dexterity, fighter class would benefit from strength. Luck was optional, still which would be beneficial in the long run. So I knew what to do.

I distributed 5 points to agility and 5 points to luck.

"Now, as for item and weapon selection," she gave everyone a dagger and a shield. "Play wisely. Now, for the last phase. Choose your skills."

Another window popped up, 'Unique skill or a rare skill." It would be obvious for which I would go with. I tapped on the unique skill.

Nothing happened. I again pressed it. No response, which left a bit confused.

"Why wasn't it popping up? Did the system bugged out or something?"

After a while, a window popped up, 'Your class was one of a kind. Due to fairness issue you can only get rare skills. Unique skills are off limit for your class, but for the fairness issue you can select rare skills and common skills as much as you want.'

I was astonished, raged and surprised knowing this. I kept a poker face barely.

"The developers are sly foxes,"

I didn't hesitate and tapped on the rare skills.

One stated, 'Swift movement- Increases speed by 20%.'

Another, 'Grip strength- Increases strength by 20%'

And the last one, 'Fireball- Shoots a fireball from hand.'

As for rare skills these weren't good, still not the worst. For this level I picked Swift Movement.

"Did all of you finish? Then let the level commence."

The angels disappeared and the barrier which was weighing us went down. A big screen popped up in mid air, 'Reach the end or survive for 24 hours.'

Without hesitating, all the players scattered at different directions, holding onto an ounce of hope. I also went my own way.


"How did everyone cope up in this mysterious situation? Where are we exactly? What is 'Anewland'? What is even the screen that would pop up every single time to notify us about something?"

Many questions arises in Yang Eun-Ae's mind. She faced many hard situation in her life. Still the scene which happened in front of her was really devastating. She never imagined she would a death up close. It was really disturbing and disgusting. Thinking about that made her want to puke.

For some reason she couldn't. Fear was in her, though nothing else came in her. It was a bizarre situation which made chill go down her spine.

"Open status window."

'Name: Yang Eun-Ae

Level: 1

Status: A player who is gentle and kind

Strength: 20, Agility: 25, Dexterity: 25, Defence: 20, Luck: 20.

Skills: Heal

Class: Supporter(Level- 1)'

She felt perplexed and happy. She never thought that the gaming knowledge her brother gave to her would come in handy.

She closed her status window and wanted to form a party with some people. She looked around and saw a group consisting of 2 females and 3 males. She called out to them with a gentle voice, "Ummm. Can I please join your group? I'm in a Supporter class so I can't roam around freely."

The boys blushed looking at me. They staggered and talked with a wavering voice, "Yeah. You can join us."

Eun-Ae smiled and thanked them. The boys blushed more. The girls just stared at her, annoyed.

"What are going to do now?", the discussion started from a girl. "We can't waste our time here doing nothing. As things are right now we can't expect help from outside. We might've been trapped far away from them."

"I also agree," a boy joined. "We have been missing for quite sometime. There were approximately 200-300 players here. Even if they could kidnap us all they can't just smuggle this many people across anywhere. Suspicions would've rised up and we would've been long gone by now."

"Isn't this like a gaming system?", Eun-Ae added. "There are basically leveling up system and class system. It would be fair to say we are in a game or some sort."

"We know that," the other girl said, annoyed. "It's not like we're blind."

Eun-Ae noticed the hate she's getting from the girls. It made her sad, nervous and scared. She couldn't say anything for a while.

"So, what would be our optimal choice here?", another boy joined. "Technically we can stay here and survive for the remaining time. We can go into the jungle a bit to hunt for food if needed."

"I also agree with him," the other added. "In this vast forest there might be a deer or some another non-hostile animal we can use for meat. Though we're not that expert in hunting we can go for a try."

"But if we stay here we might fall behind others. All of them went into the forest to boost up their stats. We can't sit behind and ask them for if something god-knows what happens. So, I suggest we go into the forest and search for the exit. We can benefit more from there."

"Wait wait," the first girl spoke. "Both of the choices are beneficial. The difference between these two choices is the survival rate. I completely agree with one another. We should think then decide where we should go. Going anywhere blindly might make us fall in something really bad."

A really brilliant girl, Eun-Ae thought. She judged the personality and environment of the group and calmed them down. Eun-Ae can't say anything but praise to the girl who hates her.

"I think we should focus on exploring the forest," the first boy suggested. "As she said, we need to do something to level up so we can be ahead then others. I'm feeling ominous of the danger ahead. We should move on. Any objections?"

All of the group members kept quite. At the end all of them raised their hands and agreed to the plan except Yang Eun-Ae.

"Ok let's go," they stood up and fixed their equipments.

The boys seemed a bit puzzled and they catch glimpses of the girls. The girls smiled and asked, "Is there anything we can help you with? You boys seemed to be worrying about something."

The boys again wavered like that's their usual job. "No no," they denied. "It's nothing."

They paused for a while, "Even though the daggers aren't that much of a burden we can still help you carry them."

The girls said, acting cute, "Oh. Thank you. We appreciate for your concern. If you don't mind we can give it to you."

They handed their daggers to the boys and the boys took those like they were receiving a gift from a queen, "Thank you for believing in us." They looked at Eun-Ae and for hers.

Eun-Ae felt really discomforting with them. The way they acted didn't suit with her well. She tried to avoid them by rejecting them in a discomforted voice, "Sorry. But I can help myself." She didn't say more because she would've felt more discomfort.

They shamelessly gave her a smile and started heading towards the forest with the girls when they called them, "Let's go boys."

She let out a deep sigh. Many things happened in just a few hours. First the eerie kidnapping and mixing with some random douchebags. She started feel disheartened continuing in these situations. She felt anxiety, discomfort and fear rising up in her. Many questions arose in her mind. What happened outside? Has the search for them grown? Will they escape this hellhole? What would happen to them?

She suddenly remembered about her brother. She quickly embraced herself. No one would understand her feelings right now even she screams to the whole world. It's not time for to be disheartened. She needs to look for her brother if he's trapped in here with her. He is the only person she could think of right now for escaping this prison.

She quietly followed them, most importantly trying not to mix with them.

They talked about their outside lives. What they did and some other random things. She couldn't listen to most of the words they said. She started to feel nauseous experiencing a disastrous situation between all of the conflicts confusing them.

The boys looked at her and asked, with a creepy smile, "Are you feeling okay Eun-Ae? You don't seem to look too good and are lagging behind."

"No no," Eun-Ae answered hastily. "I don't feel walking too fast for now. I would catch up with you later on. You can keep walking. Don't worry about me."

"Ok. Then why don't you answer questions for now. It might help you be a bit better."

"Alright, I guess." Eun-Ae smiled, discomforted.

"What's your favourite food?"

"Guksu Jangguk."

"Oh, that's also my favourite. This may be fate."

The flirt made Eun-Ae more uncomfortable. This tilted the 1st girl and be more aggressive towards Eun-Ae, holding her hand tightly and causing Eun-Ae pain, "You talk normally with us you bitch. We're all friends. If you talk that distantly we can't be talking normally with you."

Eun-Ae started shaking her hand and asking politely, "Can you please let go of my hand? It's hurting."

But the girl didn't stop. The other started pulling her hair from the back and smiled, "You think you can get away with this. It hurts our pride you know. We are also human like you. So don't treat us like other species."

The pain was becoming more and more severe. Eun-Ae caught a glimpse towards the boys for one last hope. Alas the boys seemed the same. They stood still staring at the girls. They didn't try to do anything rather help.

This was the main reason Eun-Ae hated the world. It seemed unfair why only does she have to face such cruel things like this. She just wants to live a peaceful life with her brother. The one and only person who could save her now is her brother.

The pain were unbearable for her. The more time passes the more disoriented she feels. The pain and pressure she's feeling right now made her think that she's the one and only person in this world who is fading away. Nothing came to her mind just asking for help and hoping someone might show up. The pain started to get to her and she was on the verge of tears.

Suddenly, she heard a scream from a distant, a very familiar and a heartwarming one, making all her nausea, anxiety, fear and pain go away, "Let go of Eun-Ae you bastards."

She wanted to cry but she couldn't. The person she needed and wanted the most came for her, "Brother Hyeon-Jin,"
